World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Proposal] WBO Restructure
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Hello everyone, first I want to shout our Mr. Memes for a recent thread he made. It drove me to finally put up thoughts I've had for a long time but was reluctant to share. So here it goes. 

Tournaments & Ranking System

The discussion around rank has been heavy lately. Mainly for negative reasons. Players see the flaws in the systems point scale. Players stop attending tournaments for fear of losing points. Rank doesn't accurately gauge a players skill. Communities center themselves solely around ranked events, which is fine, but it also leads to negative impacts of unnecessary stress and arguments from players worried about losing points. The joy of the game and community health kind of gets lost in that. Another big factor, one that we really don't discuss is kind of "what is the point of rank"? We sometimes debate that it's just a point scale and rating and doesn't mean much. But ultimately it does and we really don't know why. You don't receive a reward or anything for being 1. It is just a sense of accomplishment for self. That is great but the negativity in the entire system can sometimes outweigh the climb within the system. This can happen with any form of competition but it is heavy in ranked. Also we have issues with resets for seasonals, balance with various format ranks, etc.

Now this proposal isn't to bash rank but just an idea to restructure the overall Organization but I know the rank system is primarily what makes the WBO separate from other organizations. A method to be done with rank and still have a competitive edge against competitors is a LEGIT WBO MAIN EVENT! Most competitive games do not have a ranking. They are broken into seasons. Top teams or players come together at the season end to see who is the best and that is that. The WBO does not have that and from what I have seen from the past we may have had something similar with Beyblade East, North or West but not officially. I want to propose that officially for several reasons.

I have tried to do something like this myself with The Circuit. I have also worked with Conce7 to get things going with Beyblade World Cup but the ultimate factor is that we are store owners and not the entity of the WBO. The community needs something by the community and for the community. It needs the organization that we all love to bring us together in a competitive and community way. 

The WBO is not a profitable organization. It is a community of people that love this game. The WBO can do so much more and be so much more than what it currently is. Takara Tomy and Hasbro are big corporations for the game we love. Their focus is selling product and although TT has more of a competitive outreach they are not nearly as capable of catering to the Beyblade community as this organization can. That is mainly because the motives of this organization is by the fans and for the fans and no ulterior motives. The WBO came to be because of these companies lack of involvement with the competitive community for adults and within the western hemisphere. We have to remember that. It seems like sometimes the WBO acts like "The Kragle" from the lego movie with resilience to change or letting the community be more than what it currently is. 

Having a structured main event held annually, with regional qualifiers could 100% work. The Circuit and BWC have proved it can work and the community can get behind this. The event could be a 2 day structured event. A day to host a big tournament to crown the seasonal champ with the current or latest released system and official WBO ruleset (unlimited or standard if it's here). And a secondary day to commune together, older format tournaments, experimental formats, WBO promotion and community outreach. Regions could host an official regional for their area with the winner receiving a free ticket to the main event. This can grow beyond our current competitive community within NA. As I stated above, TT and Hasbro do not cater to adults, other organizations do not have as big of a platform as WBO currently. Seizing the opportunity to grab various communities around the world can be done with an exclusive fan ran organization like this one. Having that main event can grow to be the true test of crowning the best player, young or old. Various WBO organizers can also group together to host regionals and also make sure the main event runs smooth, from judging, to conduct, and overall organization. I'll be 100% honest, I hope this is something that can happen. I've even set up Challenger to be hosted in the off season with hopes that WBO will have a national/international event held within the summer. Challenger is set to be a regional event qualifier more than a main event for beyblade. 

With this, if anything is split with regards to ranked or unranked, if we do get rid of rank we can just have Unlimited/Standard WBO format/ruleset and everything else as everything else. 

Community & Resources 

This carries on from above statements but I need to address this because when I reached out about a main event in the past there were concerns of funding, resources, etc. 

The benefit of the community or any organization is the diversity of members. We have store owners within this community, very popular YouTubers, graphic designers, website designers, CEO's of their own successful companies and the list goes on. I say this all to iterate the fact that WBO can be much more than it is if we utilize our community resources. This isn't me volunteering members to work but there are literally people willing to help that aren't offered the opportunity. The WBO is growing from organizers hosting events and word of mouth but on the grand scale of things, with the several active years of this community and the immense love of beyblade worldwide I'm not sure why we don't have a structured main event nor why we don't keep up with the technological times. For instance, Zankye is one of the biggest BeyTuber's worldwide. I could strongly be mistaken and much love to you th!nk but I feel Zankye could market this organization in a major way. Not just him we have several other BeyTubers, twitch streamers and social media icons in the community as well. Beytuber brawl as I've heard was highly successful but a bit chaotic. We have the organizers and know how to prepare better for something like that if we are allowed the chance.

In terms of funding, I don't see that as an issue either. When it comes to money there is always the legal fears of profit with a not for profit organization however you can accept donations or funds to the organization for the organization if I am not mistaken. With The Circuit, I reached out to BeysAndBricks, ThePortal0 and EverWish to help with prizing and MallofBeys and Beyblade Premier also offered to help and donated prizing. How much more will these stores be willing to assist a not for profit organization if they were willing to help another store. There are even affiliate programs that the WBO could utilize to promote a code to buyers, buyers use the code for a discount. Buyers receive a discount and WBO can earn a small percentage of sales. That money can then be put back into the community, for events, giveaways, promotions, "new website", etc.

It was mentioned to me before that with getting help you have to worry about the other individuals motives. If the motive for a store to assist the organization is so they can sell more beys, or a YouTuber to help them get more views then I'd ask what is wrong with that? It's a modified barter system. It doesn't seem wise to not have a stores, social media icons or large scale beytuber's promote this organization because they may have their own motives to gain more followers and views because OVERALL, it gains members to this community! It grows our community. And maybe an unpopular opinion but the WBO may have more to gain from these various resources than vice versa. 


