Feb. 08, 2022 6:23 AM
SpeedySuomi here again. So, I decided to rewrite the entire story of DB out of pure spite, and I think you know who is gonna appear. But I suppose I'll change everything else and some of my own touches.
Chapter 1 - The Gates of Hell
In the middle of the night, two children walked past a dark forest, filled with dead trees and darkness.
The blue-haired boy said, seemingly concerned.
What is it, Basara-nii? Don't tell me you're scared again?
Hannah, the girl, replied with a smug tone.
Basara: I-I'm not! But, are you really sure we're going the right way?
Hannah looked at her tablet, then to Basara once more with a smile.
Hannah: Yep! We're on the right track!
She went on ahead afterward, leaving her brother behind.
Basara: Hey, wait for me!
The siblings ran across the forest, with Basara trying to catch her sister.
Basara: I'm telling you, wait up!
While trying to catch her they left the forest they were in and were greeted by something they weren't expecting.
Hannah: This is...
Basara eventually caught up with her.
Basara: Hey, Hannah! Don't go without... telling me.
[Basara's Perspective]
This house- no, mansion... is this what I think it is?
Hannah: The rumors were true... this must be the "Gates of Hell"!
Hannah was ecstatic, her eyes lit up just by seeing the old, decrepit mansion.
Basara: I-it does look like it.
Hannah: Well, what are we waiting for?! Come on!
She dragged her brother along with her, running for the mansion.
Basara: Huh? H-Hannah, stop!
Fortunately for Basara, Hannah stopped.
Basara: What if we don't make it out of there? Who's gonna help us?
Hannah looked at her brother with the same expression she had earlier.
Hannah: Don't worry about that, it's gonna be alright! We're in this together, remember?
Basara: But still...
From afar, a metallic sound and a blood-curdling scream was heard.
Basara: AH! Wh-what was that?!
Hannah responded with a smile, albeit nervously.
Hannah: Ah- uh... i-it's just some sound effects! I'm sure of it!
Basara: I knew this would be a bad idea, let's just go home!
Hannah: N-no, it's a fake. Definitely!
A person left the mansion, running for dear life and panicking.
Basara: Hirota?!
He stopped to talk with him.
Hirota: Basara?
Basara: W-what happened?!
Hirota: Dude, you better get out of here! This place is genuinely bad news!
He spoke with a distressed tone of voice, trembling in fear.
Basara: Huh?
Hirota: I-I don't want to talk right now, I wanna go home!
Hirota ran away, screaming in terror.
Hirota: Mom!!!
His voice slowly faded away as he walked back into the path where they came from, and silence ensued between the siblings.
This is a big red flag... I really need to get out of here, quick!
Basara: Hey, let's get out of here, shall we?
Hannah swiftly interrupted him with a joyful response.
Hannah: Did you see that? He came out alive and well!
I wouldn't say the same for his mental state though!
Basara: Alive and well?! He's gonna lose sleep for the next few nights! There are monsters in there, we should really go back!
Basara replied, irritated by his sister's remarks.
Hannah: But still, we've come so far to turn back right now. Come on, Basara-nii!
Hannah looked at him with puppy eyes.
Darn you, Hannah...
Basara sighed in dismay.
Basara: F-fine... but we'll have to get out when something-
Another scream came out from the house, and so did another person.
I'm not coming back to this place EVER AGAIN!!!
The boy ran out of the house and into the forest, like with Hirota earlier.
Basara: Okay, that's our cue. Let's leave-
Hannah: I disagree, I'm taking the challenge and I'm going in! This is gonna be fun!
Hannah dashed for the mansion as quickly as possible.
Basara: Ah! Hannah!
Basara once again tried to catch Hannah.
I swear, that girl!
Basara: Get back here! You're going to regret this!
Hannah eventually reached the doors and opened them, with Basara following behind.
Basara: Hannah, come back!
Basara stood behind her as she turned out her flashlight.
Hannah: Woah... amazing.
