World Beyblade Organization

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 Chapter one-A new legacy 

[at the crystal palace]

???- wade bring me my bey this instant!

Wade-yes king platinum (say more terrified than ever

King platinum-now battle me.

Wade-I will king platinum  (bows)

Both-321 go shoot 

(Wyvron burst instantly)

King-get out of my sight disgrace.

Wade- don’t hurt me or my bey (runs away)

[at the boat]

hex-it’s finished my bang bey I call it? What to call it? (Stares at it) I got it glitched hero

???-can I see it 

Hex-sure sis

Zoey -let’s see how it does against complete zero (gets in launch form)

hex-that would be a interesting (gets in launch form)

Uncle-I’ll ref

Both- 3 2 1 go shoot 

(Zero lands and takes off for the center ,hero hits it away from the center ,zero lands on the edge of the stadium)

(Hero’s  tip revenge scraps the rubber ring and, creates a tornado, zero falls into the trap)

Zoey-(crosses arms) complete wing

(Zero flys out of the tornado and ,gets two wing blades glowing white)

hex-(smirks) that tornado isn’t the only trick I have up my sleeve 

Hex thinks- the bang system has metal contact points if I combine those with my Glitch pulse I’ll get a clean hit.

(Hero gets sent flying from the complete wing, and makes contact with the wall metal blades act as a rebound)

(Zero in the center spins around the free spinning disk, hero smashes with all there strength into zero)

hex- no more time to play around rahhhhhhhh Glitch pulse!!!!!!! 

Zoey-right back at you complete wing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

(Zero burst and, hero has five more rotations)



Uncle-were here Spain the home of bc sol

hex and Zoey-wow 
Chapter two-bc sol watch out:

Uncle-this is it Spain the home of bc sol 

Hex and Zoey-wow its so cool

[At Spain] 

Valt- come on free battle me 



Free-have you heard about the new kid who’s trying out 

Valt-oh yeah I heard he has a bang bey his name is gen 

Free-his sister is going to the raging bulls 

[at the boat] 

hex-Bye sis see you in later 

Zoey-see you in later

(Runs to bc sol) 

Valt-is that him I mean he has messy blonde hair with a green tip he’s wear a black and yellow jacket probably him hehe.

Free-I’m going inside 

Valt-ok I’ll meet the new kid 

Hex mind-omg that’s valt 

(Valt waves)

(Hex waves back)

Valt-Nice to meet you hex

Hex-nice to meet you valt aoi 

Valt-let’s have a battle (shows gaurdian Valtryek)

hex-wow looks amazing it’s so round but has three sharp blades 

Both-321 go shoot 

(Hero goes to the center metal blades pop outwards) (Valtryek hits one time and burst hero)


Valt-good try

Hex-let’s go

Ref-hex is here the battle will start 


Ref-the battle to join bc sol

hex-oh ok 

Kole-your going down

hex- watch your mouth 

Both-321 go shoot

(Krises shoots down and hits hero right at the wall) 

hex-(smirks) glitched rebound 

(Metal pushes krises away krises loses a lot of spin in the center, hero goes in a circle speeding up every time)

(Krises jumps and while jumping up and down goes right for hero)( speeds up and does the thing Arthur did and doesn’t let him land aka go around the stadium and hit him around the air)

Hex-end this glitch pulse (hands glow purple hair spikes up gets a single horn and wings)

Kole-end it before he does overbite crunch

(Krises burst) 

hex-(crosses arms)you were a hard obstacle 

Ref-hex is a official member of bc sol 

Valt-you did it

Silas- oi kid battle me 

I think people will like the fanfic if you use the first post explaining the system, charcters, episode list and story

also dont use words like gg
OYes Kk I’ll explain the system now

Bang System,future characters, story line, and future beys-

1-the bang system has 5  parts the core, layer, disk, tip and flip

2-the flip is a part that changes your makes your clicks harder but your bey loses spin more faster

3-the system works that every bey has its own gimmick

Future characters oc and canon-















Zack the sunrise








Aiga will be tied for champion so is valt  so no champion until one beats the other






Platinum king(aka krime)

Storyline- hex and his sister part ways after a epic battle so he will him and his friends beat the platinum king

