May. 31, 2022 12:36 AM
Hello Bladers!
I am quite late on this report. I have had quite a busy week. We just released a podcast that can give any details that I may forget in this on our YouTube channel. Regardless though, let me kick things off.
I held this event in Raleigh, NC which is about 2 hours away from my current home. It may sound far but it is not so bad compared to other locations I have visited. Plus it is nice to go back to my hometown and show love to the Bey community there.
We held the tournament at a popular park in the city. Pullen Park, a historical park in the area. It is quite large with a carousel, multiple picnic shelter, a small pond and a kiddie train that circles the park. It's kinda cool 😎.
It was fairly hot out but fortunately we had a shelter located in some great shade. Once I arrived, around 10:50 (the event started at 12) there was a dad with his son already there. They came from GA and got on the road around 3AM. That is some sincere dedication and I definitely showed my appreciation. I always love when new players travel to events, it shows dedication and even more so when parents are willing to take there kids cause it shows they are or will be heavily invested in the community. So I definitely try my best to give them a decent first time experience.
We had 18 participants sign up overall. However, once 12pm rolled around we only had 8 players at the shelter. So I did my announcements and once I was finished a couple more players rolled up. I got them enrolled and once I was done with that a few more showed up and this happened continuously about 3-4 times. We started the event around 12:30. I like to start on time because parents and players do travel and I know they don't want to be there all day. But at the same time I know this area isn't stacked with events, right now anyway, so I prefer not to turn anyone away, especially if I haven't started any rounds yet.
We ended up having 18 players once everything was said and done. I judged along with my son and we ran the event as smoothly as we could. We played in the DB stadium as this was an FGC event, and honestly I must say that I learn more and more about the physics in that stadium the more I compete. I know a lot of people knock it but trust me, it has potential to test all of our skills and be great. We did have KO's and legit KO's, not luck. We also had burst going on. On my instagram you can see me KO a Prominence combo with my Rage on Xceed'+Z, that is the method for attack in that stadium. Knock the bey on the ridge, and as many of you know, once your attack combo circles on the ridge it will more times than not, knock the opposing Bey into one of those large pockets. The beauty of the DB stadium is that the pockets are sloped. There is no need for replays for a wall bounce because once a bey falls in the pocket then it is more than likely done. I was also KO's by perfect Dynamite Belial. It was pretty sweet to see.
The physics in the DB stadium are different also even with stamina. The slopes in the center are so steep that utilizing high and low mode is critical to success. Also your launch, like in other stadiums, is your key to victory but getting the center does not guarantee success in the least. I found that stamina is decent but defense drivers tend to do best in that stadium. I can not go into extremely extensive detail on how everything works because it would take a while, plus I am only one person, if many other competitors got in and saw the physics in it I am more than sure they will discover unique combos that I never would have thought of...Universe is LEGIT by the way.
Shifting gears, the tournament ran long and not long at the same time. We were in the shade but it was still kinda hot. So running through water was a thing and getting tired was as well. Thankfully we got through it though. We did have an issue with some fake parts but that got resolved. We ran 5v5 in the finals and honestly it was a bit of a headache. Not anyones fault but my own because I forgot about 5v5 haha and had to help some finalist ensure they had 5 legit combos according to the rules. It all worked out though.
I ended up taking 3rd place, my son took 1st, Defaultnoobisme took second (he is a great kid who attends a lot of our local events between Raleigh and Jacksonville), and the blader from GA took 4th. I was hype that he got a placement because he traveled so far. I don't take the prizes from my events, unless its visa gift cards (gas is a thing 😜) haha, but this event we had some beys and a Shu launcher so I passed it down to 4th place. I let him know about his local scene also so hopefully Arka takes that organizer quiz soon so he can start getting beat by his locals, SHARE THE POINTS BRO 😎
All in all it was a fun event. I don't plan to travel to Raleigh again until Dark Continent and then after that I'll have to see. I have been traveling quite a bit but I want to chill and focus more on my locals. I don't show them enough love sadly. I want to grow our NC community and I know it will definitely start with home. I am appreciative of and @#Fafnir for doing the same. NC will grow even stronger soon enough.