The mansion's interior was, strangely enough, furnished very well. There were stairs in front of them, which had clean carpets, and even though there were heads of gargoyles & demons made of stone across the pillars, that didn't take away from the elegance of the mansion.
I'm actually surprised, this house is well-made.
Basara: The interior looks really detailed, but this isn't an amusement park though. It's a real haunted house...
Hannah pumped her fists.
Hannah: Which makes it even better! Seeing real demons are going to be amazing!
They walked inside the mansion, and the door instantly shut on their backs.
Basara: The doors!
Basara and Hannah were startled and stared at the doors in shock.
They closed... wait, they closed?!
Basara ran for the door and pulled on its knobs.
Basara: Open up!
Hannah: Y-you're such a wimp, big brother!
Hannah nervously insulted her brother, who was frantically trying to get out.
Basara: Of course, I'd be scared! We're trapped inside a real haunted mansion! How am I supposed to react?!
Hannah pointed her flashlight at his face, and Basara looked at her with a scared expression.
Hannah: Ah!
She jumped back and threw her flashlight on accident, breaking it.
Hannah: T-the flashlight... it won't turn on.
Basara came up to check on Hannah.
Basara: This is all your fault!
Hannah: All my fault?! Why'd you make that face at me then, huh?
Basara: Face?!
Hannah: Yes! You made that face a ghost makes!
Basara raised his tone.
Basara: I'm desperately trying to get out of here, what were you expecting?!
His voice echoed across the room, implying it was empty.
Hannah: Whatever, let's get going. There's no other way out of here.
No other choice, huh...
Basara and Hannah walked up the stairs together and were greeted by a gigantic statue of a demon that was sitting down. Its horns were large, and its wings even more so.
Hannah: Creepy, who could've made this place?
Basara: I don't know, but whoever owned or made this place must be very wealthy.
Hannah: I agree, the statue looks amazing though.
Basara gulped and muttered to himself.
Basara: N-not really.
They gazed at the statue one more time and went to the right.
Why do I feel like... something's glaring at me...
Basara turned around and looked at the statue once more.
Basara: That thing, is it observing us?
Hannah looked back to the statue along with her brother.
Hannah: It must be your imagination, let's keep going.
They walked up the stairs and entered an empty corridor.
Hannah: Ghost, ghost~! Come out, come out wherever you are!
Hannah looked around her surroundings nervously.
Hannah: Come on out!
After a moment of silence, she burst out.
At a moment's notice, Basara covered her sister's mouth to shut her up.
Basara: Stop that! Quiet down!
Hannah tried to speak but it was muffled. Basara eventually let go of Hannah though.
Hannah: Jeez, it's because you're such a scaredy-cat, the ghost's starting to become upset! If you wanna see them, then you have to talk with them.
As she was talking, small things in the air approached them.
Hannah: Don't be afraid, open your mind and-
One of them touched the nape of Hannah, greatly startling her.
Hannah: T-t-the ghost is here!
Basara: W-where!?
Hannah and Basara jumped in fear and began to sprint away as quickly as possible.
Basara: Where is it?!
Hannah: I-I don't know!
As they ran, a child's laughter could be heard echoing across the halls.
Basara: Is that it?!
Hannah: It must be!
The laughter they heard became gradually deeper and distorted, akin to that of the devil's laugh.
Basara: That's definitely it!
Hannah: Yeah! But why did you start running all of a sudden?!
Basara: It was your fault this time! You just jumped out of nowhere!
Hannah: We're doing this again?! No! It wasn't my fault!
They continued to run, but they didn't feel anything underneath them.
What the?
Everything seemed to slow down for Basara, and when he looked down, he saw nothing but a void.
Basara: A hole?!
The two fell inside of it and slid through what seemed to be a vent reminiscent of the Catacombs.
Basara (screaming): What is this place!?
Hannah (screaming): Why are you asking me?!
As they slid down further and further, skeletal hands began growing out of the walls.
Basara: Dead bodies!
Hannah shrieked in terror.