I was reluctant to write this section but I want to get everything out. I don't know all of the inner workings within staff and the meetings. Sometimes it seems like a private "cool kids only" club. Not everyone, I have lot of respect for those I converse with. 

What I propose is kind of getting more structured and organized for things to move smoothly. I know you have an executive staff structure now and that is solid. But things also move slow or not at all. I am proposing growth and foresight. It's apparent some staff members aren't involved with the community, many processes take ages to happen (I have a friend who has been waiting for close to 2 months to get approved as a organizer, and he is the only reliable organizer that community will have). Life happens and I get that but we have so many people that love this game and organization. So many members that want to help and move forward. So many members with genuine passion. So if the staff members who aren't as involved, whether old friend or not it may be time to trim the fat. Restructure so processes can take place without top dogs being immensely involved. Entrust roles and responsibilities to eager and trustworthy individuals. I can't shout Shindog out enough but everyone loves that guy. Im not asking for him to do more because he does a lot already but he is the best example of a legit staff member who speaks with us, helps us, host tournaments, builds his local community, the list goes on and on. I mean for God's sake, the guy spent thousands of dollars to invest in a stadium for the community and he didn't get a dime from it. That is all love and what we should have as a blueprint for staff. Someone assisting and growing the organization and not hanging onto the title. 

There are many individuals who can help that share this passion. Please don't let it die out. Players may come and go because of the way things have been with the organization. Let's make the progressive effort for a positive change, and use our resources to assist in that. 

MyBB is quite old also. We may need to move on and forward. Keep the forum for sure and discord for communication buy maybe integrate something more up to date for the foreseeable future within our competitive scene. Here are a few sites I've seen worth a read and some even offer backend development for tournaments and ranking structure:

[url=][/url]*Side Note* Challonge also has community settings for structured tournaments and ranking features, however it does not have reset capabilities.

Ive put up a lot of proposals and shared a ton of thoughts but I must admit that I am a bit tired. I am definitely at the point now to where I just want to play and that is good and bad. I want to just play because I love the game but it is also a feeling of me no longer wanting to help or assist with the growth of the organization because it feels like efforts fall on deaf ears. I know they don't. I know staff and others will read this whether they respond to me or not, I know it will be discussed. I'm just a dad I guess. I want to help but I can't force anyone to listen or act so in the end I will just sit back play.

Much love to this organization and to all those that help make it great.
(May. 02, 2023  8:23 PM)StayCool Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone, first I want to shout our Mr. Memes for a recent thread he made. It drove me to finally put up thoughts I've had for a long time but was reluctant to share. So here it goes. 

Tournaments & Ranking System

The discussion around rank has been heavy lately. Mainly for negative reasons. Players see the flaws in the systems point scale. Players stop attending tournaments for fear of losing points. Rank doesn't accurately gauge a players skill. Communities center themselves solely around ranked events, which is fine, but it also leads to negative impacts of unnecessary stress and arguments from players worried about losing points. The joy of the game and community health kind of gets lost in that. Another big factor, one that we really don't discuss is kind of "what is the point of rank"? We sometimes debate that it's just a point scale and rating and doesn't mean much. But ultimately it does and we really don't know why. You don't receive a reward or anything for being 1. It is just a sense of accomplishment for self. That is great but the negativity in the entire system can sometimes outweigh the climb within the system. This can happen with any form of competition but it is heavy in ranked. Also we have issues with resets for seasonals, balance with various format ranks, etc.

Now this proposal isn't to bash rank but just an idea to restructure the overall Organization but I know the rank system is primarily what makes the WBO separate from other organizations. A method to be done with rank and still have a competitive edge against competitors is a LEGIT WBO MAIN EVENT! Most competitive games do not have a ranking. They are broken into seasons. Top teams or players come together at the season end to see who is the best and that is that. The WBO does not have that and from what I have seen from the past we may have had something similar with Beyblade East, North or West but not officially. I want to propose that officially for several reasons.

I have tried to do something like this myself with The Circuit. I have also worked with Conce7 to get things going with Beyblade World Cup but the ultimate factor is that we are store owners and not the entity of the WBO. The community needs something by the community and for the community. It needs the organization that we all love to bring us together in a competitive and community way. 

The WBO is not a profitable organization. It is a community of people that love this game. The WBO can do so much more and be so much more than what it currently is. Takara Tomy and Hasbro are big corporations for the game we love. Their focus is selling product and although TT has more of a competitive outreach they are not nearly as capable of catering to the Beyblade community as this organization can. That is mainly because the motives of this organization is by the fans and for the fans and no ulterior motives. The WBO came to be because of these companies lack of involvement with the competitive community for adults and within the western hemisphere. We have to remember that. It seems like sometimes the WBO acts like "The Kragle" from the lego movie with resilience to change or letting the community be more than what it currently is. 

Having a structured main event held annually, with regional qualifiers could 100% work. The Circuit and BWC have proved it can work and the community can get behind this. The event could be a 2 day structured event. A day to host a big tournament to crown the seasonal champ with the current or latest released system and official WBO ruleset (unlimited or standard if it's here). And a secondary day to commune together, older format tournaments, experimental formats, WBO promotion and community outreach. Regions could host an official regional for their area with the winner receiving a free ticket to the main event. This can grow beyond our current competitive community within NA. As I stated above, TT and Hasbro do not cater to adults, other organizations do not have as big of a platform as WBO currently. Seizing the opportunity to grab various communities around the world can be done with an exclusive fan ran organization like this one. Having that main event can grow to be the true test of crowning the best player, young or old. Various WBO organizers can also group together to host regionals and also make sure the main event runs smooth, from judging, to conduct, and overall organization. I'll be 100% honest, I hope this is something that can happen. I've even set up Challenger to be hosted in the off season with hopes that WBO will have a national/international event held within the summer. Challenger is set to be a regional event qualifier more than a main event for beyblade. 

