World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
A Contract With the Moon (Story) - Printable Version

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A Contract With the Moon (Story) - Vintage - Dec. 19, 2011

Hmm, first things first, this is only a skeleton of the whole thing, meaning it's not complete, and not that in depth. I am going to be going back and re-writing it and expanding, adding dialogue and explanations. Each paragraph will later be turned into a chapter. There will be a total of 15 parts, each divided into three, creating five sections and a total of 45 chapters. I will also be posting character biographies, and drawing them out to give you guys visuals, making it easier to imagine in your heads. I'm going to try to get this published, and so I would need opinions on it first, so I also want to know what you guys think. This will be updated irregularly, so whenever I have time for it.

P.S If you guys are confused about anything, then just ask, as it'll get pretty confusing, and there may be mistakes I made, that I can fix.

.Tongue_outART ONE:.
Chapter One - A Hope Of Impossiblities

Ira sighed, turning up at the sky and seemingly waiting for an inexistent encounter with an inexistent person who would bring him to an inexistent world. He looked at the cloudless blue sky one last time before he lay his head back in the tall grass. Magic, science fiction, fantasy, all belonging in Ira’s imagination began to leak, and slowly, almost unnoticeably, wrapped around the universe, his universe. Ira awoke with a gasp, and turned to look at his watch, it read 2am. He groaned, and stretched before standing up and walking. Street after street, road after road, the lights became repetitive. He past his school and his house, went all the way to a hill, a little far from the city, and entered an abandoned home. It was quite cozy, albeit a little chilly, and was a very good shelter to be in. There was a bomb shelter underneath the kitchen, and plenty of preservable foods down there too. Except, he did not go there for that, no, he came to sketch the city. Ira loved sketching, the feel of the pencil against the paper, the sound of the lead etching itself into it, and the view that was the same every day, but was always different. He started with the clouds, that seemed to be forming a spiral, the lightning coming up from the ground. He stopped, looked at the peculiar set of clouds above the city, and watched them go into reverse until they eventually dissipated. Thinking it was just his imagination running amok, Ira went back home and slept.

Chapter Two - A Chance at Change

The next day, Ira went to school, still staring at the sky, waiting for nothing, and nothing to happen. The day passed by very normally, leaving Ira very disappointed. Little did he know, that everything had already begun to change around him. That night, the moon moved ever closer than ever before. The moon, being ever so inconspicuous, gave Ira a vision in his dreams. A girl, a blue sun, a black sky, and an anomaly high above the clouds. Then the sun slowly enveloping the earth, it’s fire like a blazing mouth. Everything flashed white, and Ira woke up. He was sweaty, and his heart beating like crazy. He got up, still trembling, and went to get a glass of water. Oddly enough, he was not afraid, but excited and anxious, as if knowing he was a part of something big. Sixteen years of the same life, same routine, same people, all to be changed. Using light footsteps, he made his way to the kitchen and slowly poured his water into his favorite mug, smirking the entire time. Looking into his reflection in the water, Ira’s ears twitched and noticed something was very different about him. He quickly went to the washroom, but stopped right at the door. He took a deep breath, getting himself ready for a change in his physical appearance, and walked in.

Chapter Three - A Meeting On the Headboard

Quickly, he turns on the light and sees the mirror. He was the same, still no changes. He had the same jet black hair, the same umber eyes, no change in height, still 5’7”. A little disappointed, Ira went back to his room slumped back into his bed. After thirty-seconds of ringing, Ira shut off his alarm clock and turned over in his bed, away from the sun. After a few seconds of shutting his eyes tight, he released and all the light of the world poured in. Wincing at the sudden brightness, Ira hid under his blanket momentarily, so the light would lessen and his eyes adjust. After several minutes of yawning and stretching, he finally removed the blanket. Atop his headboard, was a beautiful girl, with beautiful red hair, with light wrapped around her like a cloak of sunlight. Unable to speak, Ira tilted his head until it was facing the same way as she was. Before he could ask anything, she introduced herself as Luna, and she wanted his help.

RE: A Contract With the Moon (Story) - Ga' - Dec. 19, 2011

Pretty nice! Some comma splices, but otherwise great! I was thinking Majora's Mask as soon as I saw the title, and it looks that way.

The transition between the second and third chapter is quite a faux cliffhanger there.

I'll be checking back.

RE: A Contract With the Moon (Story) - Vintage - Dec. 20, 2011

Chapter Four - A Request From A Stranger

Okay, I'm kind of stuck at this point in the story, and am unable to determine which way the story should go, so I'm going to be posting several different plots right here, and hopefully I'll find the right one I can go with. They'll all have the same beginning part, but will have different parts right under "possibility #"

Ira brought her to the living room, and told her to sit and wait while he cooked breakfast. She sat down and looked around, at the ceiling, the floor, the walls. She asked him where his parents were, he said they were overseas on business. He placed the maple bacon down, then the eggs. Ira looked at Luna, and with a perplexed face, asked who she was, and what she was doing. She began to tell him everything, but started off with who she was. A representative of the moon she said, asking for his help. What help, he wondered.


Then came the unbelievable story. The sun, she spoke very warily of it, is in fact a prison. It was to cage a monster that had the power to destroy planets. Millions of years ago, a harmless being wandered into the galaxy. He spoke to no one, did nothing, just like a rock that was floating by. But then he came into contact with a darkstone, a stone that harbours hatred and malice. Soon after, he became enveloped in sin and darkness, and became a beast. He roamed universes, destroying all living things and gaining power from doing so. He eventually became so powerful that he became a threat to the creator of the galaxy. Upon orders, my ancestors locked him away in a black orb, but it was not enough to fully contain him. His fire still seeps through, which is what you know as the chromosphere of the sun. Ever since then, he has been trying to escape. Only recently has he been able to weaken the cage, due to a shift in Earths axis.The orb relies on the rotation of these planets, and in the past decade