World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade while living in an apartment building
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Any of you guys have any tips for enjoying the hobby while living in an apartment building?

I live in an old wood frame building where you can hear basically everything above and below from surrounding neighbours. I assume my neighbours can hear me too despite attempts at sound dampening my stadium/table area with thick rubber dampening pads and foam mats. Due to the weight of beys these days, I can often feel the vibrations in the floor when testing combos too...

With gen X around the corner, I'm worried that the noise levels are just going to increase and I don't want to bother my neighbours or potentially face noise complaints from it 

Anyone have any thoughts/tips on how to deal with such issues? Has anyone else had issues with noise complaints from enjoying beyblade, and if so, any luck with sound dampening materials that work adequately?
The best solution I can think of off the top of my head would be audio foam. If you have a small office/bedroom you can get enough audio foam relatively cheap if you look in the right places. Just don't go somewhere like Guitar Center. They'll overcharge a bunch for it