With this, if anything is split with regards to ranked or unranked, if we do get rid of rank we can just have Unlimited/Standard WBO format/ruleset and everything else as everything else. 

Community & Resources 

This carries on from above statements but I need to address this because when I reached out about a main event in the past there were concerns of funding, resources, etc. 

The benefit of the community or any organization is the diversity of members. We have store owners within this community, very popular YouTubers, graphic designers, website designers, CEO's of their own successful companies and the list goes on. I say this all to iterate the fact that WBO can be much more than it is if we utilize our community resources. This isn't me volunteering members to work but there are literally people willing to help that aren't offered the opportunity. The WBO is growing from organizers hosting events and word of mouth but on the grand scale of things, with the several active years of this community and the immense love of beyblade worldwide I'm not sure why we don't have a structured main event nor why we don't keep up with the technological times. For instance, Zankye is one of the biggest BeyTuber's worldwide. I could strongly be mistaken and much love to you th!nk but I feel Zankye could market this organization in a major way. Not just him we have several other BeyTubers, twitch streamers and social media icons in the community as well. Beytuber brawl as I've heard was highly successful but a bit chaotic. We have the organizers and know how to prepare better for something like that if we are allowed the chance.

In terms of funding, I don't see that as an issue either. When it comes to money there is always the legal fears of profit with a not for profit organization however you can accept donations or funds to the organization for the organization if I am not mistaken. With The Circuit, I reached out to BeysAndBricks, ThePortal0 and EverWish to help with prizing and MallofBeys and Beyblade Premier also offered to help and donated prizing. How much more will these stores be willing to assist a not for profit organization if they were willing to help another store. There are even affiliate programs that the WBO could utilize to promote a code to buyers, buyers use the code for a discount. Buyers receive a discount and WBO can earn a small percentage of sales. That money can then be put back into the community, for events, giveaways, promotions, "new website", etc.

It was mentioned to me before that with getting help you have to worry about the other individuals motives. If the motive for a store to assist the organization is so they can sell more beys, or a YouTuber to help them get more views then I'd ask what is wrong with that? It's a modified barter system. It doesn't seem wise to not have a stores, social media icons or large scale beytuber's promote this organization because they may have their own motives to gain more followers and views because OVERALL, it gains members to this community! It grows our community. And maybe an unpopular opinion but the WBO may have more to gain from these various resources than vice versa. 


I was reluctant to write this section but I want to get everything out. I don't know all of the inner workings within staff and the meetings. Sometimes it seems like a private "cool kids only" club. Not everyone, I have lot of respect for those I converse with. 

What I propose is kind of getting more structured and organized for things to move smoothly. I know you have an executive staff structure now and that is solid. But things also move slow or not at all. I am proposing growth and foresight. It's apparent some staff members aren't involved with the community, many processes take ages to happen (I have a friend who has been waiting for close to 2 months to get approved as a organizer, and he is the only reliable organizer that community will have). Life happens and I get that but we have so many people that love this game and organization. So many members that want to help and move forward. So many members with genuine passion. So if the staff members who aren't as involved, whether old friend or not it may be time to trim the fat. Restructure so processes can take place without top dogs being immensely involved. Entrust roles and responsibilities to eager and trustworthy individuals. I can't shout Shindog out enough but everyone loves that guy. Im not asking for him to do more because he does a lot already but he is the best example of a legit staff member who speaks with us, helps us, host tournaments, builds his local community, the list goes on and on. I mean for God's sake, the guy spent thousands of dollars to invest in a stadium for the community and he didn't get a dime from it. That is all love and what we should have as a blueprint for staff. Someone assisting and growing the organization and not hanging onto the title. 

There are many individuals who can help that share this passion. Please don't let it die out. Players may come and go because of the way things have been with the organization. Let's make the progressive effort for a positive change, and use our resources to assist in that. 

MyBB is quite old also. We may need to move on and forward. Keep the forum for sure and discord for communication buy maybe integrate something more up to date for the foreseeable future within our competitive scene. Here are a few sites I've seen worth a read and some even offer backend development for tournaments and ranking structure:

[url=][/url]*Side Note* Challonge also has community settings for structured tournaments and ranking features, however it does not have reset capabilities.

Ive put up a lot of proposals and shared a ton of thoughts but I must admit that I am a bit tired. I am definitely at the point now to where I just want to play and that is good and bad. I want to just play because I love the game but it is also a feeling of me no longer wanting to help or assist with the growth of the organization because it feels like efforts fall on deaf ears. I know they don't. I know staff and others will read this whether they respond to me or not, I know it will be discussed. I'm just a dad I guess. I want to help but I can't force anyone to listen or act so in the end I will just sit back play.

Much love to this organization and to all those that help make it great.

Very well said StayCool.
(May. 02, 2023  8:23 PM)StayCool Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone, first I want to shout our Mr. Memes for a recent thread he made. It drove me to finally put up thoughts I've had for a long time but was reluctant to share. So here it goes. 

Tournaments & Ranking System

The discussion around rank has been heavy lately. Mainly for negative reasons. Players see the flaws in the systems point scale. Players stop attending tournaments for fear of losing points. Rank doesn't accurately gauge a players skill. Communities center themselves solely around ranked events, which is fine, but it also leads to negative impacts of unnecessary stress and arguments from players worried about losing points. The joy of the game and community health kind of gets lost in that. Another big factor, one that we really don't discuss is kind of "what is the point of rank"? We sometimes debate that it's just a point scale and rating and doesn't mean much. But ultimately it does and we really don't know why. You don't receive a reward or anything for being 1. It is just a sense of accomplishment for self. That is great but the negativity in the entire system can sometimes outweigh the climb within the system. This can happen with any form of competition but it is heavy in ranked. Also we have issues with resets for seasonals, balance with various format ranks, etc.

