World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Proposal: We Need Discord-Exclusive Mods
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To preface: This isnt meant to be a serious criticism of the current staff team. In fact, the WBO has some of the best and most experienced teams out there. As such, please do not roast or baselesly criticize them. This thread is meant to share an idea which I believe will help them, not meant to replace them

Ive been on the WBO for several years. Like everyone else, Im mostly on the Discord. Chat moves fast. And Ive seen a lot of conversations that could be moderated, but also dont warrant a full-fledged staff member to intervene

Cutting to the point: Staff should open a team of discord-exclusive mods. That is, WBO members who only moderate the Discord server. This is helpful because it can take years to become a staff member, a system I already respect because everyone in the team is mature and responsible

The suggestion is meant to 1) Introduce a new team where finding Discord mods would be faster and easier (up to mods whether they want to open applications or personally send mod offers themselves); and 2) of course, save the staff team’s time in the long run. Many staff members have years of knowledge and experience, and as years pass the responsibilities IRL only get bigger. They cant handle little server disputes or redirect spam

However, I do acknowledge a couple issues. That is, such as 1) Managing/finding a new team of mods is a waste of time, 2) confusion between Discord-only mods and staff members on-forums; and 3) people who might beg for the Discord-only mod position, as everyone already accepted that becoming staff is a high and nearly impossible prestige on the WBO 

So, what do yall think? If you want to talk: Again, be civil and and dont roast anyone. Youre also not allowed to point names and refer to specific people from WBO Discord drama

edited for clarity
I definitely Like the idea, however to add on to this, these mods should have some bylaws that they have to follow or they get their role revoked, to try and reduce the risk of someone running wild with power.
(Jan. 07, 2024  7:35 PM)BurningSands Wrote: [ -> ]To preface: This isnt meant to be a serious criticism of the current staff team. In fact, the WBO has some of the best and most experienced teams out there. As such, please do not roast or baselesly criticize them. This thread is meant to share an idea which I believe will help them, not meant to replace them

Ive been on the WBO for several years. Like everyone else, Im mostly on the Discord. Chat moves fast. And Ive seen a lot of conversations that could be moderated, but also dont warrant a full-fledged staff member to intervene

Cutting to the point: Staff should open a team of discord-exclusive mods. That is, WBO members who only moderate the Discord server. This is helpful because it can take years to become a staff member, a system I already respect because everyone in the team is mature and responsible

The suggestion is meant to 1) Introduce a new team where finding Discord mods would be faster and easier (up to mods whether they want to open applications or personally send mod offers themselves); and 2) of course, save the staff team’s time. Many staff members have years of knowledge and experience, and as years pass the responsibilities IRL only get bigger

However, I do acknowledge a couple issues. That is, such as 1) Managing/finding a new team of mods is a waste of time, 2) confusion between Discord-only mods and staff members on-forums; and 3) people who might beg for the Discord-only mod position, as everyone already accepted that becoming staff is a high and nearly impossible prestige on the WBO 

So, what do yall think? If you want to talk: Again, be civil and and dont roast anyone. Youre also not allowed to point names and refer to specific people from WBO Discord drama

I hope this proposal gets approved. I've seen instances of people breaking the rules, but none of the staff doing a thing about them even after modmails get submitted. Having discord-exclusive mods would most likely help lower this issue.
Having dedicated chatmods for some of the smaller issues that arise would probably be a good idea in the long run. Less permissions than regular staff obviously, probably wouldn't need access to much other than mutes, timeouts, and maybe kicks? Admittedly, I'm not very well-versed on discord's server permissions

I've been considering a similar idea for the forums, a lower-permission chatmod or janitor position that would be able to flag posts and threads for removal, as well as hide them from public view. It'd mainly be to help deal with the bot spam and potentially unsafe links, especially since I've seen several instances now where they may be using AI to write more realistic-looking posts.

Granted, this probably wouldn't be possible to implement without a site overhaul, and a site overhaul might end up solving the bot posting problem anyways, so it might not be worthwhile to invest time into...

Got a bit off track, but yeah. I believe that having some chatmods on the discord would be good for the community, and I do think they're something that we need.
This may not be fair of me to give my piece because I’m not apart of the discord anymore but since I was I’m still going to give my thoughts.

I really do hope this proposal gets approved as it is a good one and I can see this honestly working for the WBO. Like Hakaishin said, a lot of stuff on the WBO Discord which are pretty big problems most of the time do get overlooked and ignored even when put through mod mail. Like I understand the Staff has lives but I do feel if they are taking up this job and responsibility they should try assessing issues that are pretty big deals and offending people. They can’t do all that however because in the end they’re just people like the rest of us which is why yes, having a Discord Only Moderation team would be more helpful.

