Rate Signature...

Rate these signatures. After seeing the signatures here that aren't very good... Well just rate,

[Image: dsfwf-2.png]

[Image: fewh.png]

[Image: egehe.png]

[Image: arfdqrqw.png]
they are really great.you should make your own shop!
First : The lighting appears odd, especially between the character and the background. Sources of light seem to be completely different and unrelated for both, while they are right one on top of the other. The darkness on the left removes a lot of the presumed happiness that is supposed to be inspired by the character and the light colours and shapes of the background. The text should also be a lot more discrete, the solid black border and the bright red colour contrast too much with the whole piece actually.

Second : Not too bad, but the character blends in too much compared to the way vivid colours on the left. Since apparently all he has is a blue colour scheme, I would tried putting him over the orange area, and the blue on the rest of the signature would have probably complimented it all well together.

Third : I do not see anything special in this. You just wanted to make something blurry ? There is just no emotion or message in this, it is very boring. The girl seems to enjoy singing, but the picture does not highlight that, it almost erases that passion actually.

Fourth : The weird shapes and the darkened vivid colours on the right seem totally unrelated. Again, the text does not fit in the picture at all.

That being said, of course they are much better than what almost everyone else makes here, and at least it appears that you made your own backgrounds.