World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Proposal: Possible Rule and Deffinition changes for Beyblade Burst
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So, I have been hosting Burst Standard tournaments for about a year or so and I have seen so many different scenarios and questions pop up about how things are ruled or judged. After having to go through the rules multiple times and seeing a lot of people post some concerns about different rules or thing within the rulebook that might contradict itself.
Well, I took some time throughout this past week to really read the rules and see what I felt could be changes for the better of the game's health. So if you click here you will be taken to a google doc. All the highlighted parts are what I have changed. I will also show what I have changed here and give my opinion as to why I changed it to what I did in case you don't want to read the full document.

1st Change:
Battle: The act that determines whether a Beyblade wins, loses, or draws with an opposing Beyblade.
Set: The entirety of battles before a reshuffle would occur.
Match: The entirety of battles or until a winner is decided.
So, I added a little dictionary here for a few words just so players could understand the difference between a battle and the full match. While to some people it might be as clear as day, but for some it can be confusing.

2nd Change:
How to Win
To win a match, a blader must score 3 points. You score point(s) when:
  • The opposing Beyblade stops spinning (1 Point)
  • The opposing Beyblade exits the BeyStadium play area (1-2 Points depending on format)
  • The opposing Beyblade bursts 2 Points, OR 1 Point if Frame, God Chip, or Driver Chip comes off
This is just letting you know that a KO might be worth more points in some formats.

3rd Change: 
Deck Format
Deck Format is a special set of rules used in the final stages of WBO Beyblade tournaments. It allows players to strategically switch between Beyblade combinations during the match.
  • Matches are to 5 points.
  • Out-spins: 1 point
  • Knock-outs: 2 points
  • Burst Finish: 2 points.
  • Non-contact knock-out or burst: 1 point
    • If a Beyblade exits the stadium or bursts without making contact with the opposing Beyblade, they’ll receive 1 point.
  • Frame, God Chip, Driver Chip falling off: 1 point.
This is where the last change come to light. I changed Knock-Outs to being worth 2 points in the WBO Deck Format in order to boost up the drive to use attack type beys. It's known that right now attack is lacking in the burst standard tournaments. every other format allows KOs to be worth 2 points so wy not in standard as well? I know during GT with Zwei and Judgement, attack styles might have felt really overpowered. However, now they are lacking compared to all the Defense-Stamina Hybrids that you see all though tournaments and the Winning Combo thread.

4th Change:
Legal Equipment
Only official Beyblade Burst products produced by Hasbro and Takara-Tomy can be used.
All ranked matches must take place in the Takara-Tomy BeyStadium Standard Type or the Dynamite Battle BeyStadium Standard Type.
Unranked matches may take place in any official stadium.
With Beys getting bigger and bigger over the years the size of the standard stadium has come to feel rather small. Takara Tomy has come out with the DB Standard Stadium and has even implemented it as the new standard stadium for their tournament use. While we are not Takara Tomy, I do feel that with the regular Standard Stadium being out of production and being harder and harder to get, it might be time to start allowing organizers to choose the DB standard stadium for their tournaments. This stadium is designed for the larger beys and is much cheaper and easier to obtain over the older Standard stadiums. I do know some people have an issue with how some types of beys/drivers preform in this stadium. However, this could be a good reason to start trying out different drivers and being a little more innovative with the game. Soon Takara Tomy will stop making Beyblade Burst products entirely and we will need to find ways to make the game stay "fresh". If we always use the same stadium, we might never get to find cool uses for drivers that are "not as good" as the standard meta drivers.

5th Change:
All Dual Spin Parts

  • When playing any of the following formats, the mode of any dual-spin Layer or Layer Base must be selected during the Beyblade Selection phase before submitting it to the judge for inspection.
    • Standard Single Bey Format
    • Pick 3, Choose 1 Format
    • WBO Deck Format
  • After a combination has been submitted for inspection, the mode of a dual-spin part cannot be changed for the duration of the match.
  • When playing any of these following formats, a Blader is allowed only 1 dual-spin Layer or Layer Base, and the spin direction may be changed after the Beyblade Selection phase. 
    • 3 vs 3 Format
After a combination’s spin direction has been decided for the battle, the mode of a dual-spin part cannot be changed for the duration of the set and must wait until after the Reshuffle Phase has been performed to switch again.
Let’s face it, EVERYONE at some point or another wants to be able to utilize the spin direction gimmick of the Spriggan or Diabolos Beys. While as this gimmick is super overpowered for most of the formats, we use here in the WBO, I feel like it is a fine thing to have in the 3v3 format. (If we ever adapt the 5G format from WBBA It would be fine there as well.) 3v3 each time your layer rotation changing bey battles it’s against a new bey. Sure, it can seem overpowered that you could almost always guarantee yourself a point with it. But, that one point doesn't matter when you must still use 2 other beys that can't change their rotation to win. So here I think it would be healthy and fun for everyone when playing 3v3.

6th Change:
Gameplay Appendix

A Beyblade is still considered to be spinning as long as it is visibly in motion to any degree along the axis running directly through the center of the Beyblade.

A complete full rotation around this axis is not needed to be considered spinning. However, it must still be moving in the direction it was launched.

Some Beyblades have parts that allow the upper half to continue rotating after the bottom half has stopped; these are still considered to be spinning. If a Beyblade starts spinning again after it has stopped, the battle does not resume.

A Beyblade is considered knocked-out when it exits the Play Area. Beyblades stuck on an element of a stadium are still considered in-play.