This system can also help broaden decision making throughout the Staff Team and really bring thought to the issues they’re handling. This can be ignored with smaller issues, example people attempting to just start stuff or obviously in the wrong but with bigger more controversial issues I feel with an expanded team and a discord only team they can focus on these issues and have a more expanded outlook on the situation. This also helps getting issues addressed faster and the final decisions being a bit more fair rather than rushed decisions because the staff are busy.

This isn’t to criticize the staff like Sands said, I’m just giving my take on the situation. Also I really liked what JA said about bylaws and systems to keep the staff in check. If someone feels like a situation was handled unfairly or inappropriately then I feel that the person who makes this claim should have a chance to explain themselves rather than a punishment just being landed on them without much consideration. Maybe there could be Moderators or Admins who keep Moderators in check and keep certain rules for them or keep them accountable so they don’t make any rash or bold decisions

In conclusion, I really like this proposal and I do hope it gets taken or something similar gets done like this. Again, I may have no room to talk as I have left that community but with the experiences I had, I do believe something should be done to make Moderation a bit better and a bit more fair on their decisions and also not ignore some bigger issues. I understand they’re swamped and busy, which is why there should be a Discord Only Moderation Team but I do still believe that Moderation should be touched up a bit for the future of the WBO Discord and those who choose to join it in the future.
W0ah that was a lot of yapping.
(Jan. 07, 2024  7:35 PM)BurningSands Wrote: [ -> ]To preface: This isnt meant to be a serious criticism of the current staff team. In fact, the WBO has some of the best and most experienced teams out there. As such, please do not roast or baselesly criticize them. This thread is meant to share an idea which I believe will help them, not meant to replace them

Ive been on the WBO for several years. Like everyone else, Im mostly on the Discord. Chat moves fast. And Ive seen a lot of conversations that could be moderated, but also dont warrant a full-fledged staff member to intervene

Cutting to the point: Staff should open a team of discord-exclusive mods. That is, WBO members who only moderate the Discord server. This is helpful because it can take years to become a staff member, a system I already respect because everyone in the team is mature and responsible

The suggestion is meant to 1) Introduce a new team where finding Discord mods would be faster and easier (up to mods whether they want to open applications or personally send mod offers themselves); and 2) of course, save the staff team’s time in the long run. Many staff members have years of knowledge and experience, and as years pass the responsibilities IRL only get bigger. They cant handle little server disputes or redirect spam

However, I do acknowledge a couple issues. That is, such as 1) Managing/finding a new team of mods is a waste of time, 2) confusion between Discord-only mods and staff members on-forums; and 3) people who might beg for the Discord-only mod position, as everyone already accepted that becoming staff is a high and nearly impossible prestige on the WBO 

So, what do yall think? If you want to talk: Again, be civil and and dont roast anyone. Youre also not allowed to point names and refer to specific people from WBO Discord drama

edited for clarity

Right now staff a lot of people are busy with work so having DISCORD MODS is a fine suggestion, tho for this to workout I think a few things should be done.

1: Survey / Application Process 
Straight forward, fill it out it gets reviewed for that person to get approved.

Factors for approval would be the history on forums and on discord:
> If someone is an instigator this is likely not a good quality for someone who should be a mod.
> What is their post history like? Are they respectful to others? How has their interaction to the community been like?

Things like that I think make sense to have factors in too many times I have seen people instigate over nothing or bring up over nothing or unwarranted drag others down. 

Most of the time it is very late response which is fine because these are not paid jobs, but having more reliable people for the online side would be useful.
(Jan. 08, 2024  12:31 AM)originalzankye Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 07, 2024  7:35 PM)BurningSands Wrote: [ -> ]To preface: This isnt meant to be a serious criticism of the current staff team. In fact, the WBO has some of the best and most experienced teams out there. As such, please do not roast or baselesly criticize them. This thread is meant to share an idea which I believe will help them, not meant to replace them

Ive been on the WBO for several years. Like everyone else, Im mostly on the Discord. Chat moves fast. And Ive seen a lot of conversations that could be moderated, but also dont warrant a full-fledged staff member to intervene

Cutting to the point: Staff should open a team of discord-exclusive mods. That is, WBO members who only moderate the Discord server. This is helpful because it can take years to become a staff member, a system I already respect because everyone in the team is mature and responsible

