World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Den’s Lament
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Den hadn’t expected this. 

“No! Shu, you- you dirty under handed useless pile of garbage! I’m glad you’re evil now so I can hate you publicly!” Den screamed, his eye filling with tears. 

“Good to know it’s mutual, Den.” Shu’s voice was strange.

Den rushed to where Xander and Rantaro were watching the battle in slowdown mode. 

“That’s a clear foul!” Rantaro yelled, throwing some popcorn at the TV.

Den silently sat beside them, watching them react to his broken Bey.

“Den, is that your real feelings?” Xander asked, patting Den’s shoulder. 

“Real and raw.” Den said, rubbing Dip’s rough edges. “Why didn’t you-“ Rantaro started. “Feelings aren’t exactly my strong suit.” Den joked, his eyes looking at the couch. “Feelings are like algebra, some people understand it and others don’t.” Den said, slipping his beyblade in his pocket. “I’m gonna go on a walk. Maybe I’ll find Kit and Ranjiro.” He rushed out the door and into the dim November light. He looked at the streets, normally gray but now they looked like small pumpkins. 

“Helicopter Knight, get outta there!” Den heard Kit yell at his beyblade.

“You know what to do, Roktavor! CANYON SWEEP!” Ranjiro yelled, his arms making large circles as he ordered his bey. 

The sound of a beyblade breaking apart was distinct in Den’s ears. “AGAIN?!” “Seventh win for me in a row.” Ranjiro said and rushed to grab the piece of orange chalk he used. “No way, it’s not seven. The one time I burst you.” “Fine! Six. Still in the lead.” Ranjiro stuck his tongue out at Kit before going back to looking at Roktavor.

“Roktavors are stamina types. Rare to see one attack. You might want to weary of that, Jiro.” Den warned, looking to the scratched stadium. 

“Yeah! But Rhythm Roktavor is the best Beyblade in the world.” “No! Knight is!” Kit said and gestured widely with his blue beyblade. 

“Both of your beys don’t stand a chance against anyone else’s beys. I could pull my dad’s from the chest of his things and beat you with a half screwed up Bey.” He said and sat down on a tree stump. “Okay, Negative Nancy.” Kit said and launched his bey. 

“No one ever listens.”
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