MSF-H Dragooon²/Bahamdia Dragooon SP230GF


I'll get to this test tomorrow for sure.
Ga do you mind doing Killereken Reviser BGrin and MF-H Duo Cancer BGrin? I can't OS them and I can't really KO them consistently. It might be my launch. I'm just curious to see what you can get with your perfect launch. XD
Duo Cancer sure.
I don't have Killerken sadly, only one Revizer.

Haha, alright I'll do it tomorrow.
Meow!, I'll give Killerken Reviser a shot tomorrow if I have time. I was lucky to be able to do the testing I did today. Lol. Also, if you can OS then why do you need to KO them?
Ah I typed can instead of can't. Stupid auto-correct! XD I just edited my post.
(Jan. 06, 2013  4:23 AM)Meow! Wrote: Ga do you mind doing Killereken Reviser B:D and MF-H Duo Cancer B:D? I can't OS them and I can't really KO them consistently. It might be my launch. I'm just curious to see what you can get with your perfect launch. XD

Try this Meow!, launch just like you would Killerken Dragooon (wide), but bank so deep that it just doesn't scrape right off the bat. I mean you want the disk hovering just above the ground. I don't have time to put together formal tests right now, but when I was KOing it that is what seemed to be working.

Carp I forgot about this. I've been doing Science Olympiad stuff nonstop from this morning.

Alright, I'll have tests up vs. Duo Cancer in 20 minutes or so.

EDIT: Okay, got the tests just done. I know it's a bit more than 20 minutes but oh well I was only 250% over. My usual B : D became mostly aggro sadly, so I had to turn to my mint one for these tests. In doing so, I did discover something rather interesting, but that's for later.

MSF Bahamdia Dragooon SP230GF vs. Duo Cygnus B:D (calm)
Cygnus launched first, Bahamdia Dragooon banked deeply
Dragooon: 18/20 (18 KOs)
Cygnus: 2/20 (2 OSs)
4 ties redone
Dragooon WR: 90%

It's pretty much as Kain said. The trick is to bank this combo super low, so that it's almost scraping (SP230 might even occasionally scrape). That causes GF to direct itself right into the center, where Duo is lying, and get a clean KO. Sometimes, it might even do a 1-2 and then KO, but usually it works. The OSs came from when Duo was knocked onto B:D during the 1-2 and rolled out of the way just as Bahamdia Dragooon came swinging around for the second hit. Then it was just a matter of stamina, which Cygnus would win. The ties happened when the battle ended with GF straight up. They would perfectly OS, and SP230's spikes would actually hit Cygnus pretty hard and activate the bearings.
Looks like I need to practice a bit more though haha.

MSF Bahamdia Dragooon SP230GF vs. Duo Cygnus B:D (aggressive)
Cygnus launched first, Bahamdia Dragooon banked deeply
Dragooon: 3/20 (3 KOs)
Cygnus: 17/20 (3 OSs, 14 KOs)
1 tie redone
Dragooon WR: 15%

This is the extremely interesting part. Aggressive B:D actually works incredibly well as perhaps the one true counter against this combo. Cygnus would start moving very close to the TR (my B:D turned super aggro very quickly, which had me surprised and semi-worried due to my lack of funds...) and hit Bahamdia Dragooon while it was beginning to move out of the deep bank. That was enough to mess up the launch, because Dragooon would then often miss the center and start flying around the TR, where several Self-KOs would occur (I counted them as KOs in the results). I experimented and tried doing a straight shoot, but the issue was that the bottom was still a B:D. Cygnus could recover from the first hit and become more calm, causing Bahamdia Dragooon to miss Cygnus when coming back around and self-KO due to the imbalance from getting hit. At one point, Cygnus even managed to KO Dragooon by getting a TR save and pushing Dragooon out of the stadium from a collision.

I'd very much like some confirmation for this from an able GF user on this combo. This is a rather shocking (and accidental) find, so I just want to check to see that I'm not insane/messing up somehow.

I will attempt to take a video later in the week to demonstrate how to launch Dragooon against a calm B:D and to show the weird effectiveness of aggro B:D
Updated the OP with new tests courtesy of yours truly.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post.
very nice test your aggressive b:d was a little weird because as you said it turned very quickly its just awesome

So my SonoKong B: D has a niche use then, hell yeah.

Basalt B: D? It might work..
(Jan. 08, 2013  8:38 PM)Kujikato Wrote: Hm..

So my SonoKong B: D has a niche use then, hell yeah.

Basalt B: D? It might work..

I would assume that Basalt would be easier for this to KO than Duo would. With it having a taller profile. Like the situation with Hasbro Jade E230RF, it could KO Basalt BD145 with ease but couldn't get a hold of Duo BD145.
Could I ask for tests against Flash on W145? Preferrably MF-H Flash (ATK) Escolpio W145RF/R2F, curious to see how much of a difference the extra height makes.
Sure, I'll try to get on it at the end of the week.
Any testing against Anti-Attackers?
Especially Diablo Kerbecs BD145 RF and Basalt Horogrium R145 RF?
Just want to see if it can get above 50% win rate,hence being suitable,and rather,a healthy choice to use at tournaments...
I pretty sure this might be cover with the OP, because Synchrom Attack beyblades are practically Anti-Attackers
It would still be good to get tests with ""top-tier"" anti-attackers
I know this is old but someone test this against:

Dragoon/Reviser Dragoon BD145RDF?
oh I kinda forgot about this, I meant to do some of the requests in here.

Hm, I only have one Dragooon and Kain has his newborn daughter so that test might have to wait. I can test against one of my favorite combos though yes (MF-H Basalt Horogium R145RF wooooo) and Flash W145.
(Mar. 30, 2013  3:36 AM)GaHooleone Wrote: oh I kinda forgot about this, I meant to do some of the requests in here.

Hm, I only have one Dragooon and Kain has his newborn daughter so that test might have to wait. I can test against one of my favorite combos though yes (MF-H Basalt Horogium R145RF wooooo) and Flash W145.

Even if I did have time to test, I would still like other members besides you and I to test this combo so that we can get an idea of how bad/good the learning curve is.

Ultra, this combo should have no problems tornado stalling vs _______ Dragooon BD145RDF, and should be easier to beat than a right spin combo on BD145RDF. Because even if you screw up your stall and contact is made towards the end of the battle, since you would be same spin as your opponent, you wouldn't have to worry Dragooon BD145RDF spin equalizing.
my dragoon bahamdia is acting funny and its stamina isent amazing nothing is wrong with my launcher though i don't have a msf is that's whats wrong however when ever it gets a couple of hits on an opposing bey they lose so much spin after a a bit they just stopped which really surprised me
(Apr. 20, 2013  8:49 AM)aurawolf Wrote: my dragoon bahamdia is acting funny and its stamina isent amazing nothing is wrong with my launcher though i don't have a msf is that's whats wrong however when ever it gets a couple of hits on an opposing bey they lose so much spin after a a bit they just stopped which really surprised me

Bahamdia Dragooon, not Dragooon Bahamdia. One has worse balance and is right spin, while the other has better balance, control, stamina and equalizes.
the balance shouldn't be the same but in the opposite side? my basic knowledge of physics is struggling right know!
sorry i my intentions were to use bahamdia dragoon but my right launcher has been acting goofy so i used so i use dragoon bahamdia instead sorry about the error