Aug. 07, 2022 10:50 PM
The following are words I have to say about the tournament "Just Sign Up!", a 3v3 unranked GT Format unranked tournament.
I recommend the following music for reading the report. . Look, I play a lot of good videogames, don't judge me.
- Someone left a driver at the tournament. I have it. They will probably want it back. If you lost a driver during this tournament, message me with what it is, to include color scheme, to receive it back. I will bring it to you at an upcoming tournament.
- The weather was hot. I did not drink enough. We had a lot of thunderstorms lately but thankfully none at tournament time today. No good breezes, just hot. It's August. Kind of crazy that we're doing so many tournaments in this region this month, but I'm told.Nightwing has solved the AC issues in his loft, so, we'll see how that goes.
- This was the first tournament hosted! He did fine. It's a lot to deal with and he mostly got it dealt with. There were a few times matches weren't being called because he was busy, but, they were rare. He did fine. Thumbs up.
- We had a turnout of 21 registrants for the tournament. Honestly, not bad. We had the usual folks who would sign up and then no-show, but most of the people who registered actually showed up and participated.
- We did have one blader (who did not register ahead of time on the site) who showed up plenty early before start time, and did not hear their name called during roll call and/or was not paying attention. And the tournament started without them being registered. I didn't find out about this until they spoke to me about it in the middle of the fourth round of the first stage, so by then, a bit too late to do anything about it. Organizers, make everyone aware during roll call that if they haven't heard their name called, they're not registered and need to go talk with you right away. Bladers, if you're not paying VERY close attention during roll call, you might wind up not participating in a tournament. An unfortunate set of circumstances. Another part of this was that iCrazyEater pre-filled the seeds and orders ahead of time from every registrant, and then started subtracting people at roll call time. I never do this, because I assume that like 4-5 people aren't going to show up, and it's easier for me to just add people to the Challonge list when they arrive at tournament and check in. It rarely goes over the number of people originally registered or any limits, and it avoids situations like this.
- There were a few bladers present who showed up without understanding the rules the tournament was operating on. Not a surprise, most newer participants don't read those details.
- As a result some bladers had to borrow parts. I set up a nice Naked Paradox High Blow' combo for someone who needed to borrow. They had trouble getting it to stay on their launcher, so I gave them a different launcher, and checked to make sure it would stay on the launcher. Then they came back and told me that it was getting stuck on the launcher and they wanted to use a different combo they made. At which point I accepted my leant beyblade back and asked them to go ask someone else to borrow a beyblade. They did. And then they asked that lender later if they could borrow a different one, but they were refused because the lender was planning on using that bey themselves. Folks, if you aren't going to read the rules ahead of time and aren't going to bring the appropriate amount of tournament-legal beys (the Layer and Double Chassis they originally brought weren't legal) then you will be lucky if people decide to lend you parts at all; please accept what you are leant graciously.
- Bladers, if you're going to complain about "I wasn't informed about the format/rules" in the thread or at the tournament, it's not going to go anywhere if you were in fact informed about the format/rules in the thread, as the first bit of text right in the tournament announcement under the logo. So just don't. If you're not going to check it ahead of time, don't get upset at the organizer, be upset at yourself, to just yourself and not everyone.
- I ended up judging a bunch of matches. I was ostensibly a backup judge, with iCrazyEater and and doing most of the judging, but Mike.Nightwing and I did a fair amount of judging too.
- Because there were 21 of us, it was a 5 round swiss, with one blader having a bye each round.
- Someone showed up in the middle of the 1st round. Sorry, we actually started this thing on time, maybe a little after 1? So even started it a little late. You have to show up to these things on time to play.