Now this proposal isn't to bash rank but just an idea to restructure the overall Organization but I know the rank system is primarily what makes the WBO separate from other organizations. A method to be done with rank and still have a competitive edge against competitors is a LEGIT WBO MAIN EVENT! Most competitive games do not have a ranking. They are broken into seasons. Top teams or players come together at the season end to see who is the best and that is that. The WBO does not have that and from what I have seen from the past we may have had something similar with Beyblade East, North or West but not officially. I want to propose that officially for several reasons.

I have tried to do something like this myself with The Circuit. I have also worked with Conce7 to get things going with Beyblade World Cup but the ultimate factor is that we are store owners and not the entity of the WBO. The community needs something by the community and for the community. It needs the organization that we all love to bring us together in a competitive and community way. 

The WBO is not a profitable organization. It is a community of people that love this game. The WBO can do so much more and be so much more than what it currently is. Takara Tomy and Hasbro are big corporations for the game we love. Their focus is selling product and although TT has more of a competitive outreach they are not nearly as capable of catering to the Beyblade community as this organization can. That is mainly because the motives of this organization is by the fans and for the fans and no ulterior motives. The WBO came to be because of these companies lack of involvement with the competitive community for adults and within the western hemisphere. We have to remember that. It seems like sometimes the WBO acts like "The Kragle" from the lego movie with resilience to change or letting the community be more than what it currently is. 

Having a structured main event held annually, with regional qualifiers could 100% work. The Circuit and BWC have proved it can work and the community can get behind this. The event could be a 2 day structured event. A day to host a big tournament to crown the seasonal champ with the current or latest released system and official WBO ruleset (unlimited or standard if it's here). And a secondary day to commune together, older format tournaments, experimental formats, WBO promotion and community outreach. Regions could host an official regional for their area with the winner receiving a free ticket to the main event. This can grow beyond our current competitive community within NA. As I stated above, TT and Hasbro do not cater to adults, other organizations do not have as big of a platform as WBO currently. Seizing the opportunity to grab various communities around the world can be done with an exclusive fan ran organization like this one. Having that main event can grow to be the true test of crowning the best player, young or old. Various WBO organizers can also group together to host regionals and also make sure the main event runs smooth, from judging, to conduct, and overall organization. I'll be 100% honest, I hope this is something that can happen. I've even set up Challenger to be hosted in the off season with hopes that WBO will have a national/international event held within the summer. Challenger is set to be a regional event qualifier more than a main event for beyblade. 

With this, if anything is split with regards to ranked or unranked, if we do get rid of rank we can just have Unlimited/Standard WBO format/ruleset and everything else as everything else. 

Community & Resources 

This carries on from above statements but I need to address this because when I reached out about a main event in the past there were concerns of funding, resources, etc. 

The benefit of the community or any organization is the diversity of members. We have store owners within this community, very popular YouTubers, graphic designers, website designers, CEO's of their own successful companies and the list goes on. I say this all to iterate the fact that WBO can be much more than it is if we utilize our community resources. This isn't me volunteering members to work but there are literally people willing to help that aren't offered the opportunity. The WBO is growing from organizers hosting events and word of mouth but on the grand scale of things, with the several active years of this community and the immense love of beyblade worldwide I'm not sure why we don't have a structured main event nor why we don't keep up with the technological times. For instance, Zankye is one of the biggest BeyTuber's worldwide. I could strongly be mistaken and much love to you th!nk but I feel Zankye could market this organization in a major way. Not just him we have several other BeyTubers, twitch streamers and social media icons in the community as well. Beytuber brawl as I've heard was highly successful but a bit chaotic. We have the organizers and know how to prepare better for something like that if we are allowed the chance.

In terms of funding, I don't see that as an issue either. When it comes to money there is always the legal fears of profit with a not for profit organization however you can accept donations or funds to the organization for the organization if I am not mistaken. With The Circuit, I reached out to BeysAndBricks, ThePortal0 and EverWish to help with prizing and MallofBeys and Beyblade Premier also offered to help and donated prizing. How much more will these stores be willing to assist a not for profit organization if they were willing to help another store. There are even affiliate programs that the WBO could utilize to promote a code to buyers, buyers use the code for a discount. Buyers receive a discount and WBO can earn a small percentage of sales. That money can then be put back into the community, for events, giveaways, promotions, "new website", etc.

It was mentioned to me before that with getting help you have to worry about the other individuals motives. If the motive for a store to assist the organization is so they can sell more beys, or a YouTuber to help them get more views then I'd ask what is wrong with that? It's a modified barter system. It doesn't seem wise to not have a stores, social media icons or large scale beytuber's promote this organization because they may have their own motives to gain more followers and views because OVERALL, it gains members to this community! It grows our community. And maybe an unpopular opinion but the WBO may have more to gain from these various resources than vice versa. 


I was reluctant to write this section but I want to get everything out. I don't know all of the inner workings within staff and the meetings. Sometimes it seems like a private "cool kids only" club. Not everyone, I have lot of respect for those I converse with. 

