Its supposed to be season 8 and is supposed to pay off Theodore at the end of god saying he'll return
Valt: Go Shoot!
Valt launches his new Sparking Valkyrie into the stadium. After Aiga, Bell, and Drum finished the Cho X project everyone has been switching to the new system. Drum made Glory Dragon, Aiga made Heroic Achilles, Bell made Oblivion Belial, Wakiya made Zyklon Wyvern, and Shu made Dragonic Spriggan. Valkyrie eventually stopped spinning and Valt then grabbed Valkyrie.
Valt: You really are strong Sparking Valkyrie! I wonder what adventures we'll have together!
Valt leaves his room in the new WBBA Headquarters and sees in the training area Aiga and Drum battling with Bell watching. Valt walks down the steps and walks into the room.
Aiga: Go, Heroic Slash!
Drum: Go, Glory Slam!
Both beys clash in the center of the stadium till the sound of a burst rings from the stadium. Due to Achilles having Dimension' and Dragon having Charge Achilles was able to win due to burst resistance.
Valt: What are you all doing?
Aiga: We're battling for the title of who will have their name in the center and in bold text of who made the Cho X system for the new system festival.
Valt: Why does there need to be a name in the center and in bold text? You all really helped equally to make the new system.
Aiga: I don't know, but that's what the WBBA said so we need to figure out who will have their name being the main creator. And all I have to do is beat Bell to be the main creator.
Bell: That's if you beat me.
Bell walks over to the stadium and gets his launcher and bey ready.
Bell and Aiga: 3,2,1, GO SHOOT!!!
Achilles was put in its smallest height and in attack mode circling the center of the stadium with Belial behind it.
Bell: You aren't going to beat me as you did Drum, because my Belial has the Destroy' driver.
Drum: Hey, that kinda hurt.
Belial started moving fast and slammed into Achilles with its strong metal wing.
Aiga: Oh so we're doing this now.
Achilles moved left to the center of the stadium with Belial following behind. Achilles then juked Belial and slammed into Belial with its metal sword wing. Belial then retaliated with a barrage attack causing Achilles to be sent away.
Aiga: Alright, try and handle Heroic Slash!
Belial: Sure, lets try that. Oblivion Bomber!
Both beys slam into the center of the stadium and are sent into the sides of the stadium causing the beys to lose a lot of stadium. Both beys start rocking back and forth from their lack of stamina and by a split second due to the lad of Destroy' Bell wins the round with a spin finish. Then all the bladers hear a voice from the giant screen in the other room.
Aiga: What's on the TV?
Valt: I don't know, but I swear I know that voice, I just don't know who its from.
Wakikya: Valt! You need to see this!
Valt: Well it seems like your battle needs to be delayed because if Wakiya is saying I need to see something in a urgent tone like that it must be important.
The bladers run to the room Wakiya is in and on the big TV they see the face of Ashtem aka Theodore Glass.
Valt: Theodore?! What's he doing?
Wakiya: I don't know, but the video has finally stabilized so he'll probably say something.
Ashtem: Attention entire world, here my proclamation. I am Ashtem, leader of the Snake Pit and the one who will take down the WBBA and be the new ruler of the beyblade world. I declare the war for the beyblade world between the Snake Pit and the WBBA, whoever wins this war will be the ruler of the beyblade world. People of the beyblade world I would suggest you start taking sides, our side in fact because if you are a supporter of the WBBA you will be treated as one of the legends and head bladers of the WBBA and be destroyed. So WBBA build your army and much as you can because we're coming for you, and we will destroy you.
The TV then turned off and everyone looked at each other in shock. Aiga and shacked his head.
Aiga: Alright lets destroy these chumps guys! They're no match for us!
Wakiya: Aiga relax. You haven't experienced the strength of the Snake Pit and what they can do. Especially with Theodore as their leader due to his intelligence and his ability to manipulate people. For all we know we could have a bunch of Red Eye's storming our door with Requiem beys.
Valt: Yeah, the Requiem Project made Shu a monster and made him one of if not the strongest blader in the blader cup that year.
Bell: So the Requiem Project is like a blader enhancement project?
Wakiya: Yes it causes a blader and their bey to be corrupted and become one.
Valt then stands there thinking about the battles and suffering he went through due to the Snake Pit and what they did to Shu years ago. Wakiya then snaps in front of Valt's face to bring him back to reality.
Wakiya: Valt, we have no time for day dreaming. We need to focus and get ready for this war between the Snake Pit and the WBBA. If we lose the beyblade world will be destroyed from how we know it right now.
Valt: Right we need to get bladers now to beat the Snake Pit.
Wakiya: Who are you thinking of?
Valt: First we need the Big 5 so we only need the other three because me and Aiga are right here. Do you know where Shu, Free, and Lui are?
Wakiya: Yeah, Shu is in New York with the Bulls, Free is at BC Sol, and Lui is on his Island. Anyone else?
Valt: Yeah lets get Rashad, and Lane, and Gwyn. Drum, can you get Gwyn for us? We need our own strategic thinker to counter what Theodore has to throw at us.
Drum: On it.