- Let's talk about the Crab in the room, because I do enjoy talking about myself. I had been brainstorming with Broyeeto a bit before this tournament, and I did try using DrigerV2 on GigaHasbro, but I was foolishly using it on Yard'. Bearing' is a much better decision, as he would make clear through his matches. I switched away from it fairly quickly, back to Perfect Phoenix WheelHasbro Atomic', then to PP WH Zone'+Z, and then I finally figured out I was honestly safe to bring it back to Regular Xtend+. It really IS safe, it doesn't burst much, even in GT. proved that extemely well as he used PP10CrossXt+ a LOT in the finals, to extremely good effect. For the rest of my first stage deck, I was using Judgement Diabolos 0(Black)Cross(Gold)Qc', one of my favorites, that I actually did really well with throughought the whole tournament. Maybe I can't get it on winning combos, but I saw a lot of Judgement success today. And my last pick was a safe one, Master Spriggan Around Bearing'. It's quite good, mostly safe, although it won't win every opposite spin. I shoulda changed it up in finals.
- My first match was against, and I believe I've seen him at tournaments before. He had some decent TT layers, and he beat me 3-2. Surprise! He ended up beating too, as well as , losing matches to and Friedpasta. After the first round, his parents asked me if he could leave, and I smiled and said "No, because he's made it to the finals." That's always a fun little surprise, isn't it! He had a reasonably high buchholz and a 3-2 record.
- Anyway, back to me. Once I shied away from using DrigerV2 because I don't know what I'm doing and went back to PP, I started winning again. I defeated, "@G the master", and Mike.Nightwing. Putting me in a match against Friedpasta. That's always fun, especially since he'd gone 4-0 and clearly knew what he was doing. Well, he beat me in our round 5 match. But that's okay, hopefully I wouldn't have to fight him again during the tournament! Hopefully.
- I got to do a bit of judging, and there were a fair amount of varied layers running around. Some later Hasbro releases, which didn't do too well, a lot of different TT layers to include some of the Superking layers on the permitted list, a lot of ChoZ, and a lot of GT. A lot of good variety here.
- The tiebreak checking is always fun. Friedpasta went 5-0, no question he made it to finals. the 4-1s make it, obviously, but that was only SPN_Z3R0 and Godly_Requiem. Godly got a LOT of mileage out of his Perfect Phoenix. Xtend+ regular is still quite good in GT, lower center of gravity, and when it doesn't have to worry about Rage and DB attackers, it's still good enough. Survives Judgement... sometimes (when Friedpasta isn't using it). As for the 3-2s, it all comes down to Buchholz: Broyeeto, Shredder9, and "@Mr pokee" had 3 of those slots tied up just fine. Which left 2 slots remaining... and 4 people tied for 3-2 and 8 buchholz.
- As a reminder to everyone, if you have a mislaunch, due to either launcher malfunction or contact with opponent, it's important to call that out right away to the judge. A self-KO doesn't count as a mislaunch, that's a self-KO, but I try to give newer bladers the benefit of the doubt. But if you're just trying to work the angles, we're going to notice. If the judge and opponent didn't see and don't remember opponent contact, it probably didn't happen. And whether or not it was intentional, if your beyblade got completely yeeted into the pocket from midair contact before it even tounched the stadium, that's still a legitimate KO. Trying to press the issue with no-stadium contact, and when that doesn't work because it's not an actual issue, trying to follow that up with an opponent contact claim, well, it's just not going to fly.
- So when you have 4 tied bladers, you get a single elimination tiebreaker bracket. I beat Mike.Nightwing again, and running his all attack deck as usual (2 rubber flats and a Destroy this time) defeated . We had our tiebreaker match anyway to determine seeding, and he beat me. Which put me in 8th seed, which means I had to fight Friedpasta. Again.
- I have a notoriously dismal record against Friedpasta. For deck I was running Master on Bearing', Judgement Diabolos on Qc', and special guest star Zwei Bahamut Sting Jolt' Goku. That's right, at this point I was FORCING myself to use attack because it was the best bet I had and I knew it. Unfortunately, he got me again, 5-3. One day I'll defeat you! Not today. I hope I gave you at least a LITTLE bit of challenge.
- I judged a bunch of Godly_Requiem matches, and he used PP almost exclusively. And if I'm being honest, it worked almost all the time. It was very close in the times where it didn't.