Episode list-

Episode one- a new legacy

Episode 2-bc sol watch out

Episode 3- the platinum kings true power

Episode four-Silas is back, meet karma satan

Episode 5- the kings returned , beyond Achilles

Episode six-no mercy,war ginx

Episode seven-platinum king vs free de la Hoya

Episode 8- shu is back with crimson spry zen

Episode 9-power on furious Lui nor

Episode 10-tournament time all out royal

Episode 11- Zane glacier zombie vs karma satan

Future beys-

Despair hades

Glacier zombie

Immortal Phoenix

Celestial claw

Reality titan

Big Bang genesis

Parallel  beast

Extinction venues

War ginx

Major apocalypse

Crimson spry zen

Magical regulas

Fang x Cali bur

Flow warrior

Danger kerbeus

Equal jaguar

Zau-drillion Zeus

Screech bahumat

Bomb kukalkan

Alpha Helios ( blue ver of alpha)

Alpha Hyperion (red version of alpha)

Furious Lui nor

Rewind Lucifer

Soar ragnuruk

Uprising dragon

Beyond Achilles

Virtual Change

Reward hellburn

Nexus ragnurak

Spin Belial

Gaurdian Valtryek

Punishment  koko
Episodes 3-the platinum kings power 

[at the raging bulls]

Shu- astral spry zen its time we battle platinum

Spryzen- shu I agree 

[crystal palace]

Plat- punishment whip

Random kid-what how 

Plat-get out of my sight at once

Shu- oi platinum 

Plat-it’s shu 

Shu- so have you improved 

Plat-yes former teacher 

Shu- show me 

Plat-I’d be delighted 

Both-321 go shoot 

(Spryzen takes the center koko hits it out of the center)

Shu- nice work but it’s time to end this astral slash

Plat-amateur (smirks) blades bush forward punishment gaurd 

(Spryzen hits over and over again)(koko doesn’t budge)

Shu-you have evolved 


Shu-what are you up to 

Plat-you’ll see

(Koko moves out of the center and pushes Spryzen around the hyper ring)(Spryzen get pushedagainst the wall) (and rings out)

Plat-one point next round I’ll make sure to destroy your bey

Shu-you can try 

Both-321 go shoot!

(Spryzen goes in attack mode and smacks koko in a triangle like phi) (koko gets faster and stronger the blades extend out he hits Spryzen on the perfect spot and hits the wall with a burst of energy)
Plat k-(smirks and crosses arms) punishment force

 shu-astral slash (Spryzen rises)

(Spryzen and koko collide and electricity flys everywhere)(double burst a other a other and a other again again)

Koko- shu if i don’t break your bey this round I will quit BEYBLADE 


Both-321 go shoot

(They hit each other five times then go opposite ways hit the wall and go back down to collide)(Spryzen gets sent sky high and does the thing were he changes modes mid battle)(koko hits wall and goes down)

(Spryzen goes to hit him koko dodges just barely making contact)(koko does the triangle thing)

Plat k-destroy him triangle of legends 

Shu-what Is this

(Spryzen gets squished but hits koko away)(koko hits Spryzen against the wall and Spryzen cracks)

Plat k- end this koko (eyes turn red gets one horn wings and sharp claws like hex) punishment impacttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(spryzen breaks)

Plat k- weakling (walks away)

[shu’s work shop]

Shu-behold world Galactic Spryzen)

hex-Silas I’m ready


Both- 321 go shoot!
Episode 4: Silas is back, meet karma satan

Both-321 go shoot

(Satan goes straight for the center hero  does a flower pattern launch)

Silas-karma Break ! 

hex- rahh Glitch pulse!

 (Hex crashes into satan and burst)

hex-...wha-wha hero  burst

Silas-Hah I thought you would do better 

[at the training room]

hex-let it rip let it rip let it rippppp

News-there are new launches legends are performing gunshot launches

hex-let’s see is valt is able to do one

Valt-silas you have a bang bey let’s battle 

Silas-your on but let’s make it a title match 

Valt- if you win you are tied with aigas power and won’t be the champion anyway 

Silas-i don’t care just battle Me

Valt-I except 

[the bang arena]

Silas-valt I’m going to burst you first round (adjust flip to hardest clicks)

Valt-you can try (adjusters flip to medium)

hex-this will be a epic battle 

(Free walks up to gen)

hex- watching the battle WAIT YOUR FREE DE LA HOYA 

Free-yup (sits down)

Silas & valt-321 go shoot!! (Both perform gunshot launches)

(Valtryek unleashes a fury of strikes)(satan takes every hit like a boss)

Silas- haaaah now satan karma sphere! (big spheres turn free spin)

Valt- (makes a sword like In sparking) bound gaurdian slash!