What I propose is kind of getting more structured and organized for things to move smoothly. I know you have an executive staff structure now and that is solid. But things also move slow or not at all. I am proposing growth and foresight. It's apparent some staff members aren't involved with the community, many processes take ages to happen (I have a friend who has been waiting for close to 2 months to get approved as a organizer, and he is the only reliable organizer that community will have). Life happens and I get that but we have so many people that love this game and organization. So many members that want to help and move forward. So many members with genuine passion. So if the staff members who aren't as involved, whether old friend or not it may be time to trim the fat. Restructure so processes can take place without top dogs being immensely involved. Entrust roles and responsibilities to eager and trustworthy individuals. I can't shout Shindog out enough but everyone loves that guy. Im not asking for him to do more because he does a lot already but he is the best example of a legit staff member who speaks with us, helps us, host tournaments, builds his local community, the list goes on and on. I mean for God's sake, the guy spent thousands of dollars to invest in a stadium for the community and he didn't get a dime from it. That is all love and what we should have as a blueprint for staff. Someone assisting and growing the organization and not hanging onto the title. 

There are many individuals who can help that share this passion. Please don't let it die out. Players may come and go because of the way things have been with the organization. Let's make the progressive effort for a positive change, and use our resources to assist in that. 

MyBB is quite old also. We may need to move on and forward. Keep the forum for sure and discord for communication buy maybe integrate something more up to date for the foreseeable future within our competitive scene. Here are a few sites I've seen worth a read and some even offer backend development for tournaments and ranking structure:

[url=][/url]*Side Note* Challonge also has community settings for structured tournaments and ranking features, however it does not have reset capabilities.

Ive put up a lot of proposals and shared a ton of thoughts but I must admit that I am a bit tired. I am definitely at the point now to where I just want to play and that is good and bad. I want to just play because I love the game but it is also a feeling of me no longer wanting to help or assist with the growth of the organization because it feels like efforts fall on deaf ears. I know they don't. I know staff and others will read this whether they respond to me or not, I know it will be discussed. I'm just a dad I guess. I want to help but I can't force anyone to listen or act so in the end I will just sit back play.

Much love to this organization and to all those that help make it great.

I love this post for a lot of reasons, including the fact that you don’t only just list your concerns, but you Provide Solutions and Steps that can be taken, overall a very well put together proposal, im looking forward to see the response to this by other members including organizers and Staff.
These changes are exactly what the WBO needs to keep beyblade fun. Even though I’ve enjoyed the competitive side as a blader, it takes away the fun blading has and removing the blader rank structure would go a long way in both encouraging unranked and wild formats along with having those circuits in different seasons to keep the competitive aspect around. As a person who’s trying to be an organizer, I would appreciate clearer communication with staff as I’ve been left without any notice of what’s going on for a couple months now. A special thanks to Shindog who’s been helping throughout this process and helping me in whatever way he can. The WBO should be in service for communities and having a clearer bridge in between staff and bladers would help keep local communities going and keep the fun of beyblade alive, not just an organization that keeps track of ranks. This proposed restructure would help bring life and most importantly FUN back into the beyblading world, thanks StayCool for the post.
(May. 03, 2023  4:39 AM)GuudeTG100 Wrote: [ -> ]These changes are exactly what the WBO needs to keep beyblade fun. Even though I’ve enjoyed the competitive side as a blader, it takes away the fun blading has and removing the blader rank structure would go a long way in both encouraging unranked and wild formats along with having those circuits in different seasons to keep the competitive aspect around. As a person who’s trying to be an organizer, I would appreciate clearer communication with staff as I’ve been left without any notice of what’s going on for a couple months now. A special thanks to Shindog who’s been helping throughout this process and helping me in whatever way he can. The WBO should be in service for communities and having a clearer bridge in between staff and bladers would help keep local communities going and keep the fun of beyblade alive, not just an organization that keeps track of ranks. This proposed restructure would help bring life and most importantly FUN back into the beyblading world, thanks StayCool for the post.

Truth be told, the slowness and lack of good staff to community communication has been a grievance of mine for a while now. It's essentially impossible to tell if a suggestion you made got off the ground up to and until the point where the change is made... probably 3-6 months down the line, if not even longer. I've heard some complaints about how long Organizer Exams are taking for feedback too. It's frustrating as someone who wants to help the site grow and encourage more positive changes among the site to see so little feedback from staff in general. I'm not sure if they're overburdened and need more members, or if life is just hitting them all at once, or if it's something else at this point, but we can't offer any possible solutions without them telling us exactly what's causing these delays to begin with so until then we're left to wait, and even polls from staff about potential upcoming changes helps give the community some clue on what the Staff Team is focusing on right now and brings the two groups closer together.

I will say just having a ranking system itself isn't the problem either. Some people just aren't going to care if there's not some sort of leaderboard no matter how good or bad it is. However, the current system is quite broken and sorely disincentivizes those at the top from actually trying to continue competing due to massive point losses for even one slip up at the highest ranks, making it far harder to climb up anywhere. I do think it's a good idea to maintain one, but likely with a reset and probably other systems to ensure there's never a lack of opportunities to climb higher and that usually means "Seasons" or some other timeframe as such.

The site definitely needs to be updated though. I do at least know some of the things the site struggles with such as keeping ranks updated in a timely manner is partially because of the antiquated software. If it means chipping in $5 at a tournament or two to help afford the cost of an upgrade, it's a price I'm more than willing to pay for it.
Looks like some pretty good suggestions overall, though admittedly I wouldn't know how possible some things would be to implement currently (WBO main event, website and rankings overhaul, etc). I think there's a lot of things here that people mostly agree on, it's just a matter of how feasible they currently are. I won't claim to know anything about how non-profits operate or how any of the behind-the-scenes stuff works, but if it were possible for the WBO to accept donations to put towards some of the bigger suggestions (assuming the earlier issues with paypal have been resolved), I'm sure players would be happy to chip in.