At the Judge’s discretion: If a Beyblade hits the back pocket wall of the BeyStadium Standard Type or the back pocket wall of the Dynamite Battle BeyStadium Standard Type  after coming into contact with the opposing Beyblade, anytime during the battle and bounces back in, it will be considered to have left the Play Area resulting in a knock-out. (See Diagram below for Play Area reference.)
Here I changed probably the 2 biggest things that people debate about and give judges the worst headaches imaginable. This one I know is still going to have debates. But I wanted to show everyone what I think the rulings with them should be.
For Spinning I decided to reword it to fit more like the WBBA's logic. Basically, we would no longer have to worry about if a bey is "Rolling", "Turning", "Falling", Etc... Any kind of movement at the end if it isn't going the opposite direction that it was launched in will be considered spinning. There are so many times where a draw happens, but you have to look at a video so much because one bey still does some sort of motion, yet you need to determine if it was still spinning or not. This can really drag out a tournament and cause it to run a lot later than it really needed to.
Now as for Knock-Outs this was a little more complicated. I have some, not so perfect, diagrams in the google doc that you can see. But they should get the point across. (I won't post them here for space purpose as this is already going to be a long thread.) One of the biggest things in the WBO with Knock-Outs when it comes to burst is the "Play Area". With Burst stadiums having covers and walls around the pockets it makes the idea of what exactly is considered the "Play Area". Here I have taken the concept of the "Wall Bounce rule" and worded it in a way that I feel makes the most sense. Ideally only if a bey touches the very back wall of the pocket would it be considered to have left the play area and therefore be classified as a Knock-Out. So, every other part of the stadium is considered the Play Area. I went back and forth between weather or not I felt as if this should be the rule or if we should just go with WBBA's rule of "Unless it touches something that isn’t a part of the stadium it is considered in play". However, I feel like with the size of the Beys now the standard stadium is just too small for that to be the ruling. This is also probably why WBBA has moved to the DB Standard Stadium. (I have yet to see a Beyblade go into one of those pockets and come back into play.) I also decided on this because I felt that without it once again Attack beys become severely hindered and I want people to be able to play they style they want to play. Also, every previous generation of BeyStadiums never had walls or a cap like Burst, and if they would have kept that trend if a bey went in the area where the pockets are now there wouldn't of been a wall to stop them from exiting the play area.

7th Change:
Draws (WBO Deck Draw Procedures)
When 2 Beyblade combos enter a battle and the first result is declared a draw, Judges are encouraged to start performing the WBO Deck Draw Procedures. Below are the steps that should be taken in order to handle the future battles between the 2 Beyblade combos:

  1. A judge calls a draw between 2 Beyblade combos.
  2. Starting from the 2nd battle, video is recorded and reviewed by both the original judge of the match, and by a 2nd judge who is available. (The 2nd judge should have no prior knowledge of who owns which bey or what the current score is.)
  3. If it is able to be determined right away from the footage that both Beyblades stopped at the exact same time with no other motion the result is a draw and a new battle between the 2 Beyblade combos may take place.
  4. If there is still any motion. Each judge decides in secret which player the victory goes to. (They must choose a winner)
  5. The judges reveal to each other the winner of the battle simultaneously.  A draw only occurs when both judges declare a different player as the winner.

After the decision by both Judges has been made a blader may not contest the result. If they, do it could result in an additional point being granted to their opponent.

Any further contest would need to be submitted to the OP team AFTER the event.

So this change came to me after "THE CIRCUIT" event in Virginia as well as my own event "You Can Only Choose1!" in Maryland last month. During the Finals we had plenty of matches that were opposite spin Drift combos or Drift vs Bearing and the time was just taking FOREVER. So, we were always having to revert to the "Video Review Protocol". This was indeed the best way to handle it, however it felt like waiting for those 3 initial matches to happen as well as waiting for judges to get a decision that was the same still took forever. We also would have players wanting to contest the decisions made and so it would cause judges to rethink what they had initially thought. I want the decisions of the judges to be made and be final. I get people don't want to lose and they want a draw to go in favor for them, but sometimes it just doesn’t, and we can't have players starting a fuss over it. So that is why I also added ion the penalty.

Granted this rule might not be needed if the Spinning definition is changed, because a lot of those "Draws" would no longer be considered as a draw.

8th Change:

Parts with Multiple Modes
Unless specified otherwise under Beyblade/Part-Specific Rulings above, the following applies for all parts with multiple modes:

  • Modes may be changed at any point during the match before it begins or between battles.
  • It is possible to switch parts that can change modes and attach / detach the frame / level chip / driver chip for each battle. In addition, please do these actions that involve the separation of the Beyblade within an acceptable time frame given by the judge.
  • If two players wish to change modes at the same time, they must turn around and do so in secret before continuing the match.
  • Parts with gimmicks/mode changes that may activate or change–whether intentionally or not–post-launch must be reset after each battle. These are not considered mode changes.

Let's face it. Burst beys have gained so many cool and unique gimmicks since the start of Burst. Now every single bey just about has a cool gimmick that requires you to disassemble the Beyblade to do it. So why should we be restricted to only being able to change it once? After all we are paying a lot of money for these beys from Takara Tomy and when we don't get to use all their gimmicks it’s like only getting half of what we paid for. Things like High and Low mode are so very strategic and can really show the skill of a blader. It would also be cool to allow bladers to change up things throughout their match to see if they can score a point using their bey in a different way than they thought. The WBBA allows bladers to use all the gimmicks of their beys as well as removing parts like the Z and X chip because it is a form of mode change to the driver. No real difference than the mode changes on Zeta, Quattro, or Xtend+. So, this was just something I thought would be a good and healthy change to the game.

