World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: I made a random mfb beyblade generator
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It allows you to customise the parts that are used so you can limit it to your collection. And you can save and share part selections as links or bookmark them in your browser.
What do you think? How can it be improved? Does a better version already exist and I've just wasted 3 days? post a link that you think would be a useful preset and I might add it to the website (and if you do post it with custom text bc they are long).
Well, the very first one that came up for me put a regular Metal Face on a Zero-G wheel, so that kind of just doesn't work. This is more nitpicky though.

The Synchromes Only setting doesn't always create Synchromes, as the crystal wheels are all enabled. At least they can manually be disabled I suppose.

The Metal Fight Limited setting can create Synchromes, even though those are banned in the format. There doesn't seem to be a way to disable Zero-G wheels from showing up as the energy ring manually either.

The Heat light wheel is absent entirely from the parts list too.

Otherwise, I don't have much to complain about. It mostly works as intended.
(Oct. 29, 2022  1:15 AM)MagikHorse Wrote: [ -> ]Well, the very first one that came up for me put a regular Metal Face on a Zero-G wheel, so that kind of just doesn't work. This is more nitpicky though.

The Synchromes Only setting doesn't always create Synchromes, as the crystal wheels are all enabled. At least they can manually be disabled I suppose.

The Metal Fight Limited setting can create Synchromes, even though those are banned in the format. There doesn't seem to be a way to disable Zero-G wheels from showing up as the energy ring manually either.

The Heat light wheel is absent entirely from the parts list too.

Otherwise, I don't have much to complain about. It mostly works as intended.

Thanks for your feedback! Sorry for the late reply, I've figured out how to turn on notifications now.

The intention with the face bolts is that a metal face bolt will refer to a metal stone face when a Zero-G combo is generated and etc for the other bolt types. Since the compatibility is 1 to 1 with face bolts I left the responsibility up to the user rather than building it in.

I'm not sure what you mean by disable Zero-G wheels from showing up as the energy ring. If you're trying to prevent Synchromes there is a 'No Synchrome' checkbox in the options box. If not I'd appreciate further clarification.

When you say Synchrome only setting, I assume you mean the 'Zero-G Synchrome' preset, which is meant to refer to wheels within the Synchrome system, rather than just Synchromed beys. But that was confusing wording, so I've changed it to 'Zero-G System'.
I've also fixed the limited preset and added the heat wheel.
Can't believe I missed a whole part, I'll have to let the wiki know to fix their parts list page.

Once again thanks for putting this together, I really appreciate the time you spent checking all this and I'm all too happy to fix these problems.
It looks really cool!! Thank you!
(Nov. 18, 2022  5:46 PM)banjaxed Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 29, 2022  1:15 AM)MagikHorse Wrote: [ -> ]Well, the very first one that came up for me put a regular Metal Face on a Zero-G wheel, so that kind of just doesn't work. This is more nitpicky though.

The Synchromes Only setting doesn't always create Synchromes, as the crystal wheels are all enabled. At least they can manually be disabled I suppose.

The Metal Fight Limited setting can create Synchromes, even though those are banned in the format. There doesn't seem to be a way to disable Zero-G wheels from showing up as the energy ring manually either.

The Heat light wheel is absent entirely from the parts list too.

Otherwise, I don't have much to complain about. It mostly works as intended.

Thanks for your feedback! Sorry for the late reply, I've figured out how to turn on notifications now.

The intention with the face bolts is that a metal face bolt will refer to a metal stone face when a Zero-G combo is generated and etc for the other bolt types. Since the compatibility is 1 to 1 with face bolts I left the responsibility up to the user rather than building it in.

I'm not sure what you mean by disable Zero-G wheels from showing up as the energy ring. If you're trying to prevent Synchromes there is a 'No Synchrome' checkbox in the options box. If not I'd appreciate further clarification.

When you say Synchrome only setting, I assume you mean the 'Zero-G Synchrome' preset, which is meant to refer to wheels within the Synchrome system, rather than just Synchromed beys. But that was confusing wording, so I've changed it to 'Zero-G System'.
I've also fixed the limited preset and added the heat wheel.
Can't believe I missed a whole part, I'll have to let the wiki know to fix their parts list page.

Once again thanks for putting this together, I really appreciate the time you spent checking all this and I'm all too happy to fix these problems.