The suggestion is meant to 1) Introduce a new team where finding Discord mods would be faster and easier (up to mods whether they want to open applications or personally send mod offers themselves); and 2) of course, save the staff team’s time in the long run. Many staff members have years of knowledge and experience, and as years pass the responsibilities IRL only get bigger. They cant handle little server disputes or redirect spam

However, I do acknowledge a couple issues. That is, such as 1) Managing/finding a new team of mods is a waste of time, 2) confusion between Discord-only mods and staff members on-forums; and 3) people who might beg for the Discord-only mod position, as everyone already accepted that becoming staff is a high and nearly impossible prestige on the WBO 

So, what do yall think? If you want to talk: Again, be civil and and dont roast anyone. Youre also not allowed to point names and refer to specific people from WBO Discord drama

edited for clarity

Right now staff a lot of people are busy with work so having DISCORD MODS is a fine suggestion, tho for this to workout I think a few things should be done.

1: Survey / Application Process 
Straight forward, fill it out it gets reviewed for that person to get approved.

Factors for approval would be the history on forums and on discord:
> If someone is an instigator this is likely not a good quality for someone who should be a mod.
> What is their post history like? Are they respectful to others? How has their interaction to the community been like?

Things like that I think make sense to have factors in too many times I have seen people instigate over nothing or bring up over nothing or unwarranted drag others down. 

Most of the time it is very late response which is fine because these are not paid jobs, but having more reliable people for the online side would be useful.

These factors should be the main priority if this goes through, I don't want to see the WBO give random instigators or newbies the role like what happened in the LeftBurst server a few years back (a kid who literally just turned 13 and got unbanned for being of the age requirement being given staff).
(Jan. 08, 2024  4:44 AM)HakaishinLDrago Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 08, 2024  12:31 AM)originalzankye Wrote: [ -> ]Right now staff a lot of people are busy with work so having DISCORD MODS is a fine suggestion, tho for this to workout I think a few things should be done.

1: Survey / Application Process 
Straight forward, fill it out it gets reviewed for that person to get approved.

Factors for approval would be the history on forums and on discord:
> If someone is an instigator this is likely not a good quality for someone who should be a mod.
> What is their post history like? Are they respectful to others? How has their interaction to the community been like?

Things like that I think make sense to have factors in too many times I have seen people instigate over nothing or bring up over nothing or unwarranted drag others down. 

Most of the time it is very late response which is fine because these are not paid jobs, but having more reliable people for the online side would be useful.

These factors should be the main priority if this goes through, I don't want to see the WBO give random instigators or newbies the role like what happened in the LeftBurst server a few years back (a kid who literally just turned 13 and got unbanned for being of the age requirement being given staff).

One of the Greatest fumbles in Leftburst discord server history.
(Jan. 08, 2024  4:44 AM)HakaishinLDrago Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 08, 2024  12:31 AM)originalzankye Wrote: [ -> ]Right now staff a lot of people are busy with work so having DISCORD MODS is a fine suggestion, tho for this to workout I think a few things should be done.

1: Survey / Application Process 
Straight forward, fill it out it gets reviewed for that person to get approved.

Factors for approval would be the history on forums and on discord:
> If someone is an instigator this is likely not a good quality for someone who should be a mod.
> What is their post history like? Are they respectful to others? How has their interaction to the community been like?

Things like that I think make sense to have factors in too many times I have seen people instigate over nothing or bring up over nothing or unwarranted drag others down. 

Most of the time it is very late response which is fine because these are not paid jobs, but having more reliable people for the online side would be useful.

These factors should be the main priority if this goes through, I don't want to see the WBO give random instigators or newbies the role like what happened in the LeftBurst server a few years back (a kid who literally just turned 13 and got unbanned for being of the age requirement being given staff).

Unironically there's a risk for something exactly like this happening in the WBO server, since beyblade servers always attract children under the tos age, even with the steps you have to go through to get in.
After reading the replies, I personally think staff should hand-pick and send mod offers invites themselves. Even though they are too busy to handle smaller disputes and spam on the server, I assume that staff wont promote a random immature kid out of the blue. Theyre a lot better than that, right?

On the other hand, as much I would love an application process, I feel like anyone could weasle their way in (thats not getting to background/post history checks yet! Idk if staff also has time for that whole gig)
(Jan. 08, 2024  6:24 PM)BurningSands Wrote: [ -> ]After reading the replies, I personally think staff should hand-pick and send mod offers invites themselves. Even though they are too busy to handle smaller disputes and spam on the server, I assume that staff wont promote a random immature kid out of the blue. Theyre a lot better than that, right?