Okay so those are all of the changes. Please please please give me feedback on all your thoughts and concerns. I would just really like to help make the game healthy and more fun for the community to enjoy. With Beyblade Burst most likely coming to an end next year we really need to investigate different ways to play the game to spice it up and keep in interesting so we can keep this community alive! Thank you all for your time and I hope you enjoy this proposal.
I agree with most of these rules, only being two I personally don’t fully agree with.
First off! Let’s get the big one out of the way, the DB stadium. Personally I do not like this dish at all. I would much rather play in standard/pro (standard being my first choice but pro would be much better than db). My main gripe with this stadium, like many others, is that it hurts the attack type a whole heck of a lot which in many areas already struggle to see consistent play. This whole topic on the DB stadium has been talked about before and there is nothing more I can say here that hasn’t been said already.
Next, the KO rule. Now, I believe that this is one of, if not the single hardest rule in the WBO to enforce. It can be the easiest (if a bey goes into the pocket and stays like it should). However, most times it doesn’t end up that way as we all know. I think it would help if there was an image to refer to. The way I think this should be handled is (for the purpose of this example imagine you are using a white b-09) if you are no longer in the play area of where the stadium floor (being the white part) is, (or above if somehow you get sent upwards and come back down) you are out of the stadium or koed. I would like to hear everyone’s thoughts on that last part because the ko rule is a very hard one to follow.
Very nice thread and I hope we can work out the rules to be easier for everyone.
(Apr. 05, 2022  7:34 PM)Broyeeto Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with most of these rules, only being two I personally don’t fully agree with.
First off! Let’s get the big one out of the way, the DB stadium. Personally I do not like this dish at all. I would much rather play in standard/pro (standard being my first choice but pro would be much better than db). My main gripe with this stadium, like many others, is that it hurts the attack type a whole heck of a lot which in many areas already struggle to see consistent play. This whole topic on the DB stadium has been talked about before and there is nothing more I can say here that hasn’t been said already.
Next, the KO rule. Now, I believe that this is one of, if not the single hardest rule in the WBO to enforce. It can be the easiest (if a bey goes into the pocket and stays like it should). However, most times it doesn’t end up that way as we all know. I think it would help if there was an image to refer to. The way I think this should be handled is (for the purpose of this example imagine you are using a white b-09) if you are no longer in the play area of where the stadium floor (being the white part) is, (or above if somehow you get sent upwards and come back down) you are out of the stadium or koed. I would like to hear everyone’s thoughts on that last part because the ko rule is a very hard one to follow.
Very nice thread and I hope we can work out the rules to be easier for everyone.
I did make a diagram that is on the actual doc. Can’t tell if you saw it or not from this post. Now I want to ask are you saying that say the bey gets hit with an upper attack and kind of bounces off of the stadium floor but doesn’t actually leave the stadium and is above the white floor of the stadium it is still in play?
(Apr. 05, 2022  7:34 PM)Broyeeto Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with most of these rules, only being two I personally don’t fully agree with.
First off! Let’s get the big one out of the way, the DB stadium. Personally I do not like this dish at all. I would much rather play in standard/pro (standard being my first choice but pro would be much better than db). My main gripe with this stadium, like many others, is that it hurts the attack type a whole heck of a lot which in many areas already struggle to see consistent play. This whole topic on the DB stadium has been talked about before and there is nothing more I can say here that hasn’t been said already.
Next, the KO rule. Now, I believe that this is one of, if not the single hardest rule in the WBO to enforce. It can be the easiest (if a bey goes into the pocket and stays like it should). However, most times it doesn’t end up that way as we all know. I think it would help if there was an image to refer to. The way I think this should be handled is (for the purpose of this example imagine you are using a white b-09) if you are no longer in the play area of where the stadium floor (being the white part) is, (or above if somehow you get sent upwards and come back down) you are out of the stadium or koed. I would like to hear everyone’s thoughts on that last part because the ko rule is a very hard one to follow.
Very nice thread and I hope we can work out the rules to be easier for everyone.
I agree with you about the db stadium nerfing attack types big time 
But at the same time the hasbro pro series stadium has a higher wall to pocket ratio that would also hurt attack types 
But i agree that it could be a b-09 substitute
and real quickly I would like to ask you guys what defines “Attack” types to you?
The DB stadium hurts rubber flats. Not necessarily attack types. We all would just have to change the way we utilize attack to perform in that stadium. Takara Tomy did not create the DB stadium for rubber flats. But stationary attack is decent. In that stadium the wall bounce rule isn't really an issue because the slope of the wall typically won't allow anything to bounce back in. Overall it will be a matter of choice and comfortability for the community.

Thank you for this write up I know it took a lot of time and effort. Anything that can help or be proactive for the game I fully support 😎
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:00 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ] and real quickly I would like to ask you guys what defines “Attack” types to you?

Aggressive beys that move around the stadium a lot and usually win rounds by knocking out the opposing bey out of the stadium and into the pocket.
The db stadium is bigger and has 2 pockets instead of 3 which makes it harder to ko your opponent which will make attack types used even less in standard
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:12 PM)DedZeY Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:00 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ] and real quickly I would like to ask you guys what defines “Attack” types to you?

Aggressive beys that move around the stadium a lot and usually win rounds by knocking out the opposing bey out of the stadium and into the pocket.
The db stadium is bigger and has 2 pockets instead of 3 which makes it harder to ko your opponent which will make attack types used even less in standard

So in my personal experience I have seen beys made to do just that in the DB stadium. They just did not use the traditional drivers like Xtreme, Jolt, or Quick. They opted to go with things like Venture, Drift, Universe, and destroy. And these beys would get a fair amount of KOs, or even hit the opposing bey into the wall hard enough to get the out-spin which happens now in the standard stadium with rubber flats. So I’m just curious as to if the stadium is harmful for attack or if it’s just players not experimenting with different drivers and thinking out of the box a little more.
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:18 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:12 PM)DedZeY Wrote: [ -> ]Aggressive beys that move around the stadium a lot and usually win rounds by knocking out the opposing bey out of the stadium and into the pocket.
The db stadium is bigger and has 2 pockets instead of 3 which makes it harder to ko your opponent which will make attack types used even less in standard