(They collide with pure force)(flash back of there first battle happens)(Valtryek burst)v

Ref-2 points awarded to Silas and satan

Valt-good job Silas

Silas-let’s replay that battle 

Valt- sure like I’ll let that happen (corrupts a bit)

Corrupted valt- destroy all Valtryek 

Silas,free,shu,hex,Aiga,ashi bros,Lui,Dante,???-this seems bad

Silas and c valt-321 go shoot (both perform gunshot launches

(Valtryek smacks satan out of the center and starts circling the center)(universe scraps the hyper ring and does a complete circle ,activates free spin mode)

(Valtryek smashes satan against the wall bursting in into disarming the whole bey even the chip)

Silas-grr I’ll get you now 

Valt- (flip makes the clicks the hardest) I’m ready 

Both-321 go shoot (valt preforms a machine Gun launch)

(Valtryek goes out of control smacking satan around the whole stadium)

C valt- now bang fluxxx 

Silas-huh what is this 

(Valtryek glows blue blades glow golden and turn rebound mode satan try’s and try’s to get to center but gets sent the other side of the stadium over and over again)(valt makes a sword again)

(Valtryek smashes Satan again and starts to loses spin) 

Silas-yes wait 

C valt-(smirks) ultimate reboot dash 

(Valtryek smashes with 5% power into satan)(satan burst)

Valt-I’m gonna win


Both-321 go shoot (satan lands and circles Valtryek)(Valtryek hits Satan but can’t get out)

C valt 6%-I’ll end you now ultra reboot!

Silas 100 %-rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh karma sphere!

(Valtryek and Satan send each other flying to the wall)(they land and take off for center)(Valtryek wobbles)

(Satan takes the center)

C valt-end this RUSH LAUNCH!!!

Silas- Satan SATURN BREAK!!

King platinum-valt has the finest power I must take it

Valt-(reboots rubber scrapes) this is the end Silas 

Silas-I’m becoming champion!!!,

(They launch each other up they start colliding in the air)(electricity and explosions happen)

Valt c 6%-6% whip (makes sword and bey glows again)bang flux)

(Satan shatters into 78 pieces)

Silas-what the heck

Valt-oh I won yay

Silas-satan has been broke

Hex-what’s wrong with valt ugh it’s nothing 

Zoey- (FaceTime)I’ve gotten into the raging bulls 
(At same time)
hex- (FaceTime) I’ve gotten into bc sol 


Hex-sis I’m worried something’s wrong with valt
Episode 5-the kings return beyond Achilles, the spin king vortex faf nir

Zoey-(FaceTime)see you later


[Bc sol entrance]

???-this is it bc sol

Valt-Aiga so good to see you how’s toko and nika

Aiga-good so I came here to see you free Silas and the new kid

Valt-there all asleep but wanna battle till they wake up

Aiga-sure but I’m worried

Valt-what about

Aiga-your resonance is corrupting

Valt-what no no no it can’t be your joking let’s get to battleing


Valt-battle me

Aiga-fine (shows beyond Achilles)

Valt-(shows gaurdian Valtryek)

[at the stadium free uses]

Both-321 go shoot

(Achilles hits the wall and hits Valtryek right to the other side of the stadium)

Achilles-come on aiga let’s push through and help valt through this

(Achilles and Valtryek hit each other over and over again in. Circle)

Valt- come on Valtryek (starts to corrupt)end this battle !!! Gaurdian sword

Aiga-Achilles help valt!!!!!! Beyond dive

(Achilles scraps the ground and rotate making Achilles jump and land on top of Valtryek bursting it)

Free- oi Silas

Silas-you hear aigas here

Hex-Aiga!!!!!!! omg he’s my ideal (runs outside)

Free- wanna battle?