TL;DR: Web code and other factors permitting, add an incentive for people to attend unranked/experimental events in the form of bits and/or bit boosters. Potentially having different rewards, such as random bits/bit boosters for the top three, and an unranked/experimental participation bit that "levels up" when attending such events (maybe require a minimum participant cap to earn levels?).
I've been trying to come up with a ranking system for my local fgc and beyblade scenes and what we're planning to try out for this year is:

Tournaments have a base point reward depending on attendee amount and placement. A 9 to 16 person tournament has a base 1200 point reward to the 1st place finisher, a 17-32 person tournament would reward 1800*.
Attendee numbers and base point rewards for 1st place:
9-16: 1200
17-32: 1400-1800
(tournaments with 8 or less attendees don't count for rankings for us, if your region has many lower attendance tournaments you can adjust the numbers in any way you see fit)

Within the "top cut", each attendee gets 2/3s of the points of the person with a 1 better placement. (If 1st gets 1200 2nd gets 800, 3rd gets roughly 535 etc.) Top cut is top 4 for up to 32 man tournaments and top 8 for larger ones.
After the top cut, the next highest placements get half of the points of the lowest top cut placements. You get 50 points even if you win no matches, points scale linearly from 50 to highest non top cut placement
(for example a 16 person double elimination tournament that rewards 445 to the 4th place would give 5th placers 220 points, 7th placers 160, 9th 105 and last place finishers 50 points). Note I'm rounding numbers down/up cuz I don't wanna bother with decimals rn.

There's also a points multiplier depending on the quality of attendees.

A-rank attendees are those who are expected to make the top 4 in 17-32 person tournaments
B-rank attendees are those who could make the top cut on a good day or regular tournament goers that seldom lose in the first couple of rounds.
C-rank attendees are regular tournament goers that don't win much or players that pull of upsets every now and then without making top cuts.

Excluding the 1st place finisher:

Boost TypeA: For every 2 A-rank attendees, the tournament is worth 25% more points


Boost TypeB: For every 2 B-rank or higher attendees, the tournament is worth 10% more points


Boost TypeC: For every 2 C-rank or higher attendees, the tournament is worth 5% more points

Only the largest boost type is applied. Boosts from multiple attendees stack additively.
So 1 A-rank and 5 B-ranks gives a 30% boost (6x B or higher = 10+10+10 =30 > 2xA = 25).

Each ranking a certain time period and only takes in to account tournaments in that period. Attendees have a total score that depends on their best 4 tournaments. The ranking list is determined by this score.

Now the ideas behind this system are:

1 - Attendance can be rewarded and should never be punished.
We rank people on only their best 4 tournaments so that unless someone wins 4 33+ person tournaments with mostly A-rank attendees, there will always be the chance to increase your points. Also missing a tournament or two won't doom your season if you can make 4 tournaments.
(We don't run too many tournaments and will have max 2 33+ person tournaments each year so these numbers work for us. If your region has monthly tournaments, then taking 5 to 8 best placements would be more reasonable imo)

2 - Making top cut should be rewarded and getting high placements should be slightly more valuable than being consistent
Top cut should be the thing to aim for, that's why points are closer percentagewise in the top cut and fall of hard immediately after.
The way the points are set, getting 1st and 3rd over 2 tournaments gives slightly more points that getting 2nd twice. Each tournament has only 1 champion and they should be rewarded accordingly.

3 - We need a way to balance the value of quantity and quality of attendees.
Lots of attendees usually means a more competitive tournament, but our largest events have been at conventions with lots of casual attendees. Just the attendee number alone isn't a good way to measure how "stacked" a tournament is. The A/B/C-rank system comes in to play here. It's not perfect and I went with my gut when picking the %boost but going back and applying it to our previous tournaments lead to accurate "stacked-ness" values for the tournaments. WBO TO's are welcome to try different numbers if they think it would suit their region better.

Why "for every 2" attendees and why exclude the winner
- Well if there were only 1 A-rank attendee and they win the tournament, then no A-rank attendees would be defeated to win it. Also want to avoid high ranked players dodging tournaments to lower the total point value their rivals can obtain (now this is technically still possible in some extreme cases but pretty unlikely).

Why not apply B&C, A&C or A&B boosts at the same time
- felt like it would inflate the points too much, higher attendee number alone already leads to a solid amount of extra points.

Now our tournaments happen in only 2 different cities so our scale is much smaller than the WBO. I'm suggesting this ranking system as a thing regions can use for their own separate ranking, not as a replacement to WBO's sitewide ranking. (A/B/C-rank thing can be very subjective and TO's might be tempted to claim they have many A-rank players to inflate the score of their region if this system were to be used sitewide). Only way this can be applied to WBO as a whole is if someone comes up with a fair algorithm to determine A/B/C ranks and that's beyond me.

I need to stress that I made up these numbers because I felt like they fit my scene well. We will start our ranked season in June and I will probably have to finetune the numbers for the next season. It's a trial and error thing. If any TO's decide to try this ranking for their region, I'm very open to feedback and advice on how the system could be improved.
(May. 04, 2023  12:38 AM)tubitr Wrote: [ -> ]I've been trying to come up with a ranking system for my local fgc and beyblade scenes and what we're planning to try out for this year is:

Tournaments have a base point reward depending on attendee amount and placement. A 9 to 16 person tournament has a base 1200 point reward to the 1st place finisher, a 17-32 person tournament would reward 1800*.
Attendee numbers and base point rewards for 1st place:
9-16: 1200
17-32: 1400-1800
(tournaments with 8 or less attendees don't count for rankings for us, if your region has many lower attendance tournaments you can adjust the numbers in any way you see fit)

Within the "top cut", each attendee gets 2/3s of the points of the person with a 1 better placement. (If 1st gets 1200 2nd gets 800, 3rd gets roughly 535 etc.) Top cut is top 4 for up to 32 man tournaments and top 8 for larger ones.
After the top cut, the next highest placements get half of the points of the lowest top cut placements. You get 50 points even if you win no matches, points scale linearly from 50 to highest non top cut placement
(for example a 16 person double elimination tournament that rewards 445 to the 4th place would give 5th placers 220 points, 7th placers 160, 9th 105 and last place finishers 50 points). Note I'm rounding numbers down/up cuz I don't wanna bother with decimals rn.

