World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: CANCELLED Trsal's Holiday Brawl 2022 BSC CANCELLED
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Time: 12:00 PM Start (Please arrive 15 minutes to half an hour early for registration!) Tournament is planned to run from 12 pm to 4 pm.

Format: Single Bey Burst Classic (ranked) in Burst Standard stadiums B-33 

Format Rules: Burst Classic Format Rules — World Beyblade Organization - Google Docs

Location: 201 Lakeview Dr, Kissimmee, FL 34741

[Image: XtQa9l6.png]

Challonge: to be added

Prizes: 1st, 2nd and 3rd get to pick from my assortment of sealed Burst/Metal Fight product.
This event has been approved.
HI all, going to be bumping this back to December 31st due to a personal scheduling conflict, sorry for the inconvenience.



Hey i am not going to be there just cause its classic and that is not my strongest suit and it is way to cold
It's gonna be back in the 80's just so everyone knows lol

I can't go cause I work ;-; (I'm gonna  try and finesse them though so I can go)
Looks like Saturday is going to rain so I'm pushing this back to Sunday the 1st (the next day) the weather will be 80ish degrees so don't worry about the cold if you wanna come




iam very interest about it, please give me a chance
(Dec. 27, 2022  5:40 PM)mutanslot Wrote: [ -> ]iam very interest about it, please give me a chance

you should be able to sign up now
Everyone who wants to participate but doesn’t have Burst Classic pieces, come out I will have layers and discs to loan out. Just supply your own TT drivers
Hi everyone, I am very sick and will have to cancel the event for tomorrow, I hope you all have a happy new year


Hope you feel better and can reschedule soon.
This event has been canceled.