World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Zero-G is just better Standard, change my mind
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Michigan brings zero g format for the first time! This event will take place in the zero g attack type stadiums!

Format is P3C1 with deck finals. Please show up on time!

This will be indoors with tables, chairs, bathrooms, HEAT!

This is at a church, but the church has no affiliation with the event and this event will not have any religious affiliations so don’t worry if you have different/ no beliefs we’re all here to play Beyblade! 

  • Registration will begin at 3:00pm and will end at 3:30pm with the tournament starting shortly after so BE on TIME.
  • 3:00pm-3:25pm I will have announcements and go over rules.
  • Be on time. I cannot stress this enough but please be on time as arriving late could cause you not to play!

Host: ItsSwift
Participation cap: 24
Prizes: 1st place BBG-24+Metal Stone Face pack or Zero G Attack Type Stadium, 2nd Place Whatever 1st place didn’t choose (either bbg set or stadium), 3rd Place Metal Stone Face Pack.

DO NOT CALL THE CHURCH regarding any questions you have. They rent the space out and have no connection or information on the Event. Calling them will only cause issues for both them and myself! Contact me directly via pm.
This event has been approved.
GoGo Swift! Enjoy SWAAAAYYYING~~~~
(Nov. 05, 2022  1:35 PM)Virtuous Circle Wrote: [ -> ]GoGo Swift! Enjoy SWAAAAYYYING~~~~

I'm spreading Zero-G around the world
(Nov. 05, 2022  11:50 PM)Vulcan Eagle Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 05, 2022  1:35 PM)Virtuous Circle Wrote: [ -> ]GoGo Swift! Enjoy SWAAAAYYYING~~~~

I'm spreading Zero-G around the world

Yes, You Are~~~~
The G virus (Golgotha virus)
I think from Resident Evil/Biohazard
Prizes have been updated thanks to the generous help of Vulcan Eagle!
The matches for this event have now been processed.