I completely missed the "no Synchromes" setting. On mobile it's easy to miss because everything is left aligned and there's a lot of scrolling to do, and on PC it's so cluttered with options that it's easy to miss in all the stuff going on. Not the most certain on how to go about fixing that, but it is something to think about because *wow* that is altogether way too many check boxes. Maybe you can hide each category like a spoiler until you want to edit them, short of presets and certain specific options?

I might suggest describing the presets better too. I get the point of most of them where it's essentially "parts up to this release", but when I see "Metal Masters Parts" as a setting I usually think "only Metal Masters" instead of "everything up to Metal Masters". Maybe "Up to <series>" would be a better name, and maybe some presets for just releases only from that series like the current names sort of lead me to assume?

This also makes it confusing between "Zero-G Parts" and "Zero-G System", since you don't go "Zero-G Wheels" the way you do with "4D Wheels". Neither "4D Wheels" or "Zero-G System" are very clear nor do they follow the same naming pattern at all. It's a lot harder to tell what you mean by either option compared to the other "Parts" type presets.
(Nov. 20, 2022  6:17 AM)MagikHorse Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 18, 2022  5:46 PM)banjaxed Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for your feedback! Sorry for the late reply, I've figured out how to turn on notifications now.

The intention with the face bolts is that a metal face bolt will refer to a metal stone face when a Zero-G combo is generated and etc for the other bolt types. Since the compatibility is 1 to 1 with face bolts I left the responsibility up to the user rather than building it in.

I'm not sure what you mean by disable Zero-G wheels from showing up as the energy ring. If you're trying to prevent Synchromes there is a 'No Synchrome' checkbox in the options box. If not I'd appreciate further clarification.

When you say Synchrome only setting, I assume you mean the 'Zero-G Synchrome' preset, which is meant to refer to wheels within the Synchrome system, rather than just Synchromed beys. But that was confusing wording, so I've changed it to 'Zero-G System'.
I've also fixed the limited preset and added the heat wheel.
Can't believe I missed a whole part, I'll have to let the wiki know to fix their parts list page.

Once again thanks for putting this together, I really appreciate the time you spent checking all this and I'm all too happy to fix these problems.

I completely missed the "no Synchromes" setting. On mobile it's easy to miss because everything is left aligned and there's a lot of scrolling to do, and on PC it's so cluttered with options that it's easy to miss in all the stuff going on. Not the most certain on how to go about fixing that, but it is something to think about because *wow* that is altogether way too many check boxes. Maybe you can hide each category like a spoiler until you want to edit them, short of presets and certain specific options?

I might suggest describing the presets better too. I get the point of most of them where it's essentially "parts up to this release", but when I see "Metal Masters Parts" as a setting I usually think "only Metal Masters" instead of "everything up to Metal Masters". Maybe "Up to <series>" would be a better name, and maybe some presets for just releases only from that series like the current names sort of lead me to assume?

This also makes it confusing between "Zero-G Parts" and "Zero-G System", since you don't go "Zero-G Wheels" the way you do with "4D Wheels". Neither "4D Wheels" or "Zero-G System" are very clear nor do they follow the same naming pattern at all. It's a lot harder to tell what you mean by either option compared to the other "Parts" type presets.

I've made it so you can hide a category by clicking on its heading, added a collapse all boxes button, and made some formatting changes which altogether should hopefully make the site easier to use on mobile.
When it comes to using it on PC, there may be too many checkboxes, but they are also the necessary number of check boxes, so I can't really think of a way around it, there may be a better way to format it but this is the best I can currently think of. I'll put some more thought into it later. It might unfortunately be one of those things you just have to get used to using. I've highlighted the options and presets boxes which should hopefully help people differentiate between them and the parts lists so they get seen easily.

When it comes to the presets they were mainly added as a afterthought to be honest, but it looks like I'll have to put more thought into how they are done. 'Up to <series>' wouldn't be totally accurate since the presets are more 'parts used within <series>', so for example the pre-hybrid wheels are not included in the later part lists. I've changed the labels to 'parts in <series>' which I think is as descriptive as I can get it without it being too long.

Ultimately I don't think that the series based presets would be used that much anyway (correct me if I'm wrong), they're more easy generic categories to fill out the preset list. I was hoping to get suggestions from people using the site for presets they created and think would be useful for other people (so if you've got any, let me know). Also I'm thinking that I might get rid of the series presets and replace them with presets based on systems instead.

Once again, thank you for your input, it's really helpful to have a critical outside perspective, and I've been able to make a lot of improvements because of you.