Silas-yes my bey has been revived

Free-meet vortex faf nir

Both-321 go shoot

(Faf nir takes the center away from Satan)

Silas-satan universal crash (blades turn free spin)

(Faf nir decides to take the impact and takes it very well satan keeps hitting over and over again)

(Satan starts glowing)

Free-vortex flux

(Satan takes the hit for five seconds)

Free-(blades get more rubber and Satan burst)

Aiga-so hex And valt have you heard of the platinum king

hex-I’ve heard nothing

Valt-I’ve heard he broke astral Spryzen and dread hades

[at the dock]

All-bye free good luck beating the platinum king

Free-bye guys he need the luck

???-so I sense amazing bladers around here but one unique blader

Plat k-free I’ll be waiting here for you (grins)

I’m hosting character contest woo wooo I’m excepting 5 ocs so all of you good luck and I’ll pick five who will appear later
Gen was renamed as well as glitch

Episode 6 no mercy, war ginx

[at his dorm]

Hex-hero let’s make a new move hero valt, Aiga,drum,ashi bros can talk to there beys

(Hero glows)

Hex-hero? (Gets sucked into a wormhole) help help helpppp

Hero-hex I agree about the new move

Hex-hero (flys to hero and gives him a hug)

Hero-hex it’s time for me to go I’ll be helping as much as I can

Hex-bye let’s talk soon

[at the training room]

Hex- Let it rip!!!

(Hero swoops down and goes, crazy everywhere does what the thing Arthur did then the metal blades appear and he adds more force and hits harder and harder)

???-321 go shoot (launches upside down)

(Bey crashes ontop of Hero and burst Hero)

Hex-who are you

George-I’m George this is my bey war ginx

Hex-oh but you ruined me trying to make a new move

George-oh I’m so sorry

Hex-it’s fine

George-can I help


Both- 321 go shoot

(Ginx goes in a little circle , hero smashes into it and gets repealed keeps smashing over and over)

Hex thinks- mabey I could use the wall for my new move

(Ginx exits the circle and the war blade detaches from the BEYBLADE and starts spinning by itself)

Hex- (Hero hits the wall over and over again) glitched rebirth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (metal blades work in sync with the special move)(gets horn wings and turns demon like)

(Ginx gets rung out of the stadium)

George-good job ( gets in launch form)

Hex-let’s finish the battle (gets in launch form)

Both-321 go shoot (Ginx does a circle again and it’s like the battle is put on repeat)(ginx does the unexpected And let’s hero do the hardest hit)

(Both Gimmicks activate ginx jumps up)

(Hex does the Arthur thing)

Hex-glitch pulse!

(HeroDoes a tornado ginx falls into it and uses the wind from the tornado to his advantage)

(Ginx has a bunch of spin)(and fly’s out of the tornado)

(Satan crashes in and starts to take on both of them)

Hex-no one ruins this battle glitch rebirth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hero smashes right into satan and burst satan)

Silas-kid you’ve evolved but you used your special on me

George-now grand warfare

(Giant explosion)(Hero burst)

(??? Walks in bro were are you

George -hey pearl

Pearl-who’s this

George-my new friend

Hex-POV- she’s pretty

Pearl-POV-he’s cute

[at the crystal palace]

Free-I’m here

Plat k-good

Both-321,go shoot
Character contest tell me all about the oc well who who
Episode 7 koko vs faf nir

(Fafnir goes for a slow mo burst)

Plat king-I know your trick

(Koko avoids fafnir )

Free-what it can’t be he’s smarter than i thought

(Faf nir stops spinning)

Plat king-your power is useless against me

Plat king-I know already next round I predict a burst

Free-get ready for your prediction

Both-321 go shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Faf nir takes the center koko let’s fafnir take his spin)

(Kokos blades push out and in out And in )

(Plat kings mask cracks)

[dream world]

Fafnir flys at koko) (koko grabs his scythe and jumps up slashing a huge hole in Fafnirs wing )(fafnir crashes into the ground)

(Koko smashes on fafnir)

[real world]

(Koko smashes fafnir to the wall but the rubber rebound softens the impact)

[dream world]

(Fafnir gets up and starts to go super fast )(nothing break)(koko rolls backwards)

(Faf nir starts slashing koko)(kokos second pair of arms upper cuts fafnir and fafnir fades away)

[real word]

Plat king-punishment battleground !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Free-nothing break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Massive explosion)

(Fafnir gets sent sky high and breaks)