On the other hand, as much I would love an application process, I feel like anyone could weasle their way in (thats not getting to background/post history checks yet! Idk if staff also has time for that whole gig)

Eh I don’t think Mods should handpick Moderators. Sure they should be able to recommend them with reasoning as to why but just picking them based off who they believe would be good moderators and friends of them as it really limits the variety in actual opinions. To be fair, I wanted to see more variety in the moderation team so more fair decisions could be made actually instead of them just having the somewhat same moderating beliefs that we sort of currently have. This is just me though. A variety in overall opinions however creates good discussion and overall builds more open minded decisions. An application process would most likely probably be the best option tbh.

Hey that’s just me tho :p. No offense to moderation, just some of my opinion
(Jan. 08, 2024  11:06 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 08, 2024  6:24 PM)BurningSands Wrote: [ -> ]After reading the replies, I personally think staff should hand-pick and send mod offers invites themselves. Even though they are too busy to handle smaller disputes and spam on the server, I assume that staff wont promote a random immature kid out of the blue. Theyre a lot better than that, right?

On the other hand, as much I would love an application process, I feel like anyone could weasle their way in (thats not getting to background/post history checks yet! Idk if staff also has time for that whole gig)

Eh I don’t think Mods should handpick Moderators. Sure they should be able to recommend them with reasoning as to why but just picking them based off who they believe would be good moderators and friends of them as it really limits the variety in actual opinions. To be fair, I wanted to see more variety in the moderation team so more fair decisions could be made actually instead of them just having the somewhat same moderating beliefs that we sort of currently have. This is just me though. A variety in overall opinions however creates good discussion and overall builds more open minded decisions. An application process would most likely probably be the best option tbh.

Hey that’s just me tho :p. No offense to moderation, just some of my opinion

"but just picking them based off who they believe would be good moderators and friends of them"

My point is exactly the first point. Nowhere did I say they should promote friends of mods. You can be apart of the mod team without being friends with the people you work with -- its the same as working in a group project with random classmates; being in a volunteering group with people you dont know; and going to paid work

In fact, theres a saying in my other fandoms that 'the best people who should be mods are the ones who dont beg for the position too much.' If someone submits too many applications in a short period of time without valid reasons why, then thats just strange. I think mods handing out position offers would be enough

Even if we DID do applications, it culminates to mods making the final choice. The final choice in applications is "just picking them based off who they believe would be good moderators" like you already said. Did you defy your own point?
(Jan. 08, 2024  11:29 PM)BurningSands Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 08, 2024  11:06 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Eh I don’t think Mods should handpick Moderators. Sure they should be able to recommend them with reasoning as to why but just picking them based off who they believe would be good moderators and friends of them as it really limits the variety in actual opinions. To be fair, I wanted to see more variety in the moderation team so more fair decisions could be made actually instead of them just having the somewhat same moderating beliefs that we sort of currently have. This is just me though. A variety in overall opinions however creates good discussion and overall builds more open minded decisions. An application process would most likely probably be the best option tbh.

Hey that’s just me tho :p. No offense to moderation, just some of my opinion

"but just picking them based off who they believe would be good moderators and friends of them"

My point is exactly the first point. Nowhere did I say they should promote friends of mods. You can be apart of the mod team without being friends with the people you work with -- its the same as working in a group project with random classmates; being in a volunteering group with people you dont know; and going to paid work

In fact, theres a saying in my other fandoms that 'the best people who should be mods are the ones who dont beg for the position too much.' If someone submits too many applications in a short period of time without valid reasons why, then thats just strange. I think mods handing out position offers would be enough

Even if we DID do applications, it culminates to mods making the final choice. The final choice in applications is "just picking them based off who they believe would be good moderators" like you already said. Did you defy your own point?
“Just picking them based off who they believe would be good moderators”

As much as I respect the staff team, maybe their ideal moderator isn’t the one that is necessarily needed nor really a good moderator for the Beyblade Server. Also realistically, they’re probably not going to go after people who they aren’t somewhat close to or have some relationship with to be a moderator. They’re realistically going to choose someone that they have some form of relationship with and who share the same ideals or some morals as them.