Hannah: I AM SORRY!
It was like they were in a tomb until they eventually left the shaft.
Basara (prolonged): No!
They landed safely but were met with a pitch-black room.
Where am I...?
Basara: What is... wait, Hannah!
Hannah: Over here, Basara-nii!
Hannah called out to him.
Basara: A-are you alright?
Hannah: Yes! But this house definitely isn't!
Basara checked up on her and looked around his surroundings.
There's absolutely nothing...
He thought there would be nothing until he heard the sound of footsteps.
They stood there, paralyzed in fear as the footsteps became louder and louder.
Basara: What's happening?
The footsteps kept going, and from the corner of the room, black smoke appeared.
Hannah: Something's coming!
The footsteps were ever closer than before and eventually stopped.
Basara: It stopped...
The black smoke stopped moving and surrounded the place it was in, silence came afterward.
Hannah: So we all came here for nothing?
Basara: N-no, there has to be something...
They didn't notice it, but the smoke grew thicker and thicker.
And it moved.
Covering the room in darkness.
Welcome, you fools.
A deep, demonic voice echoed across the room, similar to earlier, and laughed loudly.
Basara: The room!
The voice became louder and there appeared a large, demonic face in front of them that gleamed with a red light and accompanied the darkness of the room they were in.
So, do you enjoy being in Hell?
Basara: Huh?
The face had a monstrous smile on its face.
Do you enjoy being in Hell?!
The floor was suddenly unveiled, revealing multiple Bursted and broken Beys, some of which were rusted and had their paint worn down.
Basara: Beyblades?
Answer me.
Basara: H-huh? No! Let us leave!
The figure chuckled at Basara's remarks.
Direct, I like it. However...
The demon approached Basara and stared at him up close, with the same large grin on its face.
This will be the last time I'll be kind to you.
A vortex swirled around the center for a moment and revealed a stadium.
So we're going to have a battle? This is better than I thought!
Basara: A fight with the devil himself, huh? This should be interesting!
You'll regret ever walking into these gates, human.
Basara: Oh yeah? We'll see about that!
Basara revealed his Bey and showed it to the demon, who looked at it.
Basara: I'm gonna beat you down with my Bey, Death Solomon!
The demon gazed at the Bey, before Bursting out into laughter.
Haha! Moron! Do you think a fat Bey like that will defeat my power?
Basara: Fat? This thing packs a punch! You'll be the one who's gonna regret facing me!
Basara had a smile on his face while confronting the 'demon'.
That's what the others said before they met their demise, right here.
It stretched out its hands, or rather, claws.
You'll never defeat the Demon King.
Basara: We'll see about that!
Basara loaded his Bey onto his launcher, locking it in place.
Well then, let us begin.
A Beyblade appeared from the shadows, the demon holding it.
Basara: Thats your Bey?
Yes, now cower in fear... in the sight of Belial!
An awkward silence proceeded before both Hannah and Basara laughed at it.
Basara: Oh my goodness! It's so small!
Hannah: Yes! Those Beys you broke were probably just props!
As they laughed, so did the demon.
I'm impressed that you're still able to laugh in the face of adversity. But your laughter ends here.
This is gonna be a piece of cake!
Basara got into position, and the demon's eyes flashed a purple light for a moment.
Basara: Three!
(In unison): One... go shoot!
Both Beys landed on the stadium, with Solomon bouncing around as it landed while Belial fell down running without any loss of momentum.
He's quick, but that won't mean anything when I knock it out of this place!
Basara: Come on, Solomon!
I'm going to send you to hell. Now, Belial!
Both Beys circled around the stadium before meeting at the center, nearly missing each other by just an inch.
Basara: Go!
Solomon turned into Belial to hit it, sending it flying towards the edge of the stadium.
Basara: So much for sending me to 'hell'! You're so light!
The demon chuckled as Belial landed back on its feet without any problems at all.
Basara: Huh? Do it again, Solomon!
Solomon turned into Belial again, hitting it into the air.