- The people defeated in the quarterfinals were me, pokee, BearsFTW25, and Shredder9. Honestly, not too surprised there, our opponents are very, very good.
- We had some very close matches in the finals! I can't remember exactly but I think the SPN_Z3R0 vs Godly_Requiem match went 5-4 with a last second surprise KO of PP. There was a LOT of Zwei and Judgement being used very successfully in Finals, and even in first stage. I'm glad to see them on the winning combos this time, even if I didn't get them there myself.
- Friedpasta, 4th place. Godly_Requiem, 3rd. SPN_Z3R0, 2nd. And Broyeeto makes it to 1st place!
- We started around 1:10, were done around 4:10. Honestly, not bad for a 21 person tournament.
- I like this format. I honestly don't think the banlist needs to change.
I had fun today. There were some issues here and there, but not major ones. All in all a good tournament and a good format.
I recommend the following music for reading the report. . Look, I play a lot of good videogames, don't judge me.
- Someone left a driver at the tournament. I have it. They will probably want it back. If you lost a driver during this tournament, message me with what it is, to include color scheme, to receive it back. I will bring it to you at an upcoming tournament.
- The weather was hot. I did not drink enough. We had a lot of thunderstorms lately but thankfully none at tournament time today. No good breezes, just hot. It's August. Kind of crazy that we're doing so many tournaments in this region this month, but I'm told
- This was the first tournament
- We had a turnout of 21 registrants for the tournament. Honestly, not bad. We had the usual folks who would sign up and then no-show, but most of the people who registered actually showed up and participated.
- We did have one blader (who did not register ahead of time on the site) who showed up plenty early before start time, and did not hear their name called during roll call and/or was not paying attention. And the tournament started without them being registered. I didn't find out about this until they spoke to me about it in the middle of the fourth round of the first stage, so by then, a bit too late to do anything about it. Organizers, make everyone aware during roll call that if they haven't heard their name called, they're not registered and need to go talk with you right away. Bladers, if you're not paying VERY close attention during roll call, you might wind up not participating in a tournament. An unfortunate set of circumstances. Another part of this was that iCrazyEater pre-filled the seeds and orders ahead of time from every registrant, and then started subtracting people at roll call time. I never do this, because I assume that like 4-5 people aren't going to show up, and it's easier for me to just add people to the Challonge list when they arrive at tournament and check in. It rarely goes over the number of people originally registered or any limits, and it avoids situations like this.
- There were a few bladers present who showed up without understanding the rules the tournament was operating on. Not a surprise, most newer participants don't read those details.
- As a result some bladers had to borrow parts. I set up a nice Naked Paradox High Blow' combo for someone who needed to borrow. They had trouble getting it to stay on their launcher, so I gave them a different launcher, and checked to make sure it would stay on the launcher. Then they came back and told me that it was getting stuck on the launcher and they wanted to use a different combo they made. At which point I accepted my leant beyblade back and asked them to go ask someone else to borrow a beyblade. They did. And then they asked that lender later if they could borrow a different one, but they were refused because the lender was planning on using that bey themselves. Folks, if you aren't going to read the rules ahead of time and aren't going to bring the appropriate amount of tournament-legal beys (the Layer and Double Chassis they originally brought weren't legal) then you will be lucky if people decide to lend you parts at all; please accept what you are leant graciously.
- Bladers, if you're going to complain about "I wasn't informed about the format/rules" in the thread or at the tournament, it's not going to go anywhere if you were in fact informed about the format/rules in the thread, as the first bit of text right in the tournament announcement under the logo. So just don't. If you're not going to check it ahead of time, don't get upset at the organizer, be upset at yourself, to just yourself and not everyone.
- I ended up judging a bunch of matches. I was ostensibly a backup judge, with iCrazyEater and
- Because there were 21 of us, it was a 5 round swiss, with one blader having a bye each round.