Valt: Alright so our team will be the Big 5 with Gwyn and you Wakiya as our brains and Rashad, Lane, Drum, and Bell will be incase we need back up.
Wakiya: Alright lets get this started. First we'll be going to New York to get Shu and Lane. Then we'll get Rashad and Free at BC Sol, and finally Lui at his island.
Valt: Okay, when can we get transportation to New York.
Wakiya: I can get my plane ready in a hour so wait here while I make the call.
Wakiya then goes up to his room to make the call while Drum leaves the headquarters to find Gwyn. Valt, Aiga, and Bell sit on the couches in the room thinking on how they will defeat the Snake Pit.
Bell: Valt?
Valt: Yeah?
Bell: Do you think we'll win?
Valt: I hope so.
Aiga: Shut up Valt! Of coarse we will!
Bell: Yeah, but Valt talked about all those enhanced bladers.
Aiga: That doesn't matter! I defeated Phi, Valt has basically defeated everyone, and you have defeated Rashad and Pain. There's no way we lose!
Bell: Yeah you're right! We'll defeat them easily!
*1 hour later*
The plane lands at the landing area at the headquarters and Valt, Bell, Aiga, and Wakiya get on. The plane starts to move and rises to the air on a coarse to New York. Eventually the plane lands and the bladers get out.
Bell: Woah! This is New York?!
Wakiya: Yeah, crazy isn't it?
Aiga: Yeah, its nothing like Japan.
The bladers start walking to the Raging Bulls facility from a forest near by. When they get to the facility they see many bladers training launching techniques and other things till they see Shu and Lane walking together in a hallway.
Wakiya: Hey Shu!
Shu turns around and sees the group and waves.
Shu: Hey guys! What are you all doing here?
Lane follows Shu and waves as well with a smile.
Shu: Oh yeah Liga, thanks for making these new Cho X beys, they're sick.
Lane: My Verdict Lucifer is better then your Spriggan.
Shu: You sure about that? Because last time I checked my Dragonic Spriggan has been kicking your Lucifer's butt recently.
Lane: That was only two times!
Shu: Yeah, two times in a row.
Lane: Shut up Shu! I'm still better then you!
Shu: We'll see about that. So anyway what are you all here for?
Wakiya: Well the Snake Pit has come back and Theodore has declared war against the WBBA. And we came here for you and Lane's help.
Shu: Sure thing. I've been looking to repay Theodore after the whole Red Eye phase.
Lane: You mean your emo phase?
Shu: Shut up Lane! You literally have a bey named after the devil.
Lane: Eh whatever, when do we get to meet this Theodore?
Wakiya: Well Lane, you're not gonna be battling. You're back up incase the Big 5 can't beat the Snake Pit bladers.
Lane: What?! I can literally crush all of you!
Wakiya: We'll see about that.
Valt: There's no need for joking we need to hurry and get the team together.
Shu: Right.
The group leave the Raging Bulls center and back into the forest to get on the plane. Then out of no where they get ambushed by masked Snake Pit bladers.
Blue Eye: Well look who we have here! A bunch of WBBA bladers. It's time to be destroyed.
Silver Eye: Agreed.
Shu: It seems like Theodore's been doing some recruiting. So who am I battling? I assume you all have copies of our beys.
Blue Eye: Yes some of us do including me. Meet the best Spriggan, Aqua Spriggan!
The bladers look at Blue Eye's bey. The bey was blue with a Spriggan avatar and red eyes but the beys attack points didn't look like something Spriggan has but the attack points were modeled after Delta's bey Overlord Diabolos has.
Silver Eye: Alright you will all be crushed by my Silver Diabolos.
The bladers looked at the Silver bey with it being the opposite of Aqua Spriggan and having the Diabolos avatar but Dragonic Spriggan's attack points. The third blader then came out of the bushes.
Red Eye: Well it seems I've finally met the last Red Eye. Now its time to show Ashtem why I am the strongest Red Eye. Meet Blazing Solomon.
Red Eye's bey had the avatar of Solomon but had the attack points of Glory Dragon.
Red Eye: You all ready?
Aiga: What? There's no stadium here. How are we supposed to battle?
Blue Eye: It seems you've lost the original ways of blading. We're going to battle here on the ground.
Shu: Interesting, lets do this.
Aiga puts Achilles in medium height attack mode while Shu puts Sprigan in right spin stamina mode.
Everyone: 3,2,1, GO SHOOT!
Blue Eye's Spriggan slams directly into Shu's Spriggan. Shu then notices the parts and abilities of every bey. Blue Eye was in right spin for his Spriggan and has the parts Wheel and Zone' + Z. Silver Eye has his Diabolos in right spin mode as well but has his bey designed as a defense type while Blue Eye's is a balance type with his bey having the parts Nexus + S gear and the drift driver. And finally Red Eye's Solomon is a balance type with the parts Wheel and Xtend + with Xtend + being on stamina mode.
Aiga: Get him Achilles! Heroic Slash!
Achilles attacks Diabolos but the attack doesn't due much because of Drift's stamina and the great teeth of Diabolos.
