World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Best performing Zone' release?
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I thought I read a comment or thread in the past saying a darker Zone' performs better tham the original clear one.  What have people found, has anyine tested the purple Dragoon one & the black Infinite one in comparison to see if there is really a better same or opposite spin performance?  Esp if u r allowed to use the Hasbro plastic +Z attachment which seems better performing than the metal ones?
(May. 06, 2023  11:24 AM)TCBlading Wrote: [ -> ]I thought I read a comment or thread in the past saying a darker Zone' performs better tham the original clear one.  What have people found, has anyine tested the purple Dragoon one & the black Infinite one in comparison to see if there is really a better same or opposite spin performance?  Esp if u r allowed to use the Hasbro plastic +Z attachment which seems better performing than the metal ones?
The newest release is pretty much always better than the other ones when it comes to free spinning parts, this is also the case for Zone. Has+Z is legal, it serves a different purpose than TT+Z, one is not better than the other
Tks, so do u/others think the black one being the most recent version would be the best performing Zone' for same & opposite spin, followed by the Purple one, then the clear one being the worst?