I should’ve been more clear on the “friends” part. That is my fault, sorry. Basically what I meant to say is I find it really unrealistic that they’d see someone out to be a moderator that they don’t have some form of relationship with. That’s just people tbh. Yes you’re absolutely 100% correct. People who want to be a Moderator badly probably don’t deserve to be a moderator which can easily be seen through applications if they apply whenever they can and it can easily be summed up to it seems like they want this too badly or something along the lines of that.

I liked what Zankye said about reviewing post history. That could be a part of the application. It could be like the Organizer Interview and if they have concerns about the post history, they could be talked about giving the person a chance to explain themselves or explain a conflict
"Also realistically, they’re probably not going to go after people who they aren’t somewhat close to or have some relationship with to be a moderator. They’re realistically going to choose someone that they have some form of relationship with and who share the same ideals or some morals as them"

Youre also correct about this! However, this is what we call in the real world 'networking.' It doesnt have to be too on-the-nose to the point its nepotism or promoting their friends -- in general, its a concept where you at least know a little about someone before adding them to the team. A little off topic here, Id be a little concerned about what 'ideals and morals' we are talking about here. Different perspectives on Beyblade is fine, but one person on the mod team with 'bullying is good' morals is uh... concerning!

Overall, it seems like we agree on something: A compromise between two ideas. Im definitely down for a post and messages history check. The question is how are we going to implement applications -- my only idea right now is to put running applications as new threads in a subforums here, to which non-running users can reply with 'Support/No Support' and staff can watch from afar. Staff can vote in the background or wherever they communicate at. At least, that was how I got promoted to mod on a wiki
(Jan. 08, 2024  11:52 PM)BurningSands Wrote: [ -> ]"Also realistically, they’re probably not going to go after people who they aren’t somewhat close to or have some relationship with to be a moderator. They’re realistically going to choose someone that they have some form of relationship with and who share the same ideals or some morals as them"

Youre also correct about this! However, this is what we call in the real world 'networking.' It doesnt have to be too on-the-nose to the point its nepotism or promoting their friends -- in general, its a concept where you at least know a little about someone before adding them to the team. A little off topic here, Id be a little concerned about what 'ideals and morals' we are talking about here. Different perspectives on Beyblade is fine, but one person on the mod team with 'bullying is good' morals is uh... concerning!

Overall, it seems like we agree on something: A compromise between two ideas. Im definitely down for a post and messages history check. The question is how are we going to implement applications -- my only idea right now is to put running applications as new threads in a subforums here, to which non-running users can reply with 'Support/No Support' and staff can watch from afar. Staff can vote in the background or wherever they communicate at. At least, that was how I got promoted to mod on a wiki
They could do something like a forms document, or a temporary threads channel like #ask-a-question, turn off replies, and have each thread be an application (then hide it once they have enough mini-mods). The process shouldn't be here on the website if it is a discord-only thing imo (if I read it right, your suggestion uses the website's forums).
(Jan. 09, 2024  12:00 AM)Hollowmind13 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 08, 2024  11:52 PM)BurningSands Wrote: [ -> ]"Also realistically, they’re probably not going to go after people who they aren’t somewhat close to or have some relationship with to be a moderator. They’re realistically going to choose someone that they have some form of relationship with and who share the same ideals or some morals as them"

Youre also correct about this! However, this is what we call in the real world 'networking.' It doesnt have to be too on-the-nose to the point its nepotism or promoting their friends -- in general, its a concept where you at least know a little about someone before adding them to the team. A little off topic here, Id be a little concerned about what 'ideals and morals' we are talking about here. Different perspectives on Beyblade is fine, but one person on the mod team with 'bullying is good' morals is uh... concerning!

Overall, it seems like we agree on something: A compromise between two ideas. Im definitely down for a post and messages history check. The question is how are we going to implement applications -- my only idea right now is to put running applications as new threads in a subforums here, to which non-running users can reply with 'Support/No Support' and staff can watch from afar. Staff can vote in the background or wherever they communicate at. At least, that was how I got promoted to mod on a wiki
They could do something like a forms document, or a temporary threads channel like #ask-a-question, turn off replies, and have each thread be an application (then hide it once they have enough mini-mods). The process shouldn't be here on the website if it is a discord-only thing imo.

Thats actually a fair point, thanks for bringing this up! Its super helpful, I honestly forgot Discord had its own forums-like system now (my other servers dont use them at all). The applications can definitely be on there instead. Wonderful idea and I hope staff sees this
Bullying done right just builds character.

Yeah coming to a compromise is great! I don’t know a lot about real world recommending people for certain positions and such which was pretty obviously made clear! Other than that I agree with what you’re saying here. I’m glad someone is speaking up about how we can improve instead of just attacking Moderation!