Thank you all for reading 🙏🏾
I am quite late on this report. I have had quite a busy week. We just released a podcast that can give any details that I may forget in this on our YouTube channel. Regardless though, let me kick things off.
I held this event in Raleigh, NC which is about 2 hours away from my current home. It may sound far but it is not so bad compared to other locations I have visited. Plus it is nice to go back to my hometown and show love to the Bey community there.
We held the tournament at a popular park in the city. Pullen Park, a historical park in the area. It is quite large with a carousel, multiple picnic shelter, a small pond and a kiddie train that circles the park. It's kinda cool 😎.
It was fairly hot out but fortunately we had a shelter located in some great shade. Once I arrived, around 10:50 (the event started at 12) there was a dad with his son already there. They came from GA and got on the road around 3AM. That is some sincere dedication and I definitely showed my appreciation. I always love when new players travel to events, it shows dedication and even more so when parents are willing to take there kids cause it shows they are or will be heavily invested in the community. So I definitely try my best to give them a decent first time experience.
We had 18 participants sign up overall. However, once 12pm rolled around we only had 8 players at the shelter. So I did my announcements and once I was finished a couple more players rolled up. I got them enrolled and once I was done with that a few more showed up and this happened continuously about 3-4 times. We started the event around 12:30. I like to start on time because parents and players do travel and I know they don't want to be there all day. But at the same time I know this area isn't stacked with events, right now anyway, so I prefer not to turn anyone away, especially if I haven't started any rounds yet.
We ended up having 18 players once everything was said and done. I judged along with my son and we ran the event as smoothly as we could. We played in the DB stadium as this was an FGC event, and honestly I must say that I learn more and more about the physics in that stadium the more I compete. I know a lot of people knock it but trust me, it has potential to test all of our skills and be great. We did have KO's and legit KO's, not luck. We also had burst going on. On my instagram you can see me KO a Prominence combo with my Rage on Xceed'+Z, that is the method for attack in that stadium. Knock the bey on the ridge, and as many of you know, once your attack combo circles on the ridge it will more times than not, knock the opposing Bey into one of those large pockets. The beauty of the DB stadium is that the pockets are sloped. There is no need for replays for a wall bounce because once a bey falls in the pocket then it is more than likely done. I was also KO's by perfect Dynamite Belial. It was pretty sweet to see.
The physics in the DB stadium are different also even with stamina. The slopes in the center are so steep that utilizing high and low mode is critical to success. Also your launch, like in other stadiums, is your key to victory but getting the center does not guarantee success in the least. I found that stamina is decent but defense drivers tend to do best in that stadium. I can not go into extremely extensive detail on how everything works because it would take a while, plus I am only one person, if many other competitors got in and saw the physics in it I am more than sure they will discover unique combos that I never would have thought of...Universe is LEGIT by the way.
Shifting gears, the tournament ran long and not long at the same time. We were in the shade but it was still kinda hot. So running through water was a thing and getting tired was as well. Thankfully we got through it though. We did have an issue with some fake parts but that got resolved. We ran 5v5 in the finals and honestly it was a bit of a headache. Not anyones fault but my own because I forgot about 5v5 haha and had to help some finalist ensure they had 5 legit combos according to the rules. It all worked out though.
I ended up taking 3rd place, my son took 1st, Defaultnoobisme took second (he is a great kid who attends a lot of our local events between Raleigh and Jacksonville), and the blader from GA took 4th. I was hype that he got a placement because he traveled so far. I don't take the prizes from my events, unless its visa gift cards (gas is a thing 😜) haha, but this event we had some beys and a Shu launcher so I passed it down to 4th place. I let him know about his local scene also so hopefully Arka takes that organizer quiz soon so he can start getting beat by his locals, SHARE THE POINTS BRO 😎
All in all it was a fun event. I don't plan to travel to Raleigh again until Dark Continent and then after that I'll have to see. I have been traveling quite a bit but I want to chill and focus more on my locals. I don't show them enough love sadly. I want to grow our NC community and I know it will definitely start with home. I am appreciative of
Thank you all for reading 🙏🏾