(world wide) team vampire defenders

Hey,Guys am making a team in the world we will play and practise togather and soon arrange a tonument anywhere in the world[/spoiler] If any one has a bb10 attacktype stadium and a launcher grip it will be good
real name : (if u want)
favourite beyblade:
skill level :
why are u joining the team :
why nobody is joining the team the first tow people who will join the team will be the leader and co leader
(Dec. 08, 2013  10:19 AM)ginka- v Wrote: why nobody is joining the team the first tow people who will join the team will be the leader and co leader
donot double post ! please read the rules... you'll find most in your first PM
Ok but why nobody is joining why why why
Most likely because there are not lots of active Pakistani members. Over the last couple weeks it seemed active, but had died down.
Now I have made it world wide would join the team ???