Basara: There!
Belial landed fine once more, not even losing stamina from that hit or breaking balance whatsoever.
Is that all you can do?
Basara: Grr... don't give up!
Solomon pinned Belial down in the center with a relatively quick flurry of attacks.
Basara: Good, keep on going like that!
You're just wasting your time!
Belial tilted at an angle and disappeared all of a sudden.
He vanished!
Basara: Where are you?
What are you looking at? The beautiful meadows?
The demon caught his attention and saw that Belial was already on the other side of the stadium.
He's stupidly quick!
Basara: How did you- never mind. Get him, Death Solomon!
Solomon approached Belial but it vanished once more, this time being ahead of Solomon by a good margin.
Basara: Stop running away from me!
The demon laughed at him, ignoring his complaints, and only carried on with this game of tag.
These Sparking Beys that you have... this era of heavy, bulky Beys?
Belial kept on speeding up in a pattern similar to a 6-sided star, and instead of seeing a Bey what they saw was just a red streak of light.
It's all over.
Basara: He's going even faster?! That's impossible!
It is, in the hands of the Demon King!
The star gradually began to fade away as Belial approached Solomon, which was pinned in the center.
Now, perish!
Belial slammed against Solomon, engulfed in red light.
Dynamite Bomber!
An explosion was produced and Bursted Solomon, blasting it towards Basara while black claws began to pull Basara and Hannah away.
Basara: H-huh?! No!
The demon laughed at them, and it slowly disappeared as they were dragged away.
Basara: AHH!
Basara continued screaming, but Hannah wasn't heard.
Hannah: Basara-nii, big bro!
Basara: Ah!!..? What?
They looked around and saw that they were outside the mansion, with Solomon's parts being in front of him.
Basara: What just happened again?
Hannah: I don't know, but it looks like we were kicked out of the mansion!
Basara gazed at Solomon, which was lying on the ground.
That demon, he's a strong Blader. But that must mean someone's behind this!
Basara: Hey, Hannah?
Hannah: Hm?
Basara: I think we should go back here tomorrow morning.
[To Be Contnued...]
Chapter 1 - The Gates of Hell
Spoiler (Click to View)
In the middle of the night, two children walked past a dark forest, filled with dead trees and darkness.
The blue-haired boy said, seemingly concerned.
What is it, Basara-nii? Don't tell me you're scared again?
Hannah, the girl, replied with a smug tone.
Basara: I-I'm not! But, are you really sure we're going the right way?
Hannah looked at her tablet, then to Basara once more with a smile.
Hannah: Yep! We're on the right track!
She went on ahead afterward, leaving her brother behind.
Basara: Hey, wait for me!
The siblings ran across the forest, with Basara trying to catch her sister.
Basara: I'm telling you, wait up!
While trying to catch her they left the forest they were in and were greeted by something they weren't expecting.
Hannah: This is...
Basara eventually caught up with her.
Basara: Hey, Hannah! Don't go without... telling me.
[Basara's Perspective]
This house- no, mansion... is this what I think it is?
Hannah: The rumors were true... this must be the "Gates of Hell"!
Hannah was ecstatic, her eyes lit up just by seeing the old, decrepit mansion.
Basara: I-it does look like it.
Hannah: Well, what are we waiting for?! Come on!
She dragged her brother along with her, running for the mansion.
Basara: Huh? H-Hannah, stop!
Fortunately for Basara, Hannah stopped.
Basara: What if we don't make it out of there? Who's gonna help us?
Hannah looked at her brother with the same expression she had earlier.
Hannah: Don't worry about that, it's gonna be alright! We're in this together, remember?
Basara: But still...
From afar, a metallic sound and a blood-curdling scream was heard.
Basara: AH! Wh-what was that?!
Hannah responded with a smile, albeit nervously.
Hannah: Ah- uh... i-it's just some sound effects! I'm sure of it!
Basara: I knew this would be a bad idea, let's just go home!
Hannah: N-no, it's a fake. Definitely!
