I’m gonna list the special moves (not all of them) that may or may not be done in real life. It’s listed separately from 100% true to Definitely not real.
100% true: Rush launch, Flash launch, The Legendary Hand spin, Metal Dragon crush, Z- Buster, God reboot, Ultimate god reboot, Drain Spin, Requiem Spin, Roller defense, sheild crash, quake launch, zombie launch, solar boost, solstice launch, double impact, triple impact, fourth impact, fifth impact, perfect circle, runaway launch, absorb breaker, double strike,
Possibly true: Counter Break, cyclone loop, roller drift, emperor drift, Z- slash, Winning slash, Requiem slash, Nightmare shot, Trigger Attack,
Hard to pull off: Crux boost, Tightrope dive, revive armor slash, nothing breaker, Flying double strike, gravity shoot, backflip shot,
Not sure: Allycorn launch, wave launch, dead impact, upper Shoot, axe shoot, chain launch, blast beat, Ragnaruk zone, sheild launch, dragon scream,
Definitely not real: Death spiral, Cyclone wall, cyclone counter, dead gravity, Ragnaruk typhoon, Emperor guard, beast charge, tornado sheild crash,