World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - Printable Version

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White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - Key blader - Feb. 28, 2011

Yah, people! My fourth story! I'm gonna keep writing them but I had an idea for this one so here it is!

The chirping of crickets could be heard outside in the cool, night air. But, as more people approached the large building with a dome shaped roof, many more sounds could be heard. Frantic cheers were heard from the inside, because of yet another, faint sound. * clink clink clink clkssssssktcsssssssssssss*, the sound of two beys competing in competition. " Go, go! You can do it!", shouted one kid, raising his fist in the air. " Knock em' out!", chanted the other. The crowd cheered more. " This is DJ Bako ( Bah-koh), bringing this competition to you live from the Takoyui( Tah-Koi-yii) Bey Dome!" The crowed cheered again.

*clup clup clup clup* One 15 year old was on his way to watch the tournament. He leaned against the wall, trying to scope out any talent possible. Trying to keep that horrifying image out of his mind. He grimaced and turned to the side.

Flames were everywhere and he couldn't find an exit.He felt hands grab him and carry him to a door, tossing him out. " Ryoto( Ree-oh-toh)! Run while you can!" Ryoto cried" No, dad please." tears streamed down his face," Please, just run away from this all, I love you son."

He shook the rest out of his mind. He now focused on the beyblades, managing a smile. Ryoto now had black hair with long, neon blue bangs that covered his eyes, two black diamond shpaed strands of hair hung down, one on each side of his face. He wore a black jacket thing( like Ginga's) with a neon blue tee shirt under it. He wore black, fingerless gloves that had shining silver chains wrapped around them. He wore blue skinnies that had a pattern of rings, each ring was either neon blue or royal blue. His converse were neon blue with the rubber part black. His skin was a vampire like pale. He had one fang like tooth. He was a reject but was found attractive by a selected few. That horrible memory, took place when he was eleven. Both parents, dead. His brother was away that night and Ryoto never found him. " Kyro has won the battle!"!, announced DJ Bato, interrupting Ryoto's thoughts. But, Ryoto had his eye on a 13 year old named Siran. ( Sii-rin).

Siran wore a thin red zip up hoodie, white jeans, blood red hair that was spiked up in the front. He wore red converse and had stormy gray eyes. He seemed kind but a little too confident.

Siran ended up winning the tournament, winning 2,000 bey points as his prize. Ryoto formed a sly smirk before vanishing into the crowd of people.......

Siran hummed, his bey, Dizzy Hawk T125 A[ero]S[harp], clipped to his belt.

Hawk face was black with the picture of a red and white hawk on it. Hawk energy ring was red with a 10 wing pattern, each wing with a black tip. Dizzy had five, out sticking claws, curved in a spiral shape.The T125 track was white. Finally, Aero Sharp was a sharp tip with a little bit more fine point. It was red and also had 4 small squares sticking out of it, giving it a more aerodynamic shape.

He was pushed down, about 12 15 year old boys sneering down at him. " Get up!", commanded the one that seemed to be the leader. " Give us your points!", another sneered at him. " How about you jam your head though a brick wall?" Siran retorted. " Launch!", all of the bullies shouted in unison. Siran launched Hawk back at the on coming beys. All 13 beys landed and sparks flew everywhere as the beys smashed into hawk. " This isn't fair!", blurted Siran. They all laughed" Does that surprise you?!". After a great fight, Hawk lay defeated. " Destroy that worthless bey!", the leader shouted, waving his hand at Siran. Siarn dropped to his knees, tears forming in his eyes.

* Vrrrrrrtttt Shing shing. clank clank clank clank*. The twelve bey lay defeated. A figure dropped down into the shadows, and emerged Ryoto. " Now, now, now! Isn't this a little unfair?!", Ryoto said dramatically, raising his hands in a sort of shrug. The leader growled," Well, why don't we take you all on full strength, then see what happens, launch!" The twelve beys were shot out, set to collide with Ryoto's Freeze Endiron C[law]R[ing] 125 BS/S......