A person left the mansion, running for dear life and panicking.
Basara: Hirota?!
He stopped to talk with him.
Hirota: Basara?
Basara: W-what happened?!
Hirota: Dude, you better get out of here! This place is genuinely bad news!
He spoke with a distressed tone of voice, trembling in fear.
Basara: Huh?
Hirota: I-I don't want to talk right now, I wanna go home!
Hirota ran away, screaming in terror.
Hirota: Mom!!!
His voice slowly faded away as he walked back into the path where they came from, and silence ensued between the siblings.
This is a big red flag... I really need to get out of here, quick!
Basara: Hey, let's get out of here, shall we?
Hannah swiftly interrupted him with a joyful response.
Hannah: Did you see that? He came out alive and well!
I wouldn't say the same for his mental state though!
Basara: Alive and well?! He's gonna lose sleep for the next few nights! There are monsters in there, we should really go back!
Basara replied, irritated by his sister's remarks.
Hannah: But still, we've come so far to turn back right now. Come on, Basara-nii!
Hannah looked at him with puppy eyes.
Darn you, Hannah...
Basara sighed in dismay.
Basara: F-fine... but we'll have to get out when something-
Another scream came out from the house, and so did another person.
I'm not coming back to this place EVER AGAIN!!!
The boy ran out of the house and into the forest, like with Hirota earlier.
Basara: Okay, that's our cue. Let's leave-
Hannah: I disagree, I'm taking the challenge and I'm going in! This is gonna be fun!
Hannah dashed for the mansion as quickly as possible.
Basara: Ah! Hannah!
Basara once again tried to catch Hannah.
I swear, that girl!
Basara: Get back here! You're going to regret this!
Hannah eventually reached the doors and opened them, with Basara following behind.
Basara: Hannah, come back!
Basara stood behind her as she turned out her flashlight.
Hannah: Woah... amazing.
The mansion's interior was, strangely enough, furnished very well. There were stairs in front of them, which had clean carpets, and even though there were heads of gargoyles & demons made of stone across the pillars, that didn't take away from the elegance of the mansion.
I'm actually surprised, this house is well-made.
Basara: The interior looks really detailed, but this isn't an amusement park though. It's a real haunted house...
Hannah pumped her fists.
Hannah: Which makes it even better! Seeing real demons are going to be amazing!
They walked inside the mansion, and the door instantly shut on their backs.
Basara: The doors!
Basara and Hannah were startled and stared at the doors in shock.
They closed... wait, they closed?!
Basara ran for the door and pulled on its knobs.
Basara: Open up!
Hannah: Y-you're such a wimp, big brother!
Hannah nervously insulted her brother, who was frantically trying to get out.
Basara: Of course, I'd be scared! We're trapped inside a real haunted mansion! How am I supposed to react?!
Hannah pointed her flashlight at his face, and Basara looked at her with a scared expression.
Hannah: Ah!
She jumped back and threw her flashlight on accident, breaking it.
Hannah: T-the flashlight... it won't turn on.
Basara came up to check on Hannah.
Basara: This is all your fault!
Hannah: All my fault?! Why'd you make that face at me then, huh?
Basara: Face?!
Hannah: Yes! You made that face a ghost makes!
Basara raised his tone.
Basara: I'm desperately trying to get out of here, what were you expecting?!
His voice echoed across the room, implying it was empty.
Hannah: Whatever, let's get going. There's no other way out of here.
No other choice, huh...
Basara and Hannah walked up the stairs together and were greeted by a gigantic statue of a demon that was sitting down. Its horns were large, and its wings even more so.
Hannah: Creepy, who could've made this place?
Basara: I don't know, but whoever owned or made this place must be very wealthy.
Hannah: I agree, the statue looks amazing though.
Basara gulped and muttered to himself.
Basara: N-not really.
They gazed at the statue one more time and went to the right.
Why do I feel like... something's glaring at me...
Basara turned around and looked at the statue once more.
Basara: That thing, is it observing us?
