World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: (Canceled) Metal Mash
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Hello Houston area Bladers

I am trying to form a community out in the Conroe area and will be hosting a small series of free unranked events so everyone can meet and we can start making a community

This event will be Metal fight Limited so please double check your parts to ensure they follow the current banlist. You can find the list of ban parts as well as the rules here


The event is in a local park in the stated address. We will be playing outside so please bundle up. The equipment we will be using is a Burst standard for the tournament. And a hasbro metal fusion stadium for Freeplay. If anyone wishes to bring more Burst standard types to the event or just have questions or concerns please contact me or leave a comment below. 

Please ensure your following all rules and treating your fellow bladers with respect. Hope you all have fun
This event has been approved.
Don't have any MFBs but there's definitely a community in the area! I'll spread the word if I can but hoping to see you at a burst event! Cheers bro bladers never die!
I wish I would go but I won't make it and plus I have only 2 mfbs and plus I live in New Braunfels 😭😭😭 just put one in Austin or Houston ok
I might go still debating it
(Dec. 20, 2022  7:19 PM)beyblade611 Wrote: [ -> ]I wish I would go but I won't make it and plus I have only 2 mfbs and plus I live in New Braunfels 😭😭😭 just put one in Austin or Houston ok

There's bladers everywhere. There have been alot of tournaments in our area recently. The goal is expand blader activity across the entire state. A Texas beyblade awakening!
Glad to see there's still people interested in mfb in this area
Event did not happen
This event has been canceled.