Endiron face was a neon blue with a white dragon like beast, flying upward. Endiron energy was clear with an armor like pattern. Freeze was a mostly round ring, with 3 small curves, meant to spread out attack damage. CR was a light blue with 3 blue rings wrapping around it. BS/S switched from Ball Sharp to Sharp, a dark blue color.

Endiron couldn't be seen as it formed a cyclone of blue stars around Ryoto, easily slicing through the beys. " H h he's t too powerful!", " R Run!". The gang ran away like the wind was pushing them forward. Ryoto then turned to Siran, extending his hand." I'm Ryoto"......


RE: White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - Light Yagami - Feb. 28, 2011

awesome stroy

RE: White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - Key blader - Feb. 28, 2011

(Feb. 28, 2011  4:40 AM)darkangelkaieru Wrote: awesome story.hey can you use kevin except change his name to ginta. and his bey is still ecilpse sirius.his has black emo hair with sliver highlights.he is antisocial and only trusts his friends
If you please post the character here so it is easier for me, than yes.

RE: White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - Light Yagami - Feb. 28, 2011

just use kevin plz

RE: White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - Key blader - Mar. 01, 2011

(Feb. 28, 2011  11:35 PM)darkangelkaieru Wrote: just use kevin plz
Yah, but It's hard for me to go thread to thread trying to get Kevin's info typing a chapter. I can try my best but it would help a lot if you could just post your character here.

RE: White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - Light Yagami - Mar. 01, 2011

okay its just that it lot

RE: White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - C-Dub - Mar. 01, 2011

Here's a request it's the request i'm always gonna use like Darkangel and Kevin here it is:
NameConfusedamuel Hasine
BeyGrineadly Army SD75 R/MB
Bey Descripton:The Army facebolt has a pistol in the middle and says U.S.A on the top and Army in black bold letters on the bottom with 3 blood spots as the background.The Energy ring is red and has a sniper on opposite sides and bullets curving around with semi circles near the center.The fuson wheel ,Deadly, has three of those blockes like L-Drago's fusion wheel on the top bottom left and right that shows on Rapid attack mode only it's gold and the other spaces are spin absorbing semi-circles made of rubber.The Spin track ,SD75, stands for SurpriseDagger75 it has a dagger that pops out every time an opponent tries to hit the spintrack and it's made of metal.The performance tip ,R/MB, is shaped like a bullet and half of it is rubber and the other half is metal that's why it's called R/MB.
Personality:Cares about his friends,beys,and blading,loyal,honest,trustworthy,ALWAYS wants to battle with someone like Yuu or Ginga,doesn't really like to show full power,funny,takes alot to keep him down and never bakes down from a challange!
Special move #1Eeexpert Sniping Bey Atack:Army turns invisible and hits with deadly attacks then if that doesn't work it just attacks viciously for 30 seconds.
Special move #2:Retreatig Counterstrike/Escape:This depends on the performance tip if it leans to the right it's escape if it leans to the left it's counterstrike.
Looks Like:Wears a t-shirt that's gold colered on the front andsilver on the back,and wears fingerless ninja gloves the right one is white and the left one is black, and wears red Jordans, and bage shorts,and his skin tone is african american,and has a black small fro, and brown eyes.
Plz accept!!love it already

RE: White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - Key blader - Mar. 01, 2011

Chapter 2: Ryoto: Blader Spirt Born in Flames, Beyblade Born in Ice.....

The chains rattled as Ryoto shook Siran's......

" Thanks for saving me.", Siran smiled, taking a bite of the burger Ryoto bought him. " No problem.", Ryoto playfully punched Siran with his heavily gloved hand, " It's my job as a blader." Ryoto smiled one of his rare, handsome smiles. " Siran, I need to ask you something, something very serious....", Ryoto's face turned stern. " Sure. Anything, Ryoto!," Siran said happily, polishing off his burger." I want you to join my new beyteam, called the White Shadows. I want to compete in tournaments around the world, gaining publicity, strength, and allies, to get revenge on the evil organization, Golem Force. They killed my parents...." Ryoto trailed off, one single, sparkling tear, rolling down his cheek. Siran's eyes shined," I would be honored to help you!" He exclaimed. He grabbed Dizzy Hawk, held it up with both hands, kneeling in front of Ryoto. " Me and Hawk are at your service". Ryoto let out a quiet laugh," Thank you", Ryoto whispered...