Hannah looked back to the statue along with her brother.
Hannah: It must be your imagination, let's keep going.
They walked up the stairs and entered an empty corridor.
Hannah: Ghost, ghost~! Come out, come out wherever you are!
Hannah looked around her surroundings nervously.
Hannah: Come on out!
After a moment of silence, she burst out.
At a moment's notice, Basara covered her sister's mouth to shut her up.
Basara: Stop that! Quiet down!
Hannah tried to speak but it was muffled. Basara eventually let go of Hannah though.
Hannah: Jeez, it's because you're such a scaredy-cat, the ghost's starting to become upset! If you wanna see them, then you have to talk with them.
As she was talking, small things in the air approached them.
Hannah: Don't be afraid, open your mind and-
One of them touched the nape of Hannah, greatly startling her.
Hannah: T-t-the ghost is here!
Basara: W-where!?
Hannah and Basara jumped in fear and began to sprint away as quickly as possible.
Basara: Where is it?!
Hannah: I-I don't know!
As they ran, a child's laughter could be heard echoing across the halls.
Basara: Is that it?!
Hannah: It must be!
The laughter they heard became gradually deeper and distorted, akin to that of the devil's laugh.
Basara: That's definitely it!
Hannah: Yeah! But why did you start running all of a sudden?!
Basara: It was your fault this time! You just jumped out of nowhere!
Hannah: We're doing this again?! No! It wasn't my fault!
They continued to run, but they didn't feel anything underneath them.
What the?
Everything seemed to slow down for Basara, and when he looked down, he saw nothing but a void.
Basara: A hole?!
The two fell inside of it and slid through what seemed to be a vent reminiscent of the Catacombs.
Basara (screaming): What is this place!?
Hannah (screaming): Why are you asking me?!
As they slid down further and further, skeletal hands began growing out of the walls.
Basara: Dead bodies!
Hannah shrieked in terror.
Hannah: I AM SORRY!
It was like they were in a tomb until they eventually left the shaft.
Basara (prolonged): No!
They landed safely but were met with a pitch-black room.
Where am I...?
Basara: What is... wait, Hannah!
Hannah: Over here, Basara-nii!
Hannah called out to him.
Basara: A-are you alright?
Hannah: Yes! But this house definitely isn't!
Basara checked up on her and looked around his surroundings.
There's absolutely nothing...
He thought there would be nothing until he heard the sound of footsteps.
They stood there, paralyzed in fear as the footsteps became louder and louder.
Basara: What's happening?
The footsteps kept going, and from the corner of the room, black smoke appeared.
Hannah: Something's coming!
The footsteps were ever closer than before and eventually stopped.
Basara: It stopped...
The black smoke stopped moving and surrounded the place it was in, silence came afterward.
Hannah: So we all came here for nothing?
Basara: N-no, there has to be something...
They didn't notice it, but the smoke grew thicker and thicker.
And it moved.
Covering the room in darkness.
Welcome, you fools.
A deep, demonic voice echoed across the room, similar to earlier, and laughed loudly.
Basara: The room!
The voice became louder and there appeared a large, demonic face in front of them that gleamed with a red light and accompanied the darkness of the room they were in.
So, do you enjoy being in Hell?
Basara: Huh?
The face had a monstrous smile on its face.
Do you enjoy being in Hell?!
The floor was suddenly unveiled, revealing multiple Bursted and broken Beys, some of which were rusted and had their paint worn down.
Basara: Beyblades?
Answer me.
Basara: H-huh? No! Let us leave!
The figure chuckled at Basara's remarks.
Direct, I like it. However...
The demon approached Basara and stared at him up close, with the same large grin on its face.
This will be the last time I'll be kind to you.
A vortex swirled around the center for a moment and revealed a stadium.
So we're going to have a battle? This is better than I thought!
Basara: A fight with the devil himself, huh? This should be interesting!
You'll regret ever walking into these gates, human.
Basara: Oh yeah? We'll see about that!