So in my personal experience I have seen beys made to do just that in the DB stadium. They just did not use the traditional drivers like Xtreme, Jolt, or Quick. They opted to go with things like Venture, Drift, Universe, and destroy. And these beys would get a fair amount of KOs, or even hit the opposing bey into the wall hard enough to get the out-spin which happens now in the standard stadium with rubber flats. So I’m just curious as to if the stadium is harmful for attack or if it’s just players not experimenting with different drivers and thinking out of the box a little more.
That is intriguing because everybody (me included) agreed that the db stadium hurts attack types 
But looks like with more testing people are finding ways to make attack combos work in the db stadium
(Apr. 05, 2022  7:52 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 05, 2022  7:34 PM)Broyeeto Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with most of these rules, only being two I personally don’t fully agree with.
First off! Let’s get the big one out of the way, the DB stadium. Personally I do not like this dish at all. I would much rather play in standard/pro (standard being my first choice but pro would be much better than db). My main gripe with this stadium, like many others, is that it hurts the attack type a whole heck of a lot which in many areas already struggle to see consistent play. This whole topic on the DB stadium has been talked about before and there is nothing more I can say here that hasn’t been said already.
Next, the KO rule. Now, I believe that this is one of, if not the single hardest rule in the WBO to enforce. It can be the easiest (if a bey goes into the pocket and stays like it should). However, most times it doesn’t end up that way as we all know. I think it would help if there was an image to refer to. The way I think this should be handled is (for the purpose of this example imagine you are using a white b-09) if you are no longer in the play area of where the stadium floor (being the white part) is, (or above if somehow you get sent upwards and come back down) you are out of the stadium or koed. I would like to hear everyone’s thoughts on that last part because the ko rule is a very hard one to follow.
Very nice thread and I hope we can work out the rules to be easier for everyone.
I did make a diagram that is on the actual doc. Can’t tell if you saw it or not from this post. Now I want to ask are you saying that say the bey gets hit with an upper attack and kind of bounces off of the stadium floor but doesn’t actually leave the stadium and is above the white floor of the stadium it is still in play?
Yes to seeing the diagram and the upper attack question. The reasoning behind the white part of the stadium (rather than the back wall hit) is because a bey can be koed without touching the wall. An example of this is wombat vs Ardmore bladers from a couple years ago. If you haven’t seen the video zwei chucked balkesh b3 over the lid of the b-09, under these rules that would not be a ko.
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:00 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ] and real quickly I would like to ask you guys what defines “Attack” types to you?
Now for this, to me attack types are fast rubber flat action. (Although, it doesn’t have to be rubber, just preferred). This has been the primary way of attacking in beyblade since plastic gen. Drift, although it sees use as such by some people, isn’t an attack driver to me. To put it bluntly it’s, to me, a way of playing “attack” while playing something closer to a balance type that is easier to use and relies less on the user. The DB stadium as a whole kills the way of attack that has been known for about 20 years.
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:24 PM)DedZeY Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:18 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ]So in my personal experience I have seen beys made to do just that in the DB stadium. They just did not use the traditional drivers like Xtreme, Jolt, or Quick. They opted to go with things like Venture, Drift, Universe, and destroy. And these beys would get a fair amount of KOs, or even hit the opposing bey into the wall hard enough to get the out-spin which happens now in the standard stadium with rubber flats. So I’m just curious as to if the stadium is harmful for attack or if it’s just players not experimenting with different drivers and thinking out of the box a little more.
That is intriguing because everybody (me included) agreed that the db stadium hurts attack types 
But looks like with more testing people are finding ways to make attack combos work in the db stadium
Yes they are. Anyway thank you for your input. It is greatly valued.
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:27 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:24 PM)DedZeY Wrote: [ -> ]That is intriguing because everybody (me included) agreed that the db stadium hurts attack types 
But looks like with more testing people are finding ways to make attack combos work in the db stadium
Yes they are. Anyway thank you for your input. It is greatly valued.
No problem 
And thank for taking time out of your day to help make this community thrive
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:27 PM)Broyeeto Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 05, 2022  7:52 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ]I did make a diagram that is on the actual doc. Can’t tell if you saw it or not from this post. Now I want to ask are you saying that say the bey gets hit with an upper attack and kind of bounces off of the stadium floor but doesn’t actually leave the stadium and is above the white floor of the stadium it is still in play?
Yes to seeing the diagram and the upper attack question. The reasoning behind the white part of the stadium (rather than the back wall hit) is because a bey can be koed without touching the wall. An example of this is wombat vs Ardmore bladers from a couple years ago. If you haven’t seen the video zwei chucked balkesh b3 over the lid of the b-09, under these rules that would not be a ko.
By the definition of a Knock-out in my proposal if the Beyblade flys out of the top of the stadium it has left the play area and is therefore a Knock-out. The “play are” itself in this proposal is the entire stadium including the space between the lid opening and the stadium, but not the back wall of the pockets. It’s not saying that the back wall is the only way to get a Knock-out but that the back wall just isn’t considered the play area, just like whatever surface you have the stadium sitting on. If the bey goes into the pocket and falls through the hole and touches the floor but somehow not the back wall it would be out.

(Apr. 05, 2022  8:27 PM)Broyeeto Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:00 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ] and real quickly I would like to ask you guys what defines “Attack” types to you?
Now for this, to me attack types are fast rubber flat action. (Although, it doesn’t have to be rubber, just preferred). This has been the primary way of attacking in beyblade since plastic gen. Drift, although it sees use as such by some people, isn’t an attack driver to me. To put it bluntly it’s, to me, a way of playing “attack” while playing something closer to a balance type that is easier to use and relies less on the user. The DB stadium as a whole kills the way of attack that has been known for about 20 years.
Okay. This is where the opinions differ. I was just curious as to if you define them by using the rubber flats or not. Thank you for your input it is very valuable to my research!
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:35 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ][quote='Broyeeto' pid='1818935' dateline='1649186829']
Yes to seeing the diagram and the upper attack question. The reasoning behind the white part of the stadium (rather than the back wall hit) is because a bey can be koed without touching the wall. An example of this is wombat vs Ardmore bladers from a couple years ago. If you haven’t seen the video zwei chucked balkesh b3 over the lid of the b-09, under these rules that would not be a ko.
By the definition of a Knock-out in my proposal if the Beyblade flys out of the top of the stadium it has left the play area and is therefore a Knock-out. The “play are” itself in this proposal is the entire stadium including the space between the lid opening and the stadium, but not the back wall of the pockets. It’s not saying that the back wall is the only way to get a Knock-out but that the back wall just isn’t considered the play area, just like whatever surface you have the stadium sitting on. If the bey goes into the pocket and falls through the hole and touches the floor but somehow not the back wall it would be out.

