Alright, let's keep this short:
I recently had an idea for a new competitive Attack Type combo; Guilty Bahamut Giga Destroy'-2.
Any tips or thoughts on this would be nice.
I think Ds' is the only surprising part. I’m not sure if it will work for LAD considering how Low DB discs are.
(Jun. 03, 2022 6:38 PM)BladerComet Wrote: [ -> ]Alright, let's keep this short:
I recently had an idea for a new competitive Attack Type combo; Guilty Bahamut Giga Destroy'-2.
Any tips or thoughts on this would be nice.
For DB the attackers really need rubber flats to maximize power. Replacing Ds' with any variant of Xtreme or Quick' should work better. Otherwise great combo!
Thanks for the tips, I'll definitely keep that in mind.
I think I'll go with Guilty Bahamut Giga Xtreme'-2 then.