Basara revealed his Bey and showed it to the demon, who looked at it.
Basara: I'm gonna beat you down with my Bey, Death Solomon!
The demon gazed at the Bey, before Bursting out into laughter.
Haha! Moron! Do you think a fat Bey like that will defeat my power?
Basara: Fat? This thing packs a punch! You'll be the one who's gonna regret facing me!
Basara had a smile on his face while confronting the 'demon'.
That's what the others said before they met their demise, right here.
It stretched out its hands, or rather, claws.
You'll never defeat the Demon King.
Basara: We'll see about that!
Basara loaded his Bey onto his launcher, locking it in place.
Well then, let us begin.
A Beyblade appeared from the shadows, the demon holding it.
Basara: Thats your Bey?
Yes, now cower in fear... in the sight of Belial!
An awkward silence proceeded before both Hannah and Basara laughed at it.
Basara: Oh my goodness! It's so small!
Hannah: Yes! Those Beys you broke were probably just props!
As they laughed, so did the demon.
I'm impressed that you're still able to laugh in the face of adversity. But your laughter ends here.
This is gonna be a piece of cake!
Basara got into position, and the demon's eyes flashed a purple light for a moment.
Basara: Three!
(In unison): One... go shoot!
Both Beys landed on the stadium, with Solomon bouncing around as it landed while Belial fell down running without any loss of momentum.
He's quick, but that won't mean anything when I knock it out of this place!
Basara: Come on, Solomon!
I'm going to send you to hell. Now, Belial!
Both Beys circled around the stadium before meeting at the center, nearly missing each other by just an inch.
Basara: Go!
Solomon turned into Belial to hit it, sending it flying towards the edge of the stadium.
Basara: So much for sending me to 'hell'! You're so light!
The demon chuckled as Belial landed back on its feet without any problems at all.
Basara: Huh? Do it again, Solomon!
Solomon turned into Belial again, hitting it into the air.
Basara: There!
Belial landed fine once more, not even losing stamina from that hit or breaking balance whatsoever.
Is that all you can do?
Basara: Grr... don't give up!
Solomon pinned Belial down in the center with a relatively quick flurry of attacks.
Basara: Good, keep on going like that!
You're just wasting your time!
Belial tilted at an angle and disappeared all of a sudden.
He vanished!
Basara: Where are you?
What are you looking at? The beautiful meadows?
The demon caught his attention and saw that Belial was already on the other side of the stadium.
He's stupidly quick!
Basara: How did you- never mind. Get him, Death Solomon!
Solomon approached Belial but it vanished once more, this time being ahead of Solomon by a good margin.
Basara: Stop running away from me!
The demon laughed at him, ignoring his complaints, and only carried on with this game of tag.
These Sparking Beys that you have... this era of heavy, bulky Beys?
Belial kept on speeding up in a pattern similar to a 6-sided star, and instead of seeing a Bey what they saw was just a red streak of light.
It's all over.
Basara: He's going even faster?! That's impossible!
It is, in the hands of the Demon King!
The star gradually began to fade away as Belial approached Solomon, which was pinned in the center.
Now, perish!
Belial slammed against Solomon, engulfed in red light.
Dynamite Bomber!
An explosion was produced and Bursted Solomon, blasting it towards Basara while black claws began to pull Basara and Hannah away.
Basara: H-huh?! No!
The demon laughed at them, and it slowly disappeared as they were dragged away.
Basara: AHH!
Basara continued screaming, but Hannah wasn't heard.
Hannah: Basara-nii, big bro!
Basara: Ah!!..? What?
They looked around and saw that they were outside the mansion, with Solomon's parts being in front of him.
Basara: What just happened again?
Hannah: I don't know, but it looks like we were kicked out of the mansion!
Basara gazed at Solomon, which was lying on the ground.
That demon, he's a strong Blader. But that must mean someone's behind this!
Basara: Hey, Hannah?
Hannah: Hm?
Basara: I think we should go back here tomorrow morning.
[To Be Contnued...]