There's also a points multiplier depending on the quality of attendees.

A-rank attendees are those who are expected to make the top 4 in 17-32 person tournaments
B-rank attendees are those who could make the top cut on a good day or regular tournament goers that seldom lose in the first couple of rounds.
C-rank attendees are regular tournament goers that don't win much or players that pull of upsets every now and then without making top cuts.

Excluding the 1st place finisher:

Boost TypeA: For every 2 A-rank attendees, the tournament is worth 25% more points


Boost TypeB: For every 2 B-rank or higher attendees, the tournament is worth 10% more points


Boost TypeC: For every 2 C-rank or higher attendees, the tournament is worth 5% more points

Only the largest boost type is applied. Boosts from multiple attendees stack additively.
So 1 A-rank and 5 B-ranks gives a 30% boost (6x B or higher = 10+10+10 =30 > 2xA = 25).

Each ranking a certain time period and only takes in to account tournaments in that period. Attendees have a total score that depends on their best 4 tournaments. The ranking list is determined by this score.

Now the ideas behind this system are:

1 - Attendance can be rewarded and should never be punished.
We rank people on only their best 4 tournaments so that unless someone wins 4 33+ person tournaments with mostly A-rank attendees, there will always be the chance to increase your points. Also missing a tournament or two won't doom your season if you can make 4 tournaments.
(We don't run too many tournaments and will have max 2 33+ person tournaments each year so these numbers work for us. If your region has monthly tournaments, then taking 5 to 8 best placements would be more reasonable imo)

2 - Making top cut should be rewarded and getting high placements should be slightly more valuable than being consistent
Top cut should be the thing to aim for, that's why points are closer percentagewise in the top cut and fall of hard immediately after.
The way the points are set, getting 1st and 3rd over 2 tournaments gives slightly more points that getting 2nd twice. Each tournament has only 1 champion and they should be rewarded accordingly.

3 - We need a way to balance the value of quantity and quality of attendees.
Lots of attendees usually means a more competitive tournament, but our largest events have been at conventions with lots of casual attendees. Just the attendee number alone isn't a good way to measure how "stacked" a tournament is. The A/B/C-rank system comes in to play here. It's not perfect and I went with my gut when picking the %boost but going back and applying it to our previous tournaments lead to accurate "stacked-ness" values for the tournaments. WBO TO's are welcome to try different numbers if they think it would suit their region better.

Why "for every 2" attendees and why exclude the winner
- Well if there were only 1 A-rank attendee and they win the tournament, then no A-rank attendees would be defeated to win it. Also want to avoid high ranked players dodging tournaments to lower the total point value their rivals can obtain (now this is technically still possible in some extreme cases but pretty unlikely).

Why not apply B&C, A&C or A&B boosts at the same time
- felt like it would inflate the points too much, higher attendee number alone already leads to a solid amount of extra points.

Now our tournaments happen in only 2 different cities so our scale is much smaller than the WBO. I'm suggesting this ranking system as a thing regions can use for their own separate ranking, not as a replacement to WBO's sitewide ranking. (A/B/C-rank thing can be very subjective and TO's might be tempted to claim they have many A-rank players to inflate the score of their region if this system were to be used sitewide). Only way this can be applied to WBO as a whole is if someone comes up with a fair algorithm to determine A/B/C ranks and that's beyond me.

I need to stress that I made up these numbers because I felt like they fit my scene well. We will start our ranked season in June and I will probably have to finetune the numbers for the next season. It's a trial and error thing. If any TO's decide to try this ranking for their region, I'm very open to feedback and advice on how the system could be improved.

For as much as I get what you're going after, I also feel like ranking player levels like this isn't going to work all that well in the end. It opens the doors wide for complaints about the tier they're ranked at, and also works poorly for regions like the Midwest where there's a larger collective of top tier individuals where any of them could reasonably reach top cut. I mean, when we play MFB with me, JA Industries., Cake, SwiftMFB, ---, Lionheart', BasaltSpam, FriedPasta, even Serena if she puts her heart into it, any one of those can reasonably wind up in the top cut. Does this mean we have a ton of A Rank (maybe B for Serena) participants when reasonably only 4 people could ever make top cut? How do we determine who is good enough to be A Rank, B rank, e.t.c?

This is just too needlessly complicated, can lead to complaints based on assigned player ranks if people think they're better than that or "got robbed" of their rank because of an unlucky loss, there's not really any good safe way to assign these rankings to begin with until they've played 4 tournaments (and thus questions of "does this apply retroactively?" comes into play), gives biases to regions with more strong competitive players or more players in general to the deficit of newer regions of unknowns, undermines consistent good play to a degree (you even admit to this by saying two 2nd places are worth less than a 1st and a 3rd, in very high skill territories the difference between first and third is often a difference of one single point in a match. Also situations where one player is A Rank because they've gotten to the finals 4 times but failed to do so 20 times because only the best 4 count), it kinda promotes spamming tournaments to promote more individuals making it to the final stage and becoming A rank, e.t.c.

It's a good thought, I just don't think this is the way forward.
(May. 04, 2023  6:15 PM)MagikHorse Wrote: [ -> ]For as much as I get what you're going after, I also feel like ranking player levels like this isn't going to work all that well in the end.çç

Being A-rank and having a high score in the rankings are separate things, realising I could have named things better as I type this...

