World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
The Armageddon - Printable Version

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The Armageddon - HorogiumX - Apr. 28, 2011

I'm Hiroshi. I was waking alone on a dark night. Then, out of nowhere, a guy jumped out of the darkness ."Battle me!" he said. He had ripped denim shorts, a white shirt with a black coat over it, a bandanna and black shoes. "3, 2, 1, Go Shoot!" we yelled.
I nervously launched my Rock Orso D125B. He launched his Burn Escolpio H145XF. Escolpio slammed into Orso. "Special Move! Flaming Horn Stinger Smash!" he yelled. Escolpio lit the H145 on fire, jumped into the air and came down on Orso. Orso flew into the air, but didn't come down. He started glowing until it was so bright we couldn't see. Then, a huge explosion happened. When the smoke cleared I could see we were both spinning and Orso was back on the ground. However, Orso was different. "Special Move! Bear Claw Strike!" I yelled. Orso charged at Escolpio. I had done this special move before, but it never had this much power. Esclopio was thrown at a nearby steel building, clashing with it and creating sparks. Esclopio came back into the battle with enough power and electricity to defeat most beys, but Orso stood its ground and charged at Esoclpio, knocking it up in to the darkness. He was astonished that he was beaten and ran. I looked at Orso. It wasn't Rock Orso D125B anymore. It was Boulder Orso SD125UB.

RE: The Armageddon - GaleForce - Apr. 28, 2011

Nice. But could you please put the parts that you make up after the story.

RE: The Armageddon - HorogiumX - Apr. 28, 2011

Chapter 2:

I looked at this new bey. Boulder was Rock but bigger and heavier. Spike Defense 125 was D125 with spikes around the ring. Ultimate Ball was wider than WB and would be wider than an XB. I ran home and launched it into a frying pan, my only stadium. Orso clashed against the metal of the pan creating a loud noise. My parents came to see what all the commotion was about. I showed them my new Orso. "Come with me." my dad said. He took me down to a secret chamber in the basement with a Beyblade in a glass case. I recognized it as Armageddon Vulcepa TA145LXF. "Like L-Drago and Perseus, it spins left." he told me. I already knew this. I had heard the legend about how dangerous this bey was. I knew it was hid somewhere, but I never knew it was in my basement. He showed me the rest of the secret chamber as he showed me his Beyblade stuff from when he was a champion. The next morning, I ran to my freind's house. He got out his stadium and we battled. "3, 2, 1, Go shoot!" we yelled. His Leone SW145HF attacked hard but Orso didn't budge. "Special Move! Leone Roaring Attack!" he yelled. Leone attacked with shockwaves but the SD125 track deflected the hits. "Special Move! Smashing Attack!" I yelled. Orso charged but Leone dodged. Orso switched direction and KO'ed Leone. He stared at me. I won.

RE: The Armageddon - Wolverine Mode - Apr. 28, 2011

Ah, new and cool story! A character request:

Name: Mike Henzi
Bey: Omega Komodo 350XPD
Bey Description: Omega is a mixture of Hell, Basalt, and Fang. Komodo represents the Komodo Dragon. 350 is a useful defense and stamina track taller than 230. XPD is Extreme Polish Defense.
Move: Blazing Smash - A Yellow beast shows up and one of his hand is completely covered in fire, the beast smashes the stadium floor and then there is a blast and smokes everywhere.
Personality- Is friendly likes to eat Pizza and loves to win in BeyBattles.

RE: The Armageddon - HorogiumX - Apr. 28, 2011

Chapter 3:

"You beat me? How?" he asked. "Simple." I replied. "It's my new bey, Boulder Orso SD125UB." "I'm going to practice." he said. I walked out the door of his house and I saw a helicopter. And then, a bey a came out and created a massive explosion. The flames came toward me but then someone shot his bey and saved my life. He was tall and muscular and wore a ripped, plain, white t-shirt and shorts. "Thanks!" I said. "No problem." he replied. "What's your name?" i asked. "Kaito." he replied. "What's that bey?" I asked. "Tsunami Aquario Water Jets 120 Ultimate Flat." he said. Tsunami looked like Tornado with small ridges. WJ120 was 120 with 4 jets that squirt water out. UF was like XF but wider. "Do you want to get some pizza?" I asked him. "Sure." he replied. We entered the pizza parlor and a saw a blader, the one in the helicopter. "Hey, dude!" I said as I walked up to him. "What's up with the helicopter?" "Beat me and you'll find out!" he replied. "I'll do it." Kaito said. "3, 2, 1, Go shoot!" they yelled. Aquario attacked but the blader's 350 track absorbed the attacks. "Aquario, Special Move! Riptide!" Kaito yelled. Water came squirting out of WJ120, soaking the other bey. "What's that bey? It's undefeatable!" "Omega Komodo 350XPD. I'm Mike Henzi." he replied. "Attack, Komodo!" Komodo charged at Aquario and knocked it back. "Time to end this once and for all!" Mike yelled. "Special Move! Blazing Smash!" the Komodo beast came out and smashed on the ground with fire. In the middle of this inferno was Aquario. "Special Move! Tsunami!" Kaito yelled. When the steam cleared, Aquario was still spinning but Komodo stopped. "Ok, I beat you." Kaito said. "What's with the helicopter?" "Fine. I've been searching for Armageddon Vulcepa for years and years. I finally located it at your house." he said. "I thought nobody was home, but when I saw Hiroshi running to his house, I shot Komodo to drive him off."

