*Alarm ringing*
Max gets up from his bed to get his phone and looks at the time.
Max: Three fifty, I need to set my alarm for earlier I was almost late.
Max puts his phone on his bed and gets his gear out. He takes his pajama pants off and puts on his compression shorts then he gets on his practice shorts. He then took his pajama shirt off and put on his BC Sol practice jersey he got custom made with the number eight in the middle with the numbers outline being gold and the inside being red. Then he put his red arm band on and closed the closet then put his pajamas on his bed. He then grabbed his launcher grip with the plastic part being red and the rubber grips being gold and then grabs his db string launcher being red with the plastic parts on the side and top being gold.
Max: Well I better test these shoes out. Let's hope Valt knew what he was looking for in a shoe.
Max opened a blue shoe box with Valt Aoi's red left cheek symbol on the top. Inside the box were Valt's new signature shoe the "Aoi 8's." Max then grabbed his bey from his drawer and left the house.
Max: Still dark outside. At least that gives me more time before anyone else gets up.
Max grabs a flashlight on the ground and starts his adventure from his house to the stadium in the park. Due to the distance of the park from the house it gave Max a good forty minute jog to get there. Eventually Max got to the stadium and turned the light from the ceiling on so he could see what he was doing. Max then grabbed his launcher and his bey and got into the launching stance of Valt Aoi.
Max: Three, two, one, go shoot!
Max's bey Valkyrie Valor was sent into the stadium and spun around with amazing speed from the adventure driver in a flower pattern.
Max: Ultimate Flash V!
Valkyrie starting speeding up and the blades on the Valor blade started glowing a light blue. After thirty minutes of Max practicing on his own Max's friend Mark Johnson.
Mark: Hey Max! Up early as usual?
Max: Of coarse, how do you not expect that already?
Mark: Do you even sleep man?
Max: Of coarse I do. I sleep for, let's see, maybe-about five hours.
Mark: Bro, how do you stay awake for so long. You don't take a nap anytime of the day. For me to do this I have to take two naps with them both being like forty five minutes.
Max: Hey man I just don't need that much sleep.
Mark: Hey man this is why I'm 5 '8" and you're 5 '5".
Max: Who cares about height in blading? All that matters is your mind, and your body muscle.
Mark: Yeah, but since I'm taller I'm gonna be naturally stronger than you.
Max: Doesn't mean you're gonna be better.
Mark: We'll see. I've been doing some crazy training with Midas yesterday and I think I can finally beat you today.
Max: Bro, you literally said the same thing yesterday. You are not beating me.
Mark: We'll see about that.
Both bladers got into that launching position.
Both beys were launched into the stadium.
Max: Valkyrie! Hit him with Valor Slash!
Mark: Oh we're getting aggressive early, alright. Midas! Him em with Overlord Slam!
Both beys clashed and both were sent flying away. Midas stayed in the center while Valkyrie circled it.
Max: Valkyrie! Hit em with a Rush Launch!
Valkyrie hit the side of the stadium changing its movements to a flower pattern. Each attack did damage to Midas causing it to spin slower and slower.
Max: Seems like defense is still your weakest attribute.
Mark: Yeah, but it doesn't mean I still can't beat you! Midas!
Midas started spinning around the circle that surrounded the center of the stadium and started zooming to Valkyrie.
Mark: Seems your defense is also not that good!
Max: Get off me.
Valkyrie hit Midas with an attack moving Midas back an inch.
Max: Valkyrie! Backdraft!
Valkyrie slams into the stadium making its tragectory change so it slammed into Midas.
Mark: So he has a card up his sleeve that Valt hasn't already made, that's surprising.
Max: Shut it, Valkyrie slam him into the wall!
Mark: I'm not letting that happen!
Midas's weight causes it and Valkyrie to instead clash in one place with neither able to move one another.
Mark: Well I'm going to win this easily because of my stamina.
Max: I disagree, VALKYRIE!
*Valkyrie Valor's avatar special move thing plays*
Valkyrie slashes through Midas's defense sending it flying. Due to its tremendous power Midas bursted in the air.
Mark: What?! But how?
Max: Since your bey is a balance type you need to work on every attribute. Your bey is too focused on attack and stamina. Its defense is okay but it's not strong enough to tank attacks from an elite attack type like Valkyrie Valor.