Oh! My bad I missed that text.
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:42 PM)Broyeeto Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:35 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:27 PM)Broyeeto Wrote: [ -> ]Yes to seeing the diagram and the upper attack question. The reasoning behind the white part of the stadium (rather than the back wall hit) is because a bey can be koed without touching the wall. An example of this is wombat vs Ardmore bladers from a couple years ago. If you haven’t seen the video zwei chucked balkesh b3 over the lid of the b-09, under these rules that would not be a ko.
By the definition of a Knock-out in my proposal if the Beyblade flys out of the top of the stadium it has left the play area and is therefore a Knock-out. The “play are” itself in this proposal is the entire stadium including the space between the lid opening and the stadium, but not the back wall of the pockets. It’s not saying that the back wall is the only way to get a Knock-out but that the back wall just isn’t considered the play area, just like whatever surface you have the stadium sitting on. If the bey goes into the pocket and falls through the hole and touches the floor but somehow not the back wall it would be out.

Oh! My bad I missed that text.
Probably because it’s the standard rule from the rule book of leaving the play area so I didn’t have to change it and I’m only highlighting the parts I changed. Lol
I personally see adding the DB stadium through the adding choice and accessibility lens vs taking away the burst standard stadium lens. The same way I see the pro series stadium.

Burst ran about 7 years of product. We have 1 legal stadium for ranked. Compare that with MFL and MFB standard stadiums choices. Compare it to the Zero G Format stadium choices. If the numbers of pockets is a deal breaker in the WBO historically, then we need to look at Zero -G format.
(Apr. 05, 2022  9:03 PM)Shindog Wrote: [ -> ]I personally see adding the DB stadium through the adding choice and accessibility lens vs taking away the burst standard stadium lens.   The same way I see the pro series stadium.

Burst ran about 7 years of product.  We have 1 legal stadium for ranked.  Compare that with MFL and MFB standard stadiums choices.  Compare it to the Zero G Format stadium choices.  If the numbers of pockets is a deal breaker in the WBO historically, then we need to look at Zero -G format.

Yes. I am putting the DB stadium in as an option to use. I wanted to give organizer more freedom to choose how they want to run their tournaments, yet keep it on a fair stadium.

I haven’t really played in the Pro stadium enough yet to give a good suggestion on it yet.
(Apr. 05, 2022  9:03 PM)Shindog Wrote: [ -> ]I personally see adding the DB stadium through the adding choice and accessibility lens vs taking away the burst standard stadium lens. The same way I see the pro series stadium.

Burst ran about 7 years of product. We have 1 legal stadium for ranked. Compare that with MFL and MFB standard stadiums choices. Compare it to the Zero G Format stadium choices. If the numbers of pockets is a deal breaker in the WBO historically, then we need to look at Zero -G format.

The way I see it, Metal Saga (and maybe even Plastic gen, to an extent) are entirely different beasts than Burst; with Metal Saga having increased recoil due to the metal-on-metal interactions, and Plastic gen with its incredibly recoil-heavy designs.
With both of the prior generations, there was generally enough recoil to get KOs as stationary attackers. In Burst, layers with that kind of raw attack power are relatively few and far between (the most prominent of which being Judgement, a GT release, and Guilty, which doesn't have a reason to not be on MX or X').
(Apr. 05, 2022  7:11 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ]So, I have been hosting Burst Standard tournaments for about a year or so and I have seen so many different scenarios and questions pop up about how things are ruled or judged. After having to go through the rules multiple times and seeing a lot of people post some concerns about different rules or thing within the rulebook that might contradict itself.
Well, I took some time throughout this past week to really read the rules and see what I felt could be changes for the better of the game's health. So if you click here you will be taken to a google doc. All the highlighted parts are what I have changed. I will also show what I have changed here and give my opinion as to why I changed it to what I did in case you don't want to read the full document.

1st Change:
Battle: The act that determines whether a Beyblade wins, loses, or draws with an opposing Beyblade.
Set: The entirety of battles before a reshuffle would occur.
Match: The entirety of battles or until a winner is decided.
So, I added a little dictionary here for a few words just so players could understand the difference between a battle and the full match. While to some people it might be as clear as day, but for some it can be confusing.

2nd Change:
How to Win
To win a match, a blader must score 3 points. You score point(s) when:
  • The opposing Beyblade stops spinning (1 Point)
  • The opposing Beyblade exits the BeyStadium play area (1-2 Points depending on format)
  • The opposing Beyblade bursts 2 Points, OR 1 Point if Frame, God Chip, or Driver Chip comes off
This is just letting you know that a KO might be worth more points in some formats.

3rd Change: 
Deck Format
Deck Format is a special set of rules used in the final stages of WBO Beyblade tournaments. It allows players to strategically switch between Beyblade combinations during the match.
  • Matches are to 5 points.
  • Out-spins: 1 point
  • Knock-outs: 2 points
  • Burst Finish: 2 points.
  • Non-contact knock-out or burst: 1 point
    • If a Beyblade exits the stadium or bursts without making contact with the opposing Beyblade, they’ll receive 1 point.
  • Frame, God Chip, Driver Chip falling off: 1 point.
This is where the last change come to light. I changed Knock-Outs to being worth 2 points in the WBO Deck Format in order to boost up the drive to use attack type beys. It's known that right now attack is lacking in the burst standard tournaments. every other format allows KOs to be worth 2 points so wy not in standard as well? I know during GT with Zwei and Judgement, attack styles might have felt really overpowered. However, now they are lacking compared to all the Defense-Stamina Hybrids that you see all though tournaments and the Winning Combo thread.

4th Change:
Legal Equipment
Only official Beyblade Burst products produced by Hasbro and Takara-Tomy can be used.
All ranked matches must take place in the Takara-Tomy BeyStadium Standard Type or the Dynamite Battle BeyStadium Standard Type.
Unranked matches may take place in any official stadium.
With Beys getting bigger and bigger over the years the size of the standard stadium has come to feel rather small. Takara Tomy has come out with the DB Standard Stadium and has even implemented it as the new standard stadium for their tournament use. While we are not Takara Tomy, I do feel that with the regular Standard Stadium being out of production and being harder and harder to get, it might be time to start allowing organizers to choose the DB standard stadium for their tournaments. This stadium is designed for the larger beys and is much cheaper and easier to obtain over the older Standard stadiums. I do know some people have an issue with how some types of beys/drivers preform in this stadium. However, this could be a good reason to start trying out different drivers and being a little more innovative with the game. Soon Takara Tomy will stop making Beyblade Burst products entirely and we will need to find ways to make the game stay "fresh". If we always use the same stadium, we might never get to find cool uses for drivers that are "not as good" as the standard meta drivers.