Red Eye: Blue Eye keep preshering Shu and Silver Eye keep wearing out Achilles.
The two Spriggans keep clashing.
Blue Eye: Aqua Slash!
Shu: Axe Defense!
The axe frame on Spriggan absorbs the attack using its free spinning mode.
Silver Eye: Silver Defense!
Aiga: Heroic Slash!
Achilles attacks Diabolos again with little affect.
Red Eye: Now its your turn Valt! Flaming Flash!
Solomon slams into Valkyrie sending it flying.
Bell: This isn't working we need to help!
Lane: Agreed
Both Lane and Bell launch their beys.
Bell: Oblivion Bomber!
Two other beys get launched into the battling area. One of them slam into Belial bursting it and the other sending Lucifer into a tree.
Lane: What though?! Who goes there?!
Bell: It's pretty clear they have reinforcements so I'm going to go find help.
Bell runs off further into the forest to find any kind of help till he came upon a cave. He heard steps behind and turn around to see a kid at the age of Shu and Valt with a hood covering his face.
???: Hello dear traveler. What are you doing far away here?
Bell: I'm looking for help! My friends are in a battle with some masked bladers from the Snake Pit and need help!
???: Hmmm, perhaps I could help you.
Bell: You can?! Then please come help me!
???: Alright then. Lead the way. I'll enjoy this battle all Snake Pit bladers are my enemy and their master Asthem.
Bell: Wait you battle in the WBBA?
???: No, no, but I was a blader.
Bell: Wait, so are you apart of Dead Grand? Hell Tower? Or were you apart of the Snake Pit before?
???: The Snake Pit, the Snake Pit took everything from me. Ripped me from my mothers arms, took away my brother, and used me as a weapon. And then casted me aside, abandoned me. Once I had power, now I have nothing.
Bell: Wow, I'm sorry.
???: Don't be, now I can finally get my revenge on some of its bladers.
The two bladers get there to see Valt, Shu, and Aiga struggling to fight back. Achilles seemed to have lost almost all of it's stamina and Valkyrie looks like its about to burst and Spriggan won't be able to fight them all by its own.
Bell: Valt, Shu, Aiga, I brought help!
The hooded blader took his hood off to show is dark black hair and red glowing rageful eyes.
Shu: No, it can't be.
The masked bladers look up in shock to see the hooded blader.
Blue Eyes: The Shadow.
Both Blue Eyes and Silver Eyes shiver in fear.
Red Eye: So the rumors are true, the original Red Eye lives.
Bell: Original Red Eye?
Damian: Formally Red Eye, now I go by Damian.
Shu: Step away from him.
Damian: Perhaps my actions will speak louder than words.
Damian grabs his launcher and launches his bey. The two bladers in a bush launch their beys at Damian's but Damian counters it with his beys defense. With both of the beys revealed you could see that they were both Helios's but with the attack points of Lui's bey Cluster Longinus. They were identical copies with the same disc being Karma but the driver being different. One had Xtreme' while the other had Drift.
Damian: Demonic Frenzy!
Damian's bey sped up using Destroy' and started slamming into all the masked bladers beys sending them into trees or pieces. All the masked bladers started running after looking back at Damian with his red glowing eyes and red and black aura forming around him into the shape of Damian's avatars shape of a demon. The other bladers grabbed their beys and looked at Damian who's aura was disappearing and eyes had stopped glowing red.
Bell: Thanks for the help Damian.
Damian: No problem, it felt good sending those Snake Pit bladers back to the sewers they crawled out from.
Lane: Eh, I could've did the same thing myself I was just taken out by surprise.
Bell: Shut up Lane!
Aiga: Yeah thanks, I was about to die from exhaustion.
Damian turned to Valt and saw discuss in his eyes.
Damian: Excuse me Valt Aoi but it seems we have a problem between us would you like to explain why?
Valt: They said you were the original Red Eye.
Damian: Yes, I was.
Bell: Valt chill, the Snake Pit literally took him from his mother and took away his brother. What else could he have done.
Valt looked up in surprise at Damian.
Damian: It's true I wish I could see my mother and my brother again but I can't.
Valt: I'm sorry.
Damian: Don't be, I've survived on my own enough that I don't need them. Though I have a question for one of you.
Damian turns to Shu.
Damian: Can you explain why you told Bell to stay away from me. Unless....
Damian started to remember from his past the day he was abandoned by the Snake Pit. He was forced to battle Shu for the title of Red Eye and when Shu beat him Shu broke his original Dajjal bey getting rid of the one thing Damian had left from his family. After that he was left to die by Theodore and Shu in the original Snake Pit temple.
Damian: YOU
Damian's eyes glow red again with his aura coming back forming the demon that is Dajjal's avatar.
Damian punches Shu in the mouth causing Shu to lose a tooth. The other bladers hold Damian back while Valt checked on Shu.
Damian: LET GO OF ME!
Damian got free from the bladers grasps and walked glaring at Shu.
Damian: I may not get my revenge today by I will get my revenge one day Shu Kurenai and I will make you feel my pain.
Damian puts his hood back on leaving the bladers in the forest with their plane.