World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Life At Bey Academy : A New Beginning ( Accepting Character Requests ) - Printable Version

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Life At Bey Academy : A New Beginning ( Accepting Character Requests ) - HellKerbecsDog - Mar. 10, 2011

"Ugh, another terrifying defeat,and It's my first day here !!!" I said. As I was walking from the arena, everyone started to laugh at and started calling me names like " Loser " and " Chump". I started running away from the mirthful people and I accidentally bump into someone who later said "Ouch !" I look up and I see Kai Vasil, a Canadian who just suffered the same fate from what I just saw. I helped him get back up and he was telling me about his lost. He said ," I lost to Bria Walker, the highest girl Dragoonist blader." I asked awkardly," What's a Dragoonist ?" He replied," A Dragoonist is the highest ranking on the social scale." It goes like this : Dracielist, Drigerist, Dranzerist, and a Dragoonist." Right now we're the Dracielist so we have to stay with Dracielist people during class, lunch, and we have to sleep with them." When we started to walk down the hall, we saw Michael Walker, the boyfriend of Bria and the highest boy Dragoonist. He pushed all the inferior kids, that were lower ranked than him, out the way ! Kai and I tried to confront him ,but he pushed us too. By the way, my name is Eddie Green, a hotshot newcomer who can be #1 in the world. So bell started ring ,which meant class time. Our teacher ,Mr.King, taught us about the perfect launch. I thought the class was boring ,so I just fell asleep. At the end of class, we had a pop quiz and I said in my head, " Man, I'm never going to pass this quiz !" ,but Kai let me copy off of him. At lunch, we were having Bake Fish with Shrimp Combo today ! I really do enjoy shrimp and fish ,but Kai made his own lunch. I said," Wow Kai, your meal is so blunt." Kai replied," So, hmph !" After lunch, we went to train in the jungle. Oh by the way, our academy is located in South America near the Amazon. When we got to the depths of the jungle, an illuminating light occured to both of us and said," Eddie, your new bey is Hell Kerbecs BD145DS and Kai your bey will be Basalt Horogium 145WD." "Sweet Dreams." When we woke up in the Nurse Jill's offic , the vision was true. Those bey were right beside us ,but there was a note saying, " I love newcomers especially you and Kai." "I challenge you to tag - team battle and be at midnight chump."

Will Eddie and Kai be strong enough to battle the mystery bladers ,or will they be to scared to walk on their own two feet ? Find out on," Life At Bey Academy Part II : The Lightning Capricornes StupidStupidStupid[/color][/size][/font]

RE: Life At Bey Academy Part I : A New Beginning - Dusk - Mar. 10, 2011

It's a pretty good story. I haven't read a first person story on here in a long time. Looking forward to yours!

RE: Life At Bey Academy Part I : A New Beginning - HellKerbecsDog - Mar. 10, 2011

Thank you very much. I just woke up this mourning and the idea just popped in my head.

RE: Life At Bey Academy Part I : A New Beginning ( Accepting Characters so please reply) - HellKerbecsDog - Mar. 10, 2011

Life At Bey Academy Part II : The Lightning Capicornes

Kai and I decided that we accept the challenge. "The only bad is that we suck at Tag - Team," said Kai worriedly. So Kai and I went to the Tag - Team Facility where it helps your Tag - Team skills. After 3 hours of practicing, it was curfew time. Everyone went to sleep including me and Kai. When the alarm rang at 11:45pm it was time to sneak out. Sneaking out of our dorm was simply easy for us since the Dracielist have any security. So when we got ti the arena, a bouncing bey appeared in front us. Due to Kai's keen eyes, he said the bey looks like a Storm Capricorne M145Q and it led us to guy named Gadget Tobio, a Drigerist who picks on Dracielist for pleasure and to make them show mercy. His partner is Rus Pondor, a very shy guy who is Gadget's slave. So when launched our beys, everyone was anxious because nobody seen our opponents' bey style. Rus' bey, Screw Capricorne 90MF starts circling around the arena. Screw Capricorne thrashed Kai's bey ,but then Kai and Rus' beys starts to clash in a 1-on-1 battle. Gadget's bey tried to hit Kerbecs with Lightning Screwdriver ,but Kerbecs quickly jumps up and slams Gadget's bey out of the stadium. Gadget, about to cry and moan, said," You're so evil !" ,and I said to him," Ha, take that weakling !" So it's only 2-on-1 and we got the upper hand ,but Rus use his ULTIMATE move : Ultimate Screwdriver !!! His bey is launched up in the air and a blue cyclone is coming at 200 MPH !!! Kai and I clinged our beys together to use Maximum Clash : a cyclone fused with hell and spiralness. After the collision, only our beys were still spinning while Rus' bey made a huge dent in the arena. They ran like little chickens back ,but then cute girls appeared in front of us. Kai said their names were Faye Thomas and Miranda Dodson, two Dranzerists. They both challenge us to a duel !!!

Will Kai and Eddie accept their duel ,or will they be just Gadget and Rus, two chickens ???
Find out on Life At Bey Academy Part III : Girls Can Beyblade Too !!!
Please come read it.