5th Change:
All Dual Spin Parts

  • When playing any of the following formats, the mode of any dual-spin Layer or Layer Base must be selected during the Beyblade Selection phase before submitting it to the judge for inspection.
    • Standard Single Bey Format
    • Pick 3, Choose 1 Format
    • WBO Deck Format
  • After a combination has been submitted for inspection, the mode of a dual-spin part cannot be changed for the duration of the match.
  • When playing any of these following formats, a Blader is allowed only 1 dual-spin Layer or Layer Base, and the spin direction may be changed after the Beyblade Selection phase. 
    • 3 vs 3 Format
After a combination’s spin direction has been decided for the battle, the mode of a dual-spin part cannot be changed for the duration of the set and must wait until after the Reshuffle Phase has been performed to switch again.
Let’s face it, EVERYONE at some point or another wants to be able to utilize the spin direction gimmick of the Spriggan or Diabolos Beys. While as this gimmick is super overpowered for most of the formats, we use here in the WBO, I feel like it is a fine thing to have in the 3v3 format. (If we ever adapt the 5G format from WBBA It would be fine there as well.) 3v3 each time your layer rotation changing bey battles it’s against a new bey. Sure, it can seem overpowered that you could almost always guarantee yourself a point with it. But, that one point doesn't matter when you must still use 2 other beys that can't change their rotation to win. So here I think it would be healthy and fun for everyone when playing 3v3.

6th Change:
Gameplay Appendix

A Beyblade is still considered to be spinning as long as it is visibly in motion to any degree along the axis running directly through the center of the Beyblade.

A complete full rotation around this axis is not needed to be considered spinning. However, it must still be moving in the direction it was launched.

Some Beyblades have parts that allow the upper half to continue rotating after the bottom half has stopped; these are still considered to be spinning. If a Beyblade starts spinning again after it has stopped, the battle does not resume.

A Beyblade is considered knocked-out when it exits the Play Area. Beyblades stuck on an element of a stadium are still considered in-play.

At the Judge’s discretion: If a Beyblade hits the back pocket wall of the BeyStadium Standard Type or the back pocket wall of the Dynamite Battle BeyStadium Standard Type  after coming into contact with the opposing Beyblade, anytime during the battle and bounces back in, it will be considered to have left the Play Area resulting in a knock-out. (See Diagram below for Play Area reference.)
Here I changed probably the 2 biggest things that people debate about and give judges the worst headaches imaginable. This one I know is still going to have debates. But I wanted to show everyone what I think the rulings with them should be.
For Spinning I decided to reword it to fit more like the WBBA's logic. Basically, we would no longer have to worry about if a bey is "Rolling", "Turning", "Falling", Etc... Any kind of movement at the end if it isn't going the opposite direction that it was launched in will be considered spinning. There are so many times where a draw happens, but you have to look at a video so much because one bey still does some sort of motion, yet you need to determine if it was still spinning or not. This can really drag out a tournament and cause it to run a lot later than it really needed to.
Now as for Knock-Outs this was a little more complicated. I have some, not so perfect, diagrams in the google doc that you can see. But they should get the point across. (I won't post them here for space purpose as this is already going to be a long thread.) One of the biggest things in the WBO with Knock-Outs when it comes to burst is the "Play Area". With Burst stadiums having covers and walls around the pockets it makes the idea of what exactly is considered the "Play Area". Here I have taken the concept of the "Wall Bounce rule" and worded it in a way that I feel makes the most sense. Ideally only if a bey touches the very back wall of the pocket would it be considered to have left the play area and therefore be classified as a Knock-Out. So, every other part of the stadium is considered the Play Area. I went back and forth between weather or not I felt as if this should be the rule or if we should just go with WBBA's rule of "Unless it touches something that isn’t a part of the stadium it is considered in play". However, I feel like with the size of the Beys now the standard stadium is just too small for that to be the ruling. This is also probably why WBBA has moved to the DB Standard Stadium. (I have yet to see a Beyblade go into one of those pockets and come back into play.) I also decided on this because I felt that without it once again Attack beys become severely hindered and I want people to be able to play they style they want to play. Also, every previous generation of BeyStadiums never had walls or a cap like Burst, and if they would have kept that trend if a bey went in the area where the pockets are now there wouldn't of been a wall to stop them from exiting the play area.

7th Change:
Draws (WBO Deck Draw Procedures)
When 2 Beyblade combos enter a battle and the first result is declared a draw, Judges are encouraged to start performing the WBO Deck Draw Procedures. Below are the steps that should be taken in order to handle the future battles between the 2 Beyblade combos:

  1. A judge calls a draw between 2 Beyblade combos.
  2. Starting from the 2nd battle, video is recorded and reviewed by both the original judge of the match, and by a 2nd judge who is available. (The 2nd judge should have no prior knowledge of who owns which bey or what the current score is.)
  3. If it is able to be determined right away from the footage that both Beyblades stopped at the exact same time with no other motion the result is a draw and a new battle between the 2 Beyblade combos may take place.
  4. If there is still any motion. Each judge decides in secret which player the victory goes to. (They must choose a winner)
  5. The judges reveal to each other the winner of the battle simultaneously.  A draw only occurs when both judges declare a different player as the winner.

After the decision by both Judges has been made a blader may not contest the result. If they, do it could result in an additional point being granted to their opponent.

Any further contest would need to be submitted to the OP team AFTER the event.