RE: The Armageddon - GaleForce - Apr. 28, 2011

Nice, again. Now I have a request. Destruct Nemisis 80XMF. 80 is the shortest track ever. Extreme Metal Flat. Destruct is shaped like Lightning, but with bigger protrusions. Nemisis is like Aquario but Darker and on each side spikes poke out. Any character you want.

RE: The Armageddon - TwiztidBlader - Apr. 29, 2011

I have one (good guy please)
Name:Andrew Totragami
Bey:Jungle Leone S130WMB(Defense,Right spin)(Jungle is like Pre-HWS Libra Wheel)
Attitude:a Slacker but very up-beat and joyful
Special Move:Wild Jungle Typhoon Force Wall(Like Lion Wild Wind Fang Dance)

RE: The Armageddon - Wolverine Mode - Apr. 29, 2011

Another character request:

Name: Jack Tenson (enemy)
Bey: Death Shadow FB720RSB
Bey Description: Death is like a Basalt but more wider and its about 55mm, Crimson colored. Shadow is similar to Kerbecs but complete black colored. FB720 is Fire Blaster 720 and when it gets activated it throws out Bombs of Fire. RSB is Rubber Sonic Ball more wider than an Ultimate Ball.
Special Move: Shadow Lasers - A creepy Shadows shows out and sends Shadow Lasers.
Personality - Is very cunning and mean, he likes to destroy other Beys and beat up other people. Laughs purposely at others when someone is crying.

RE: The Armageddon - HorogiumX - Apr. 29, 2011

(Apr. 29, 2011  9:20 AM)Mephiles Wrote: Another character request:

Name: Jack Tenson (enemy)
Bey: Death Shadow FB720RSB
Bey Description: Death is like a Basalt but more wider and its about 95mm, Crimson colored. Shadow is similar to Kerbecs but complete black colored. FB720 is Fire Blaster 720 and when it gets activated it throws out Bombs of Fire. RSB is Rubber Sonic Ball more wider than an Ultimate Ball.
Special Move: Shadow Lasers - A creepy Shadows shows out and sends Shadow Lasers.
Personality - Is very cunning and mean, he likes to destroy other Beys and beat up other people. Laughs purposely at others when someone is crying.
Ok, but Death is way to wide. (Hell is only 50mm wide.) Can you shorten it?

RE: The Armageddon - Wolverine Mode - Apr. 29, 2011

Fine I will change Death to 55mm is that fine?

RE: The Armageddon - HorogiumX - Apr. 29, 2011

(Apr. 29, 2011  11:41 AM)Mephiles Wrote: Fine I will change Death to 55mm is that fine?
That's good.

RE: The Armageddon - HorogiumX - May. 01, 2011

Chapter 4:
"Armageddon Vulcepa was at your house all along?" Kaito asked me. "Yeah. My dad hid it there so no one could find it." I replied. We then noticed metal clashing outside. We saw two bladers battling, with one bey destroying the other with fireballs. When the battle ended, the other bey had been destroyed while the other blader laughed. I knew had to do something about this, so I launched Orso. Orso slammed into the bey, throwing it high in the air, but it came back down safely. "My Death Shadow FB720RSB won't be affected by that puny attack!" he yelled. "Special Move! Shadow Lasers!" Shadow started firing lasers that destroyed parts of the stadium, trying to hit Orso. Orso dodged all of them and Shadow gave up. Shadow then created a fire tornado, constantly shooting fireballs at Orso. One finally hit Orso. After that, I blacked out. I remembered being at the hospital, with all my friends there. "...What...happened..." I moaned. "Jack Tenson, the guy with Shadow, beat you. You fell unconscious." Mike said. "What about Orso?" I asked. "He's in the Beyblade repair shop." Katio replied. "Oh no. The nationals are tomorrow and I have no bey!" I realized. "When's Orso going to be ready?" "Sometime today. But you have to stay here until Monday." Kaito replied. "Oh. Guess I'll have to wait until next year." I said. "The tournaments to get into the world championships are Tuesday. You could still make it!" Mike yelled. "You guys practice. World championship, here I come!" I yelled.