Mark: Well, how can I make it better?
Max: Your blade is attack oriented while your driver is between stamina and attack. The fortress disc is what helps your defense with the more circler attack blade. Try changing the driver to something like Xtend+ so you can get every mode and design Overlord to be like an edgy defensive blade. You may be sacraficing attack power but that never stopped beys like Phoenix, Lucifer, and Genesis from being deadly on the offense.
Mark: If you know this much about beys why don't you make a bey that's good at everything. Instead you just made a Valkyrie that is better at attack. It's just the same as Ultimate Valkyrie at stamina and defense if not worse.
Max: I was planning to do that till I kept watching Valt's battles. Even though he's going against beys more developed in every category like Spriggan, Fafnir, Phoenix, Lucifer, Genesis, Helios, and others, he still wins. So I then went with the natural next step being if you want to be the best you should learn from the best.
Mark: Well I don't think that means make a version of the other persons bey I think that just means implement their choices into your design.
Max: Whatever, I'm going to be the best and you'll see that I'm right.
Mark: Well whatever you say. I'm going to head home and start working on my new bey.
Max: Alright, see yah.
Mark: Bye.
Mark walked off with his launcher and bey in his pockets while Max kept practicing till six am and then got his launcher and bey and started jogging back home. He then got home at six forty five am and fixed himself some cereal and a piece of toast and went to his room to watch some of Valt Aoi's battles on his computer. After eating he shut his computer off and went into the kitchen to see his mom in the kitchen and his dad sitting in his rocking chair drinking a cup of coffee and reading a news paper.
Max: Morning!
Dad: Morning son, how's our little champ doing?
Max: What do you mean champ?
Mom: Well yesterday you won your schools championship.
Max: Well you can call me a champ when a win our cities championship.
Dad: Job isn't finished dear.
Mom: Job ain't finished, where did you get that quote from Max?
Max: I came up with it myself, but see you all I'm going back to the park.
Dad: About that son, you won't see this park again.
Max: Why so?
Mom: Well your dad got a good job in Japan so we're going to move there.
Max: Wait, Japan?!
Mom: Yeah, I told your father you would be fine with that since I heard the competition is stronger there than in Philly here.
Max: Yeah, I'm going to get so much better! But I should probably go tell Mark before he go files a missing report.
Mom: I still can't believe he did that last summer.
Max: Yeah, he gets worried sometimes. But I'll be back, when are we going?
Dad: We're leaving for the airport in two hours so be back in a little since we're going to have to pack our stuff and help the moving crew.
Max: Yes sir.
Max bursted out of the door in excitement to the park. When he reached there he saw Mark sitting on the steps to the stadium with his head down.
Max: Hey Mark, what's the problem?
Mark: Man, I'm leaving tomorrow.
Max: Oh, why so?
Mark: My mom wants to live closer to her family so me and her are moving to Ohio. I'm going to miss you man.
Max: I'll miss you too but I'm also moving.
Mark: Where too?
Max: Japan, my dad has a job opportunity there.
Mark: Oh, well why aren't you sad? You look happy.
Max: Because I'm going to Japan where all the strong bladers are.
Mark: I'm not strong?
Max: You are for your level.
Mark: I was going blow for blow with you! But even then aren't you going to miss our friendship?
Max: Yea I will a little, but I already told you mark this friendship was going to be temporary. I'm too focused on my goals for simple things like friendships. The main reason I ever talked to you was because we were teammates.
Mark: You're so consumed with your goals! Can you never just sit down and enjoy the simple things in life?!
Max: No. To get to the top I need to make sacrifices. My sacrifice is my relationships with people.
Mark: Valt didn't have to my sacrifices like that?
Max: Well I'm going to become better then Valt. So that's irrelevant.
Mark: Whatever, see you, like never.
Max: See yah.
Max leaves the stadium with tears falling from Mark's eyes. When Max got home he helped his parents get the things from the house into the van and then got their clothes and personal things and put them in bags then got in the car. After a hour drive they got to the airport and onto their plane and after a 25 hour flight they finally got to Japan. Max got off the plane and looked up in the sky with a smile.
Max: Today, starts the story of my journey to be the best blader of all time.