Jan. 17, 2022 3:23 AM
Oof 2 threads a day
Im making a Genshin Impact Parody on Scratch and I desperately need help need some help, Please help me with this. The idea is called Yokai Impact Please read the Story Below
STORY: Demon Prince/Princess are still a slime and you're sibling is kidnaped by the human king, You come to the human world. Youre one and only goal make friends with other monsters and Kill the Human King, BUT You're Sibling Is now the Human Prince/Princess!
I need some help with coding and the monster characters PLZ HELP
People that might be intrested, , , , ,
Im making a Genshin Impact Parody on Scratch and I desperately need help need some help, Please help me with this. The idea is called Yokai Impact Please read the Story Below
STORY: Demon Prince/Princess are still a slime and you're sibling is kidnaped by the human king, You come to the human world. Youre one and only goal make friends with other monsters and Kill the Human King, BUT You're Sibling Is now the Human Prince/Princess!
I need some help with coding and the monster characters PLZ HELP
People that might be intrested