RE: The Armageddon - HorogiumX - May. 02, 2011

Chapter 5:
On Monday, I ran out of the hospital and signed myself up of for the tournament. I trained hard and challenged any blader I could find. I was then walking by the place where the tournament was going to be held and a guy jumped out. He wore a black coat and tank top and shorts and he had short, spiky blond hair. He challenged me to a battle and we launched our beys. He had a Destruct Nemesis 80XMF, an Attack type, which couldn't defeat my Defense type easily. However, the place we were battling in gave him in advantage since we were battling on a flat surface with no walls, the street. Nemesis continued to charge at Orso. Then I noticed something. Nemesis was slowly draining the energy of Orso by hitting it repeatedly with small attacks instead of hitting it slowly
with stronger attacks. "Special Move! "Boulder Bear Claw!" I yelled. Boulder lit up and Orso charged at Nemesis attacking it repeatedly. Nemesis quickly repelled Orso and the battle continued. "Nemisis! Dark Move! Destruction Charge!" he yelled. Nemesis charged at Orso with so much speed
it left a dust trail behind it. Nemesis hit Orso, pushing it back with power. Orso tried to dodge but Nemesis followed. Orso finally pushed Nemesis away until it was circling around the street. Then something mysterious happened, Orso was pushed up into the air by an invisible force. Once it was in the air, Orso was being pushed around and attacked even though nothing was there. "What is that?" I wondered out loud. "That's Nemesis's invisible beast!" he yelled. "You can't attack it, dodge it or block it if you can't see it!" Suddenly, Nemesis charged back into the center and hit Orso, which was now not under the control of Nemesis. A huge explosion happened, and all you could see was Nemesis flying into a tree. When the smoke cleared, Orso spun one revolution before it fell.

RE: The Armageddon - TwiztidBlader - May. 03, 2011

can you put my character in please?

RE: The Armageddon - HorogiumX - May. 03, 2011

(May. 03, 2011  4:21 AM)M.Cancer90R2F Wrote: can you put my character in please?
He's in next chapter.

RE: The Armageddon - HorogiumX - May. 03, 2011

I'm now looking for a pure evil character and bey. I will decide who's character is in.

RE: The Armageddon - Wolverine Mode - May. 03, 2011

Another evil character (This one is pure evil)

Name: Ray Ukura
Bey: Dark Moon (like Big and Bang= Big Bang) Blazer GM95SS
Bey Description: Dark Moon looks like Hell but is more wider and thicker and it weighs about 80g. Blazer is similar to Blaze CW. GM95 is Gravity Missiles 95 and it sends out missiles of gravity missles (in other words you can say bombs that float in air) and SS is Sonic Sharp its the most sharpest bottom available.
Special Move: Gravity Float - it makes the other bey float in air and the DMB attacks it rapidly to steal all its stamina and powers.
Personality: Is really pure evil. When the opponents bey is destroyed he almost kills the other person to death, laughs like my other evil character.

RE: The Armageddon - TwiztidBlader - May. 03, 2011

K thanks

RE: The Armageddon - HorogiumX - May. 14, 2011

I rushed to the tournament. "Ah, you're the last one. Now we can start!" Blader DJ said. I felt the floors shaking and whirring and then, I was underground. Some lights turned on and a TV popped out. The TV showed what was happening outside. Above Blader DJ, there was a large electronic screen that showed all the bladers participating. "The first match is... Isamu vs Mike!" yelled Blader DJ. The floors opened and the bladers came out. "Isamu, with his Axe Gladiator SH145MCS, is the only blader in WBBA history to be undefeated!" Blader DJ yelled. Isamu held up his Beyblade. Axe was cut into four pieces of a circle with axe heads in between attached to another circle. Gladiator was perfectly designed to show the axe heads. Shield 145 had four metal pieces in a shape of a shield attached to a 145. MCS was like CS except the Sharp in the middle was an MS. Mike nervously readied his Komodo and set it up on its launcher. "3! 2! 1!" yelled Blader DJ and the crowd. "Go shoot!" yelled Isamu and Mike as they launched their beys into the stadium. Before they hit the stadium Gladiator and Komodo clashed in midair and ground at each other until they fell to the stadium floor. They clashed for awhile and then they backed up into the wall and started chasing each other. Gladiator used its MCS tip to go into Attack Mode and climb up the wall until the edge where it switched back to Stamina Mode. "Special Move! Shield Defense!" Isamu yelled. Komodo suddenly was pulled toward Gladiator and clashed with its Clear Wheel. Mike knew Komodo was being drained of his Stamina but he couldn't do anything because he couldn't pull away and if he attacked any harder he would go over the edge and get a stadium-out. He was forced to use his special move. "Special Move! Blazing Smash!" he yelled. The explosion happened and a burst of wind, smoke and fire blew toward the crowd. Komodo and Gladiator were thrown up into the air and then came back down, still clashing. Komodo finally escaped and went up a wall and did an aerial attack on Gladiator. Isamu laughed. "Special Move! Gladiator Flaming Axe Strike!" he yelled. The Gladiator beast came out and smashed its axe, which was on fire, at Komodo. The axe created a fireball which exploded. Komodo flew at Mike in two perfectly cut pieces. Isamu had won.

RE: The Armageddon - Xlr8 - May. 15, 2011

awesome story dude