Shu-bc sol
Episode 8-the raging gang(new name)

Zoey-shu-kun I’m gonna see my brother correct


Illya- so valts here so is aiga right

Silas-shu sup

Zoey-who’s that

Shu-I don’t remember


Shu-doesn’t ring a bell

Random kid-hey shu

Shu-hi Alex

Silas-oh come on you know the random kid not me ok then battle me

Shu- sure

Both- three two one go shoot!!(spryzen hits satomb to the wall)

(Spryzen smacks satomb against the hyper ring two times)

(Spryzen taps it barely)

Shu- fine end this COUNTER BREAK

Silas-Saturn brea.....

(Satomb burst)

(They walk in)

Hex-(sweats) come on hero (burst at same time with ginx)

Pearl-hex let me help here’s some water

Hex-thank you (drinks) hey pearl

Pearl-yes ?

Hex-wanna train with us?


All-321 go shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Cyclone Valtryek lands and wobbles)(Ginx swoops down and burst Valtryek)

Hex-hold up(puts hands on pearls and keeps them steady)now rip

(Valtryek does a amazing launch )

(Pearl faints and turns red)

Hex- wake up (Holds)

Pearl POV-help

Zoey-so hex she your girlfriend

Hex-(blushes) no

Zoey and George -I ship it

Shu and illya- Zoey you wanna 3 vs 3 them


Everyone-321 go shoot!!!!!

(Valtryek preforms a flower pattern)(zero moves in a line then hits the wall and the wings come out)(they collide)

(Ginx and Spryzen collide and Ginx gets sent right towards the wall then blades de attach)(Spryzen black parts get sharper)

( magmatic ifrit hits Spryzen)(they go down to hit Ginx from both sides ginx blade gets hit wrong and goes flying at Valtryek they burst)

Shu-let’s go

(They all circle hero)

Illya- raging



Hex inner demon-(makes tornado) end all

Hex-inner angel-NO hex push through

Hex-(awakens) come on let’s do this hero

(Everyone flys out of the tornado )

Shu- PLANETARY CRUX BOOST (starts glowing in a circle)

Illya- magmatic crash (crashes ontop of hero)

Zoey- complete wing (upper attacks)

(Hero takes the hits for a bit)

Hex-rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh glitched vibration !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shu-good game

[at the boat]

???-here I come
(Dec. 20, 2021  6:07 PM)Carma___bigbang Wrote: [ -> ]Character contest tell me all about the oc well who who

What's the rules?
I’m picking 5 ocs /Tell me these-

Hair color and style-

Eye Color-

Jewelry-skip if has none

Clothing style-


Marking-(like aigas A)

Friends-(if friends with everyone say all)

Team-(platinum king or hex)


BEYBLADE info now-

Bey name-

Core info -

Bang ring info and gimmick-

Flip info-

Disk info-

Tip info-

Bey type-


Special moves-

Final move-
Pls make ocs 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Hair color and style- He has black hair with a fade haircut

Eye Color- brown

Jewelry-A gold watch and a gold cross chain

Clothing style-casual

Personality-He's arrogant and makes fun of people because of his fame as a blader and his successful rapping career. But he's loyal to his loved ones and the team he's on.


Friends-His home dog CJ from his hometown in Oakland

Team-Idk whatever I guess the evil team is because he could be like a good antagonist since he's arrogant and makes fun of people.

Bey name- Trailblazing Chronos

Core info -Chronos (A left spinning gold ring with a golden version of Damian who looks to be connected to a clock since the avatar looks to be made out of metal and has a clock on its left shoulder.)

Bang ring- Trailblazing( A gold left spinning ring like Rage who has two main metal attack points that cause mega damage. Instead of it being dragon heads though it's the bey avatars golden fists.)

Disk info- Dolla (A purple disc that's shaped like 3A and Metsu and is supposed to line up with Trailblazing's attack points to cause more damage.)

Tip info- Xtreme'(A gold Xtreme' with purple rubber)

Bey type- Attack

Moves- Dame Time (Damian starts taping his wrist and with the power from his gold and purple aura and the boost from the energy of his fans it causes Chronos to somehow speed up.)
Special moves-Trailblazing Slam (The Trailblazing blade attack points glow purple but instead of Chronos going out of control it just slams into its opponent with a strong impact.)
Final move-Logo Lillard (The Trailblazing blade glows purple causing Chrono's attacks to be super strong but due to its power Chronos becomes unstable causing the attack points to also slam into the stadium walls and floor though when the move finishes a picture of Damian's face is carved into the stadium.)