I’ll be thinking of how we could more implement applications but I really like what you’re saying right now. The idea of Trial Moderators before actually handing them the role also comes up in my mind as I’ve seen with other servers to see how they handle situations before giving them the actual role.

This thread is really good for coming together and helping the community improve to make it an enjoyable experience for all! Everybody contributing their thoughts an ideas is really good so we can see improvement in where we want to while keeping in consideration what’s going well Smile
(Jan. 09, 2024  12:00 AM)Hollowmind13 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 08, 2024  11:52 PM)BurningSands Wrote: [ -> ]"Also realistically, they’re probably not going to go after people who they aren’t somewhat close to or have some relationship with to be a moderator. They’re realistically going to choose someone that they have some form of relationship with and who share the same ideals or some morals as them"

Youre also correct about this! However, this is what we call in the real world 'networking.' It doesnt have to be too on-the-nose to the point its nepotism or promoting their friends -- in general, its a concept where you at least know a little about someone before adding them to the team. A little off topic here, Id be a little concerned about what 'ideals and morals' we are talking about here. Different perspectives on Beyblade is fine, but one person on the mod team with 'bullying is good' morals is uh... concerning!

Overall, it seems like we agree on something: A compromise between two ideas. Im definitely down for a post and messages history check. The question is how are we going to implement applications -- my only idea right now is to put running applications as new threads in a subforums here, to which non-running users can reply with 'Support/No Support' and staff can watch from afar. Staff can vote in the background or wherever they communicate at. At least, that was how I got promoted to mod on a wiki
They could do something like a forms document, or a temporary threads channel like #ask-a-question, turn off replies, and have each thread be an application (then hide it once they have enough mini-mods). The process shouldn't be here on the website if it is a discord-only thing imo (if I read it right, your suggestion uses the website's forums).
Having it be on the website could help. Basically have it be a quiz like the organizer's, and if they pass they get scheduled an interview(again, just like what organizers have to go through). Having it be like how typical servers do it would just be chaotic and would probably lead to plenty of applications from fairly new members asking to be a mod for the sole sake of being a mod, those wanting authority/plan to abuse their power, and other worst case scenario stuff.
(Jan. 09, 2024  5:00 PM)RalfBalf Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 09, 2024  12:00 AM)Hollowmind13 Wrote: [ -> ].
They could do something like a forms document, or a temporary threads channel like #ask-a-question, turn off replies, and have each thread be an application (then hide it once they have enough mini-mods). The process shouldn't be here on the website if it is a discord-only thing imo (if I read it right, your suggestion uses the website's forums).
Having it be on the website could help. Basically have it be a quiz like the organizer's, and if they pass they get scheduled an interview(again, just like what organizers have to go through). Having it be like how typical servers do it would just be chaotic and would probably lead to plenty of applications from fairly new members asking to be a mod for the sole sake of being a mod, those wanting authority/plan to abuse their power, and other worst case scenario stuff.
There could be a time limit of sorts. Like you have to be a member for maybe a year and a half to apply for Moderation. That way New Members wouldn’t just be begging. They could also make it so you like need to be somewhat active to be able to apply.
(Jan. 09, 2024  5:00 PM)RalfBalf Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 09, 2024  12:00 AM)Hollowmind13 Wrote: [ -> ].
They could do something like a forms document, or a temporary threads channel like #ask-a-question, turn off replies, and have each thread be an application (then hide it once they have enough mini-mods). The process shouldn't be here on the website if it is a discord-only thing imo (if I read it right, your suggestion uses the website's forums).
Having it be on the website could help. Basically have it be a quiz like the organizer's, and if they pass they get scheduled an interview(again, just like what organizers have to go through). Having it be like how typical servers do it would just be chaotic and would probably lead to plenty of applications from fairly new members asking to be a mod for the sole sake of being a mod, those wanting authority/plan to abuse their power, and other worst case scenario stuff.
I just suggested doing it through discord because they would need to be there anyways. If it is done here or there won't matter much since everyone applying will have a discord, or at least should have.
It would need to be a little different from the organizer's quiz because they would only need a certain number of mods, unlike organizers which the more the merrier, with no limit really afaik.
It depends on how they decide to do it tbh, the chaoticness can be reduced by a lot if you know what you're doing, but it is never gone. I just hope it won't end like typical servers do it.
On an unrelated note, my discord thread suggestion is bad btw, applications need to be private and it doesn't allow that afaik.