World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Let's Beyblade, Midlands!
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Welcome Midlands to the Beyblading Scene!

This will be a ranked event played in the Burst Standard format so please be sure to familiarise yourself with this format via the rulebook, Burst Standard Rulebook

There is a £5 admission fee. This will go to using Geek Retreat's Space.

This events will have a 16 player cap.

The tournament itself will start at 1:00pm, so as a guide, aim to arrive around 12:40pm

Remember to turn up on time. If you arrive later than the scheduled start time, your place will be forfeit and you will not be able to participate. If you know you'll be late, please let us know via PM or a post in this thread!

Please note that we cannot predict how long an event will be, as this varies based on the number of competitors and the ongoings throughout the day. In order to stay for the whole event, please be prepared to stick around for at least 3-4 hours.

Geek Retreat is located close to Leicester city centre. Here is a link to their location on google maps.

First place will receive a £10 voucher. Second and third will receive a £5 voucher each. These will be vouchers for the Geek Retreat Leicester store.

Hosts & Judges
This tournament is being hosted by Sowmi, and matches will be supported by volunteer judges throughout the event. If you have any queries about the event, feel free to PM us or post in the thread and we'll be happy to help!

Important Advice
Despite being around friends and rivals, please remember we are in a public space. Remember to not only be respectful to other participants, but also the staff and other customers in the store.

I would highly suggest joining the discord server (and the UK channel) as that is where many UK bladers are active and can be found, and it exists as an easy form of contact. Discord

Spread the word
Are you as excited about the event as we are? If so, be sure to tell your friends about it! And if you haven't already, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook!

Twitter: @worldbeyblade

Facebook: WorldBeybladeOrganization

Spread the word!


This event has been approved.
Perfect, can't wait to see you all there, let the games begin!!
I will see if I could go
Just a small bump as we're less than a week away, don't forget to share with anyone you know!
Just quickly updated the post to include what the prizes for this event are.
If anyone has any trouble finding the entrance, the door to the side, it's open so just head in. There is an arrow on the obvious door so just look around the corner.

The challenge link:
Cheers guys! Was a lot of fun Smile
Thanks for the game this weekend, looking forward to the next.
The matches for this event have now been processed.