So this change came to me after "THE CIRCUIT" event in Virginia as well as my own event "You Can Only Choose1!" in Maryland last month. During the Finals we had plenty of matches that were opposite spin Drift combos or Drift vs Bearing and the time was just taking FOREVER. So, we were always having to revert to the "Video Review Protocol". This was indeed the best way to handle it, however it felt like waiting for those 3 initial matches to happen as well as waiting for judges to get a decision that was the same still took forever. We also would have players wanting to contest the decisions made and so it would cause judges to rethink what they had initially thought. I want the decisions of the judges to be made and be final. I get people don't want to lose and they want a draw to go in favor for them, but sometimes it just doesn’t, and we can't have players starting a fuss over it. So that is why I also added ion the penalty.

Granted this rule might not be needed if the Spinning definition is changed, because a lot of those "Draws" would no longer be considered as a draw.

8th Change:

Parts with Multiple Modes
Unless specified otherwise under Beyblade/Part-Specific Rulings above, the following applies for all parts with multiple modes:

  • Modes may be changed at any point during the match before it begins or between battles.
  • It is possible to switch parts that can change modes and attach / detach the frame / level chip / driver chip for each battle. In addition, please do these actions that involve the separation of the Beyblade within an acceptable time frame given by the judge.
  • If two players wish to change modes at the same time, they must turn around and do so in secret before continuing the match.
  • Parts with gimmicks/mode changes that may activate or change–whether intentionally or not–post-launch must be reset after each battle. These are not considered mode changes.

Let's face it. Burst beys have gained so many cool and unique gimmicks since the start of Burst. Now every single bey just about has a cool gimmick that requires you to disassemble the Beyblade to do it. So why should we be restricted to only being able to change it once? After all we are paying a lot of money for these beys from Takara Tomy and when we don't get to use all their gimmicks it’s like only getting half of what we paid for. Things like High and Low mode are so very strategic and can really show the skill of a blader. It would also be cool to allow bladers to change up things throughout their match to see if they can score a point using their bey in a different way than they thought. The WBBA allows bladers to use all the gimmicks of their beys as well as removing parts like the Z and X chip because it is a form of mode change to the driver. No real difference than the mode changes on Zeta, Quattro, or Xtend+. So, this was just something I thought would be a good and healthy change to the game.

Okay so those are all of the changes. Please please please give me feedback on all your thoughts and concerns. I would just really like to help make the game healthy and more fun for the community to enjoy. With Beyblade Burst most likely coming to an end next year we really need to investigate different ways to play the game to spice it up and keep in interesting so we can keep this community alive! Thank you all for your time and I hope you enjoy this proposal.

I think most of these changes are good, but I respectfully disagree with the proposed DB stadium legality. The stadium is infamous for killing rubber flat attack. Other drivers with decent attack in the Burst Standard Stadium become pretty bad as well (example: Destroy’). I have seen the suggestion for stationary attack being a suitable alternative, but it was only said to be decent; not great. This still means that the stadium is shifting the meta towards stamina and it’s majorly affecting how your combos should be constructed. I believe a stadium shouldn’t be heavily affecting what combos are good and bad and how good a type is in general while still being considered the same format. Minor differences are fine, but results of combo tested in one legal stadium should largely translate to all legal stadiums of that format in my opinion.
(Apr. 06, 2022  1:51 AM)Friedpasta Wrote: [ -> ]I think most of these changes are good, but I respectfully disagree with the proposed DB stadium legality. The stadium is infamous for killing rubber flat attack. Other drivers with decent attack in the Burst Standard Stadium become pretty bad as well (example: Destroy’). I have seen the suggestion for stationary attack being a suitable alternative, but it was only said to be decent; not great. This still means that the stadium is shifting the meta towards stamina and it’s majorly affecting how your combos should be constructed. I believe a stadium shouldn’t be heavily affecting what combos are good and bad and how good a type is in general while still being considered the same format. Minor differences are fine, but results of combo tested in one legal stadium should largely translate to all legal stadiums of that format in my opinion.

Thanks for your input. It seems like the DB stadium is most peoples gripes. I honestly thought the KO idea was gonna be the bigger issue for people.
(Apr. 05, 2022  11:16 PM)BladerGem Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 05, 2022  9:03 PM)Shindog Wrote: [ -> ]I personally see adding the DB stadium through the adding choice and accessibility lens vs taking away the burst standard stadium lens.   The same way I see the pro series stadium.

Burst ran about 7 years of product.  We have 1 legal stadium for ranked.  Compare that with MFL and MFB standard stadiums choices.  Compare it to the Zero G Format stadium choices.  If the numbers of pockets is a deal breaker in the WBO historically, then we need to look at Zero -G format.

The way I see it, Metal Saga (and maybe even Plastic gen, to an extent) are entirely different beasts than Burst; with Metal Saga having increased recoil due to the metal-on-metal interactions, and Plastic gen with its incredibly recoil-heavy designs.
With both of the prior generations, there was generally enough recoil to get KOs as stationary attackers. In Burst, layers with that kind of raw attack power are relatively few and far between (the most prominent of which being Judgement, a GT release, and Guilty, which doesn't have a reason to not be on MX or X').
I agree.  However, I believe the biggest change to how Attack works in burst, is the stadium design, and that includes the burst standard stadium.  The biggest difference to me, between burst and the generations before, is the walls around stadium of old are now part of the stadium itself in burst.  Also, the burst mechanic is itself is probably an important reason why a stadium designs that allows for more wall saves made sense.  If things get KO too easily, you can’t see as many “exciting” bursts.  It’s better to bounce around and explode for the effect when possible.
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:18 PM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 05, 2022  8:12 PM)DedZeY Wrote: [ -> ]Aggressive beys that move around the stadium a lot and usually win rounds by knocking out the opposing bey out of the stadium and into the pocket.
The db stadium is bigger and has 2 pockets instead of 3 which makes it harder to ko your opponent which will make attack types used even less in standard

So in my personal experience I have seen beys made to do just that in the DB stadium. They just did not use the traditional drivers like Xtreme, Jolt, or Quick. They opted to go with things like Venture, Drift, Universe, and destroy. And these beys would get a fair amount of KOs, or even hit the opposing bey into the wall hard enough to get the out-spin which happens now in the standard stadium with rubber flats. So I’m just curious as to if the stadium is harmful for attack or if it’s just players not experimenting with different drivers and thinking out of the box a little more.
The WBBA meta seems to support what Crisis is saying. 

