Nov. 08, 2022 2:17 AM
The Circuit
The Circuit is a series of Beyblade tournaments hosted by Four-Gaming and affiliate organizers in various states throughout North America. Seasons run from August-April. Tournaments are structured to draw out the most competitive Bladers. Bladers will compete for their chance to receive the respect of their area as a top competitor and an invitation to "The Circuit: Dark Continent". The top 4 Bladers in every The Circuit event will receive an invitation to "The Circuit: Dark Continent", where several skilled Bladers come together from various states and regions to claim the titles of Legendary Blader and a $500 grand prize. Dark Continent will currently be held/located along the East Coast of the United States, ranging within and between states Maryland through Florida.. Those Bladers receiving the invitation must be willing to travel or they can pass down their invitation to eligible candidates. The location of Dark Continent will be announced at least 6 months before the start of the event. Practice hard and come out to compete for the respect of your region or destroy another regions pride 😎!!!
Format: The format for this event is 3v3 Burst Standard. Please read the Burst Standard rulebook prior to confirming your attendance to ensure that you or your child have the appropriate equipment to compete. Legal parts / launchers will not be lent out by event staff.
Host: Kirito1696Â
Co-host: CrisisCrusher07
Location: Martin Luther King Jr Park
Participation Cap: This tournament will have a participation cap of 36 players.
Time: As the tournament will start promptly at 12:00pm, please plan to arrive around 11:00am when registration will begin. Registration will close at 11:45am. Confirming your attendance on the WBO event page does not substitute for registration at the venue.
If you know in advance that you will be late, please post in this thread or contact someone at the event and depending on the circumstances we can perhaps still include you if we know you will arrive soon.
I will not be accepting any player registered or not past 12:00pm!!
Prizes: Will be given to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place players after the finals have been completed.
This event will cooperate with Montgomery County Reopening Guidelines, as well as the WBO Covid-19 Guidelines effective from last year.
![[Image: unnamed_1_2a03d87f-d496-4de7-b2a4-c42bf2...1610578282]](
Tournament Prizes – Sponsored by
1st Place:
$50 Visa Gift Card
2nd Place:
30% off Discount Code to Four-Gaming
3rd Place:
15% off Discount Code to Four-Gaming
Top 4:
All top 4 Finalist will recieve an invitation to
The Circuit: Dark Continent
Spread the Word!
Are you as excited about the festivities as we are?! If so, be sure to tell your friends about it! And if you haven't already, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook!
Spread the word!
The Circuit is a series of Beyblade tournaments hosted by Four-Gaming and affiliate organizers in various states throughout North America. Seasons run from August-April. Tournaments are structured to draw out the most competitive Bladers. Bladers will compete for their chance to receive the respect of their area as a top competitor and an invitation to "The Circuit: Dark Continent". The top 4 Bladers in every The Circuit event will receive an invitation to "The Circuit: Dark Continent", where several skilled Bladers come together from various states and regions to claim the titles of Legendary Blader and a $500 grand prize. Dark Continent will currently be held/located along the East Coast of the United States, ranging within and between states Maryland through Florida.. Those Bladers receiving the invitation must be willing to travel or they can pass down their invitation to eligible candidates. The location of Dark Continent will be announced at least 6 months before the start of the event. Practice hard and come out to compete for the respect of your region or destroy another regions pride 😎!!!
Format: The format for this event is 3v3 Burst Standard. Please read the Burst Standard rulebook prior to confirming your attendance to ensure that you or your child have the appropriate equipment to compete. Legal parts / launchers will not be lent out by event staff.
Host: Kirito1696Â
Co-host: CrisisCrusher07
Location: Martin Luther King Jr Park
Participation Cap: This tournament will have a participation cap of 36 players.
Time: As the tournament will start promptly at 12:00pm, please plan to arrive around 11:00am when registration will begin. Registration will close at 11:45am. Confirming your attendance on the WBO event page does not substitute for registration at the venue.
If you know in advance that you will be late, please post in this thread or contact someone at the event and depending on the circumstances we can perhaps still include you if we know you will arrive soon.
I will not be accepting any player registered or not past 12:00pm!!
Prizes: Will be given to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place players after the finals have been completed.
This event will cooperate with Montgomery County Reopening Guidelines, as well as the WBO Covid-19 Guidelines effective from last year.
![[Image: unnamed_1_2a03d87f-d496-4de7-b2a4-c42bf2...1610578282]](
Tournament Prizes – Sponsored by
1st Place:
$50 Visa Gift Card
2nd Place:
30% off Discount Code to Four-Gaming
3rd Place:
15% off Discount Code to Four-Gaming
Top 4:
All top 4 Finalist will recieve an invitation to
The Circuit: Dark Continent
Spread the Word!
Are you as excited about the festivities as we are?! If so, be sure to tell your friends about it! And if you haven't already, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook!
Spread the word!