- Someone showed up in the middle of the 1st round. Sorry, we actually started this thing on time, maybe a little after 1? So even started it a little late. You have to show up to these things on time to play.
- Let's talk about the Crab in the room, because I do enjoy talking about myself. I had been brainstorming with Broyeeto a bit before this tournament, and I did try using DrigerV2 on GigaHasbro, but I was foolishly using it on Yard'. Bearing' is a much better decision, as he would make clear through his matches. I switched away from it fairly quickly, back to Perfect Phoenix WheelHasbro Atomic', then to PP WH Zone'+Z, and then I finally figured out I was honestly safe to bring it back to Regular Xtend+. It really IS safe, it doesn't burst much, even in GT.
- My first match was against
- Anyway, back to me. Once I shied away from using DrigerV2 because I don't know what I'm doing and went back to PP, I started winning again. I defeated
- I got to do a bit of judging, and there were a fair amount of varied layers running around. Some later Hasbro releases, which didn't do too well, a lot of different TT layers to include some of the Superking layers on the permitted list, a lot of ChoZ, and a lot of GT. A lot of good variety here.
- The tiebreak checking is always fun. Friedpasta went 5-0, no question he made it to finals. the 4-1s make it, obviously, but that was only SPN_Z3R0 and Godly_Requiem. Godly got a LOT of mileage out of his Perfect Phoenix. Xtend+ regular is still quite good in GT, lower center of gravity, and when it doesn't have to worry about Rage and DB attackers, it's still good enough. Survives Judgement... sometimes (when Friedpasta isn't using it). As for the 3-2s, it all comes down to Buchholz: Broyeeto, Shredder9, and "@Mr pokee" had 3 of those slots tied up just fine. Which left 2 slots remaining... and 4 people tied for 3-2 and 8 buchholz.
- As a reminder to everyone, if you have a mislaunch, due to either launcher malfunction or contact with opponent, it's important to call that out right away to the judge. A self-KO doesn't count as a mislaunch, that's a self-KO, but I try to give newer bladers the benefit of the doubt. But if you're just trying to work the angles, we're going to notice. If the judge and opponent didn't see and don't remember opponent contact, it probably didn't happen. And whether or not it was intentional, if your beyblade got completely yeeted into the pocket from midair contact before it even tounched the stadium, that's still a legitimate KO. Trying to press the issue with no-stadium contact, and when that doesn't work because it's not an actual issue, trying to follow that up with an opponent contact claim, well, it's just not going to fly.
- So when you have 4 tied bladers, you get a single elimination tiebreaker bracket. I beat Mike.Nightwing again, and
- I have a notoriously dismal record against Friedpasta. For deck I was running Master on Bearing', Judgement Diabolos on Qc', and special guest star Zwei Bahamut Sting Jolt' Goku. That's right, at this point I was FORCING myself to use attack because it was the best bet I had and I knew it. Unfortunately, he got me again, 5-3. One day I'll defeat you! Not today. I hope I gave you at least a LITTLE bit of challenge.
- I judged a bunch of Godly_Requiem matches, and he used PP almost exclusively. And if I'm being honest, it worked almost all the time. It was very close in the times where it didn't.
- The people defeated in the quarterfinals were me, pokee, BearsFTW25, and Shredder9. Honestly, not too surprised there, our opponents are very, very good.
- We had some very close matches in the finals! I can't remember exactly but I think the SPN_Z3R0 vs Godly_Requiem match went 5-4 with a last second surprise KO of PP. There was a LOT of Zwei and Judgement being used very successfully in Finals, and even in first stage. I'm glad to see them on the winning combos this time, even if I didn't get them there myself.
- Friedpasta, 4th place. Godly_Requiem, 3rd. SPN_Z3R0, 2nd. And Broyeeto makes it to 1st place!
- We started around 1:10, were done around 4:10. Honestly, not bad for a 21 person tournament.
- I like this format. I honestly don't think the banlist needs to change.
I had fun today. There were some issues here and there, but not major ones. All in all a good tournament and a good format.