" Your gonna need a mechanic!", a shout came from the bushes, and with it, a 14 year old boy wearing goggles, a shirt and tie, and black slacks. His hair was brunette and neat." I'm Kayo ( Kay-oh). I have been studying bey mechanics since I was four. I've been dreaming for a chance like this please oh please let me join?!?!", begged Kayo." Welcome to the team" Ryoto held his hand out for Kayo to shake, and he shook it wildly.

" What?!?!?!" Ryoto exclaimed." We need a combined total of at least 5 people and 200,000 points to enter the Regional tournament?!?!?!?". Kayo winced," U U Uhuh", Kayo said meekly. Ryoto had 10,000 points and Siran had 6,000. But hey were way off from 200,000 points and 5 members.

The three walked around until someone jumped down, holding out a bey. He was wearing a long, army green scarf, brown cargo pants, a military jacket, and black hair tied into a long ponytail. " I'm Darok. I've been looking for a challenge and hear your pretty good. What do ya' say?" Ryoto smiled. " Do you actually need to ask?"

Sorry for the boring chapter, the next one will be better.
(Mar. 01, 2011  3:08 AM)C-Dub Wrote: Here's a request it's the request i'm always gonna use like Darkangel and Kevin here it is:
NameConfusedamuel Hasine
BeyGrineadly Army SD75 R/MB
Bey Descripton:The Army facebolt has a pistol in the middle and says U.S.A on the top and Army in black bold letters on the bottom with 3 blood spots as the background.The Energy ring is red and has a sniper on opposite sides and bullets curving around with semi circles near the center.The fuson wheel ,Deadly, has three of those blockes like L-Drago's fusion wheel on the top bottom left and right that shows on Rapid attack mode only it's gold and the other spaces are spin absorbing semi-circles made of rubber.The Spin track ,SD75, stands for SurpriseDagger75 it has a dagger that pops out every time an opponent tries to hit the spintrack and it's made of metal.The performance tip ,R/MB, is shaped like a bullet and half of it is rubber and the other half is metal that's why it's called R/MB.
Personality:Cares about his friends,beys,and blading,loyal,honest,trustworthy,ALWAYS wants to battle with someone like Yuu or Ginga,doesn't really like to show full power,funny,takes alot to keep him down and never bakes down from a challange!
Special move #1Eeexpert Sniping Bey Atack:Army turns invisible and hits with deadly attacks then if that doesn't work it just attacks viciously for 30 seconds.
Special move #2:Retreatig Counterstrike/Escape:This depends on the performance tip if it leans to the right it's escape if it leans to the left it's counterstrike.
Looks Like:Wears a t-shirt that's gold colered on the front andsilver on the back,and wears fingerless ninja gloves the right one is white and the left one is black, and wears red Jordans, and bage shorts,and his skin tone is african american,and has a black small fro, and brown eyes.
Plz accept!!love it already
is it okay if I change Army to soldier or Colonel or something?

RE: White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - C-Dub - Mar. 01, 2011

yeah...soldier,captain,sargent,gunner would be good

RE: White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - Light Yagami - Mar. 01, 2011