(If I win and you wanna make more moves for him you can I just came up with these off the top of my head.)
Dai Uchiha
His hair is long in length and it’s deep black.
He has teal eyes.
One earring in his right ear, the ring is gold.
He wears a tank top that is white, and wears a long jacket that is black, on the top of the jacket, if zipped up completely, the top of the jacket covers the bottom half of Dai’s face. He wears black pants and grey Adidas Shoes.
Dai out of battle is very kind, and helps people out, in battle he gets serious and excited. Anyone who is evil or a jerk, Dai hates and swears he will beat in battle.
No markings.
He would be friends with Valt, Hex, Zoey, Shu and surprisingly Free
Works with Hex, wanting to take King Platinum down.
His idol is Valt and Lui, his bey is an attack type like Valkyrie and a dragon like Longinus.
Razor Drake Slide Metal Evolution Darted
Drake features 3 strong locks that are like Guilty Longinus and Promience Phoenix’s locks that aren’t affected by metal lock drivers.
Razor-It’s a four sided attack Bang Ring, the blades shapes are like Savior Valkyrie’s Blades. It’s gimmick is hard rubber on the ends of the blades, that helps with attack power.
Slide-The disc is very similar to Tapered, except no gap.
Metal Evolution-Evolution with a metal cap, that’s it.
Darted-This flips is the same shape as Razor, it helps the locks with two metal burst stoppers.
Attack Type
Razor Upper-With the Razor Ring, Drake hits the opponent’s bey and launches it into the air.
Razor Impulse-After shooting off the Metal Evolution Driver, Drake hits the opponent’s bey.
Razor Slash-Drake hits the opponent’s bey and clicks it multiple times.
Final move- True Razor Slash-Drake hits the opponent into a long barrage, and then hits it into the air, finally hitting the bey and bursting it.
(Dec. 30, 2021  11:18 PM)Dame Dolla Wrote: [ -> ]Hair color and style- He has black hair with a fade haircut

Eye Color- brown

Jewelry-A gold watch and a gold cross chain

Clothing style-casual

Personality-He's arrogant and makes fun of people because of his fame as a blader and his successful rapping career. But he's loyal to his loved ones and the team he's on.


Friends-His home dog CJ from his hometown in Oakland

Team-Idk whatever I guess the evil team is because he could be like a good antagonist since he's arrogant and makes fun of people.

Bey name- Trailblazing Chronos

Core info -Chronos (A left spinning gold ring with a golden version of Damian who looks to be connected to a clock since the avatar looks to be made out of metal and has a clock on its left shoulder.)

Bang ring- Trailblazing( A gold left spinning ring like Rage who has two main metal attack points that cause mega damage. Instead of it being dragon heads though it's the bey avatars golden fists.)

Disk info- Dolla (A purple disc that's shaped like 3A and Metsu and is supposed to line up with Trailblazing's attack points to cause more damage.)

Tip info- Xtreme'(A gold Xtreme' with purple rubber)

Bey type- Attack

Moves- Dame Time (Damian starts taping his wrist and with the power from his gold and purple aura and the boost from the energy of his fans it causes Chronos to somehow speed up.)
Special moves-Trailblazing Slam (The Trailblazing blade attack points glow purple but instead of Chronos going out of control it just slams into its opponent with a strong impact.)
Final move-Logo Lillard (The Trailblazing blade glows purple causing Chrono's attacks to be super strong but due to its power Chronos becomes unstable causing the attack points to also slam into the stadium walls and floor though when the move finishes a picture of Damian's face is carved into the stadium.)

(If I win and you wanna make more moves for him you can I just came up with these off the top of my head.)