There are KO attackers in the DB stadium.  Guilty is very much in the WBBA 5G meta and Ultimate is too.  Those two layers are not in lots of 5G decks to primarily out spin things by grinding their opponents down slowly but surely.  They are there to hit things into it a pocket, or a wall, or an unfavorable orbit.  They are both commonly played in the 1-3 positions in 5G, so they are considered aces. It is true they are not on rubber flats, but they are “attack.”

I really like the Zero-G format. There are three stadiums that has 1-3 pockets.  The stadium that has 3 pockets is the “attack” stadium unsurprisingly.  I know rubber flats work in Zero-G stadiums but I personally almost always prefer to play Zero-G/sway attack with a plastic flats.  These are still very much attack combos to me.
I guess my point is:

I love playing MFB in the BB-10. I love playing MFB in my Zero-G stadium too.  I can see similar scenario in Burst, maybe?
(Apr. 06, 2022  6:28 AM)Shindog Wrote: [ -> ]I guess my point is.  I love playing MFB in the BB-10. I love playing MFB in my Zero-G stadium too.  I can see similar scenario in Burst, maybe?

I second this, by no means do I think DB is perfect but we have to accept Japan considers this their main stadium, and the meta changed and adapted to it. I'm all for the option for it to be legal it gives more variety and I like the battles that can be done.
I'll run through all these points one by one with my thoughts.

Point 1: Added Definitions for Rounds/Sets/Matches
Honestly good. The definitions are solid in and of themselves, and maybe something that can be pointed to for confusion clearing reasons. Doesn't add any complexity, just clarification, which is a plus.

Point 2: Tweaking to Displayed Wincon Values
I'd mention that Bursts can be reduced to 1 points the same ways that KOs are, this is the case in Burst Classic during the first stage and I feel like if it's reflected for the KO value due to other formats then it should be attributed the same to Burst finishes as well for the same reason. Otherwise, no complaints here.

Point 3: Increase of Burst Standard KOs to 2 Points
Honestly, for as much as people joke about "spamina", the tournament I hosted in Cincinnati was mostly a case of spammed Attack, including Guilty on Xtreme' spam from my brother who hadn't launched a Beyblade at all in nearly a decade and still wrestles himself all the way to 2nd place overall on its back. This honestly feels more like a problem with the WBO Burst Standard thought process rather than an actual issue with the game itself, but it's one I'm not ultimately against. Breaking the mindset is a good thing, one way or another.

Point 4: Addition of DB Standard Type to Legal Parts Roster
I... why are people against this? I get the whole "my rubber flats are useless" thing, but... like... one of the first ever layers could work as well stationary as it could in motion, and Guilty is solid no matter what you put it on in much the same way. People fear way too much for attack types here, it's not that bad at all. I see no reason at all not to make it a legal option, and heck, it might force some people around here to be more creative for a change and use a few things they don't get to use as often.

Point 5: Dual Spin Gimmick Legality in 3v3 Format
I'm all for seeing this one in action, because lets face it: Being in opposite spin does not guarantee a win. Only thing I would add is a clause that if both bladers have a dual spin capable layer that they would have to choose which direction they're going in in secret at the same time, to prevent one user from manipulating the decision of the other unintentionally.

Point 6: Spinning and Knockout Definition Adjustments
The "Spinning" definition already has a  proposed change in active deliberation (Shindog gave me the unusual opportunity to propose the change personally after my explanations, considerations, and dedication given to this thread dedicated to the topic.) The exact wording I gave to my change of "Spinning" is as follows:

A Beyblade is considered to be spinning as long as it is visibly rotating in the direction it was launched in across its central axis. Some Beyblades have parts that allow the upper half to continue rotating after the bottom half has stopped; these are still considered to be spinning. If a Beyblade starts spinning again after it has stopped, the round does not resume as the round has already concluded.
As you can see, the idea behind it is rather similar there.

In regards to the Knockout change, you could cut a few words out of it by doing this: "the back pocket wall of the BeyStadium Standard Type or the back pocket wall of the Dynamite Battle BeyStadium Standard Type". Even then, I appreciate the extra clarification of the images given there, and I feel like the visual helps a lot at illustrating this point much better than words alone would.

Point 7: Revamp to the Draw Rule
This is a weird change honestly. It would require two judges at a match far too frequently by needing to call a second judge over at a single draw, which could slow down larger events too much and add extra stress to a stretched out judging team for smaller ones. I get the concern, but either way revamping a protocol that is already a suggestion and not a requirement is simply kinda moot. If you want to do your events this way go ahead, but it can backfire too easily and not all locales use this to begin with (Carmel Indiana doesn't, for instance, and keeps it to just 1 judge per match at all times).

Point 8: Revamping Mode Changes
I half agree and half disagree with this. Let's start with the disagreement. Mode Changes that require disassembly typically take a significant amount of time to do. If we allowed them constantly, there's options for someone to bring a bey with mode changes and delay the entire tournament simply by constantly disassembling and reassembling their bey. It's probably a terrible idea to do that, but some people are trolls and this is something I'm not inclined to give them a whole ton of leeway for. This is especially true when switching from High to Low mode counts, and vice-versa. All you need to do to abuse that is run a DB bey on any armor that isn't +L. Let's not give people the option to torture our tournament attendees.

On the other hand, I'd love to see driver changes such as adding/removing the +X/+Z chips legalized, and doing so also would add precedence for Hasbro's QD Armor Tips doing the same thing. The current rules don't allow for this since Zone'+Z is a different part compared to Zone', but this could be expanded to the addition or removing of such addons when reasonable.

Most of these changes are ultimately good, and part of one is an already active proposal last I knew (if this has changed since, then I've been kept out of the loop regarding it). One could be improved by being more inclusive. One is more a judging suggestion than anything else, and one that isn't suitable for all tournament types or locales the same as the original suggestion. Another has good intentions but misses one of the consequences it'd allow into the game.

Definitely feel free to tell me if you agree or disagree with my reasoning here though, I'd love to keep the debate going.
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