name:kevin hagata
bio:a nice,caring,and protective(of his friends but excepically of his bey he will not even let someone touch it) 12 year old boy who's bey contains a terrifing power(it a good power but it is very terrifying because it is so strong)he wears black jeans,black shirt with a pegasis symbol HE IS A GOOD GUY
bey:shooting star pegasis(the second clear wheel version)aw85r2f
special move:shooting star overdrive
the bey goes around the oppenent in a circle and gets covered in a black energy that has little specks of sliver that looks like stars and the track gets covered in black fire and hits them six times from all sides but on the 6th hit my bey hits the spin track and send them flying upward then pegasis jumps up smashs them down to the ground and then pegasis goes straghit down and the metal wheel and track hits the face bolt
.aw85 stands for attack wings 85 so its pretty much uw145(killer beafowls track) except the track height is lowered and the sides of the have spikes on them also it is made of metal.also the wings on the track come right to the end of the metal wheel and on my command and during my special move the wings get covered with black fire .the metal wheel is pretty much vulcan except each of the wings has 3 slighty curved spikes and in bewteen the spaces of the spikes about 3 millimeters below that space are slighty curved spikes that are set the exact oppsite way.lastly during battle pegasis can swich from left spin to right spin.
beyblade bio:has tremdously super amazing smash attack and aw85 shreds anything that touchs it(except for me and my friends)

RE: White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - Key blader - Mar. 01, 2011

(Mar. 01, 2011  8:55 PM)darkangelkaieru Wrote: name:kevin hagata
bio:a nice,caring,and protective(of his friends but excepically of his bey he will not even let someone touch it) 12 year old boy who's bey contains a terrifing power(it a good power but it is very terrifying because it is so strong)he wears black jeans,black shirt with a pegasis symbol HE IS A GOOD GUY
bey:shooting star pegasis(the second clear wheel version)aw85r2f
special move:shooting star overdrive
the bey goes around the oppenent in a circle and gets covered in a black energy that has little specks of sliver that looks like stars and the track gets covered in black fire and hits them six times from all sides but on the 6th hit my bey hits the spin track and send them flying upward then pegasis jumps up smashs them down to the ground and then pegasis goes straghit down and the metal wheel and track hits the face bolt
.aw85 stands for attack wings 85 so its pretty much uw145(killer beafowls track) except the track height is lowered and the sides of the have spikes on them also it is made of metal.also the wings on the track come right to the end of the metal wheel and on my command and during my special move the wings get covered with black fire .the metal wheel is pretty much vulcan except each of the wings has 3 slighty curved spikes and in bewteen the spaces of the spikes about 3 millimeters below that space are slighty curved spikes that are set the exact oppsite way.lastly during battle pegasis can swich from left spin to right spin.
beyblade bio:has tremdously super amazing smash attack and aw85 shreds anything that touchs it(except for me and my friends)

Thank you. This will help quite a bit.
(Mar. 01, 2011  8:55 PM)darkangelkaieru Wrote: name:kevin hagata
bio:a nice,caring,and protective(of his friends but excepically of his bey he will not even let someone touch it) 12 year old boy who's bey contains a terrifing power(it a good power but it is very terrifying because it is so strong)he wears black jeans,black shirt with a pegasis symbol HE IS A GOOD GUY
bey:shooting star pegasis(the second clear wheel version)aw85r2f
special move:shooting star overdrive
the bey goes around the oppenent in a circle and gets covered in a black energy that has little specks of sliver that looks like stars and the track gets covered in black fire and hits them six times from all sides but on the 6th hit my bey hits the spin track and send them flying upward then pegasis jumps up smashs them down to the ground and then pegasis goes straghit down and the metal wheel and track hits the face bolt
.aw85 stands for attack wings 85 so its pretty much uw145(killer beafowls track) except the track height is lowered and the sides of the have spikes on them also it is made of metal.also the wings on the track come right to the end of the metal wheel and on my command and during my special move the wings get covered with black fire .the metal wheel is pretty much vulcan except each of the wings has 3 slighty curved spikes and in bewteen the spaces of the spikes about 3 millimeters below that space are slighty curved spikes that are set the exact oppsite way.lastly during battle pegasis can swich from left spin to right spin.
beyblade bio:has tremdously super amazing smash attack and aw85 shreds anything that touchs it(except for me and my friends)

Thank you. This will help quite a bit.

RE: White Shadows. The Journey of a True Bey Hero. - Light Yagami - Mar. 01, 2011

your welcome.