I really like it but I’ll think about it when more come out

Same for you beansworth
The flip idea is nice, adding better clicks but more IWD, which in turn makes you lose spin faster. Very cool.
Let's see how my character turned out:
For those that saw Amaterasu, this character was meant to have a connection with the Amaterasu owner.
I like the ocs so far

Episode nine-power on furious Lui nor

[master room in bc sol]

Free-Kristina Lui is coming

Kristina-yes free

[bc sol training room]

(Door breaks open)

LUI - someone battle me(hair flames grow even bigger)

Everyone-I’ll do it

Lui-I’ll take you all on

Everyone-three two one go shoot

(Lui nor falls along with the other beys)(every bey burst In one shot)


Lui-that’s power

Valt-yo Lui

Lui-hey valt

[at park]

Silas-satan go Saturn break!

(Satan darts everywhere)

Hex-(gets smacked around) *smirks* and makes tornado* glitch whirlwind!!!

(Satan burst)

Hex-(smiles) I beat a legend

Silas-wow he beat me

[back with Lui]

Shu- Lui you wanna battle

Lui-nah I’m gonna battle the new kids

(Hex ,George, pearl and Zoey walk in)

Lui -I challenge all of you

The group-sure

All-321 go shoot!!

(Lui performs a gunshot launch)(Valtryek swarms Luinor goes in for a hit )(Luinor avoids it and pushes it around from the back)
(Hero hits Luinor away from Valtryek)(Luinor hits ginx)(ginx blades detach and luinors metal blades reveal)(Zero hits Luinor and pushes it against the wall but hits the metal blade and get sent down)

Lui-burst all of the furious upper!!!

(Lui nor gets hit from every way)(Luinor gets sent flying towards Lui)(Lui catches Luinor) (then every bey left burst)

Lui- round two

All-321 go shoot

(Valtryek hits ginx)(ginx avoids and both go down to hit Luinor)(hero and Luinor and colliding in the center)(Valtryek and ginx hit from every direction)(Luinor metals blades grow so does his hair)(then all the gimmicks activate)(Luinor sends hero out of the stadium)(Luinor goes to hit Valtryek)(ginx takes the hit instead and burst)

George-pearl as your big brother it’s my job to protect you

Pearl-it’s my turn now(Flares up)


Pearl-go phantom fallen echo dive

(Luinor burst)


(Valtryek hits Luinor flying but burst then Luinor hits the wall and lands back)

Lui-hey you guys are strong

[at tourney]

Hanami-hello everyone Are you ready to rise to the top

Dai-I sure am

????-I’ll beat you first

Creator -who cares but I’m winning (I changed damians name to match cronos)

Seth- I’m gonna meet my rival I know it

Tatsuya-(doesn’t have a care in the world)

Pls rate series so far
Happy New Years everyone
Seth Krueger

Hair color - White

Eye Color- Grey (When he uses his aura the white parts become black with the eye color becoming red)

Jewelry-skip if has none

Clothing style- Switches between casual and formal

Personality- Kind and sensitive but when he goes into battle he becomes cruel and sadistic at times wanting to destroy you.

Friends- All

Idol- Shu Kurenai

Bey name- Chained Samael Drake Xtreme'

Core info - Samael (A left spinning core with the avatar being a fallen angel.)

Bang ring info and gimmick- Chained (A left spinning black ring with red wings with two strong metal attack points like rage Longinus.)

Disk info- Drake (A red drake)

Tip info- Xtreme' (A black Xtreme' with red rubber)

Bey type- Attack

Moves- Chained Upper (The metal attack points on Chained glow red and do a strong upper attack like Raging Upper.)

Special moves- Chained Vortex (Samael keeps slamming into the apposing bey while Samael goes around in a circle basically like Dead Gravity.)

Final move- Fallen Angel (Samael hits the side of the stadium causing Samael to fly in the air and with all Samael's power Samael dives down and slams into the apposing bey using the metal attack points to either burst or break the apposing bey.)
If we don’t have enough for 16 people I might choose extra so there’s still a chance if the spots are full
Spoiler for episode ten

(Everyone launches)

(Achilles and Valtryek send each other flying back and clash again the Genesis and dragon hit each other in an circle)(Satan and Ragnurok collide in the center)(Samael burst both Ragnurok and Satan) (zombie goes and hits zero)(fafnirs new tip blank scraps and Chronos burst faf nir)(drake and Spryzen collide then ???hits belial out then the platinum king takes center)

That’s a spoiler I’ll be leading of from this Until I have all the ocs
Anymore ocs?
Is this really all the ocs I expected more than five but whatever The vote ends two days
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