Whether you're A/B/C rank doesn't have much of an effect on your points, only contributes to making the tournaments you attend more valuable. With the way it's set up one person alone can't change how much a tournament is worth.
Being A rank doesn't really benefit you and there's not much incentive to bother with obtaining a higher rank letter.

Someone that makes the top cut in 4 tournaments while attending 20+ tournaments would have a high score but be B-rank.

Who ends up A/B/C is also up to the TO's discretion and won't cause problems as long as it's semi accurate + consistent throughout the ranking period. I'm suggesting this system as a thing for TO's to use for their local scene separate from WBO's sitewide ranking, a universally agreed way to determine A/B/C ranks isn't necessary yet.

If there are 20+ tournaments people in your region can attend then by all accounts, count more than 4 tournaments for the ranking, 4 is just the number I'm using for my scene since we don't have tournaments too often. These numbers are all flexible.

High peaks being more valuable than consistent placements is a design choice, you could have adjust the point rewards so that 2x2nd place is the same as 1st + 3rd place. Up to the TO's and whatever they think is best for their region (again flexible numbers!). But consistent good play is being rewarded as is, consistently making top cut is valuable points-wise. Only within the top cut are high highs being rewarded extra.
(May. 04, 2023  7:48 PM)tubitr Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 04, 2023  6:15 PM)MagikHorse Wrote: [ -> ]For as much as I get what you're going after, I also feel like ranking player levels like this isn't going to work all that well in the end.çç

Being A-rank and having a high score in the rankings are separate things, realising I could have named things better as I type this...

Whether you're A/B/C rank doesn't have much of an effect on your points, only contributes to making the tournaments you attend more valuable. With the way it's set up one person alone can't change how much a tournament is worth.
Being A rank doesn't really benefit you and there's not much incentive to bother with obtaining a higher rank letter.

Someone that makes the top cut in 4 tournaments while attending 20+ tournaments would have a high score but be B-rank.

Who ends up A/B/C is also up to the TO's discretion and won't cause problems as long as it's semi accurate + consistent throughout the ranking period. I'm suggesting this system as a thing for TO's to use for their local scene separate from WBO's sitewide ranking, a universally agreed way to determine A/B/C ranks isn't necessary yet.

If there are 20+ tournaments people in your region can attend then by all accounts, count more than 4 tournaments for the ranking, 4 is just the number I'm using for my scene since we don't have tournaments too often. These numbers are all flexible.

High peaks being more valuable than consistent placements is a design choice, you could have adjust the point rewards so that 2x2nd place is the same as 1st + 3rd place. Up to the TO's and whatever they think is best for their region (again flexible numbers!). But consistent good play is being rewarded as is, consistently making top cut is valuable points-wise. Only within the top cut are high highs being rewarded extra.

I'd love a regional ranking system, don't get me wrong, but I still just don't think that this A-B-C letter system achieves anything notable. Unless you have a lot of cases where the overall power level of your tournament attendees varies wildly per tournament (e.g. a lot of good players can't come often but usually reach the finals if they do), you're just going to get a lot of tournaments with very similar player values so the letter rankings don't do anything. Like, maybe later tournaments when more people's "top 4s" make more people fall into higher letter categories worth more, but is it really fair to just say "tournaments at the end of the season are more valuable than those early in the season? There's better ways to make later tournaments more valuable if you wanted to do that anyways instead of using this lettering system, and if your tournament attendance is this all over the place you have severe retention or scheduling issues to worry about anyways and should probably be focusing on getting a more consistent turnout instead of a regional ranking.

Like heck, just making a win% list per player-region per a certain timeframe with bonuses for reaching the finals (or possibly negating losses from final stage from the list so you don't "rank down" from taking 4th over taking 5th the way the current WBO system does) is probably smoother as long as there's a minimum number of battles to be on the list (or else you could top the region by playing one match, winning it, and leaving). Far easier to fine tune the bonuses, it applies just as well to regions of all sizes and turnouts, and anybody can do it without having to add in all this letter rank stuff.

The fact that this suggestion wouldn't be consistent across the site also kind of hints that a thread about overall site changes and restructuring isn't the place to be talking about this either, at least until it's more fleshed out, but rather something that the communities themselves should be working on until they either find their own way to sort out their local players themselves or someone fully fleshes out an idea that works well for regions of varying attendance and tournament counts instead of just their own. Maybe a thread for this would be a good idea?
Another huge problem with the ranking system is the exclusion of the plastic generation and hms. Currently the minimum you need for a ranked event is 8 which is difficult to obtain as plastics admittedly have less active players. The lack of a ranking system for this generation while the others have one discourages people from hosting and participating in plastic gen tournaments. This proposed ranking system would make plastic ranking more feasible as the ranked tournaments would be a lot bigger. Regarding the newer generations I agree with pretty much everything proposed.
One of the main issues with attendance for PLA I feel is a lack of rank. HMS of course goes into expense as well.

You absolutely know there are players out there who'd attend plastics stuff for rank, because winning could be incredibly easy on a budget by getting Driger V2 and get some upgrades and probably do great.

I think including these formats in any form of ranking would absolutely make attendance far easier to swallow for a lot of the playerbase, and cull most hesistancies.
(May. 11, 2023  7:01 PM)Neo Wrote: [ -> ]One of the main issues with attendance for PLA I feel is a lack of rank. HMS of course goes into expense as well.

You absolutely know there are players out there who'd attend plastics stuff for rank, because winning could be incredibly easy on a budget by getting Driger V2 and get some upgrades and probably do great.

I think including these formats in any form of ranking would absolutely make attendance far easier to swallow for a lot of the playerbase, and cull most hesistancies.

Considering other than the launcher grip from back then it's fairly easy to get a semi-competitive plastic bey for cheap still, which would make it far more affordable of a format to play in for tournaments.