World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Printable Version

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Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Tachimukai - Feb. 18, 2011

This is a new story! By the way, 'Katsu' is a name meaning 'Victory' in Japanese.
Episode 1: The Might of the Peacock

Lots of people loved to play beyblade at beypark. The came there every morning and beybladed dawn till dusk. It was Go Shoot, Go Shoot, Go Shoot all day. But everyone knew there was only one best blader in the town. And that blader was Sasuke Makuto. Sasuke was the answer to these questions: Who's the best blader and who would you want to beat at beyblade.

The battle going on at the moment was Sasuke vs Makkasu. Makkasu suffered from being known as the second best blader. But Sasuke and his Sol Blaze Eclipse was too much for his Grand Leone GB145WD.

3...2...1...Go Shoot! They chanted. It was all ready over, because after about 30 seconds Sol Blaze had succesfully defeated Makasu, once again.

Suddenly, a boy walked to the stadium. He had a red cap on his head which had a peculiar symbol on it. The symbol of what looked like a peacock. He wore a blue jacket zipped up all the way. He wore navy blue jeans and had a belt holding his launcher. His purple launcher with LightLauncher2 and Beypointer. He had a case strapped on his right arm which cased his beyblade.

"From what I hear, you're the best around here." He spoke from underneath his cap. The cap partially covered his face. Everybody started stating that Sasuke was the best and always will be.
"Well, where I come from, I'm the best. So I guess we both have a point to prove."

"Bring it on!" exclaimed Sasuke.

3..2...1...Go Shoot! They chanted once again. "Go Killer Beafowl!" Shouted the challenger.
"Go Sol Blaze!"

Both their beyblades were staring the other off.
"My name is Kazemaru. Remember it." The challenger said.
"I'm Sasuke. Sasuke Makuto. You won't forget it." Sasuke retorted.

Suddenly, Beafowl started moving in circles around Blaze. They were slow and elegent circles. "I get it. You're trying to trap me. Once my Blaze moves, you have me right where you want me. An opening will appear and you can get me on a direct hit. But you can't use my own move against me." Sasuke said.

Then Blaze started making small circles until it picked up enough speed and charged towards Beafowl. It was on full momentum and the power was immense.

But Beafowl dodged it.

A swift movement to the left and Beafowl had successfully avoided Blaze's attack.
"Now Beafowl! Let's go! We'll finish this now!!" Kazemaru shouted.
Suddenly, Beafowl's UpperWing145 Track switched outwards. Then it charged at Blaze and hit it on its side. Then Beafowl turned at came for another hit on the other side. And again, and again, until Beafowl was doing continuos loops around Blaze - and making strong hits too.

"I had it all figured out. How if you move, then I would have you just where I wanted you. So then...why did you move?" Kazemaru said, taking his hat off. It revealed his blue hair which flopped downwards. He had green eyes that glinted as he smiled.

But Sasuke didn't notice. He was noticing exactly when there would be a tiny opening in Beafowls movement. But there wasn't any. Beafowl then made a final strike and threw Blaze out the stadium.
It was a win for Kazemaru.

"You're not that bad, Kazemaru." Sasuke said.
"I could say the same." Kazemaru said.

But little did they know, someone was watching them.
But who is it? Find out in Episode 2!
If you like it: POSTPOSTPOST
If you don't like it: POSTPOSTPOST
If you're thirsty and don't really have any orange juice: POSTPOSTPOST
And if you're getting annoyed at me for listing these: POSTPOSTPOST

Thankx and remember to POSTPOSTPOST

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Sparta - Feb. 18, 2011

Lol I really COULD go for some orange juice right now........

but staying slightly more on topic, great story! More fluent and descriptive then some other one's I've seen.

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Tachimukai - Feb. 18, 2011

Episode 2: Danger! The Ominous Shadow

Last time on Katsu! :
We meet Sasuke - the blader who everyone knows as the best. But when a mysterious challenger - who introduces himself as Kazemaru - battles Sasuke, he proves victorious. Kazemaru's tactic and Killer Beafowl puts him over the top against Sasuke and his Sol Blaze Eclipse. But someone is watching them? But who???

Kazemaru and Sasuke walked back home together, Sasuke taking an instant interest to Kazemaru. "You're really good, Kazemaru!"
"Thanks. You know there's that Team Tournament coming up, we should Tag-Team up!"
Sasuke took a liking to this. "YEAH! My Blaze and your Beafowl!"

Suddenly, a man in a hood appeared in front of them. Both Kazemaru and Sasuke were startled.
"I know about you..." the hooded man rasped. He wore a fully black robe. This covered his face totally.
"Excuse me?" Kazemaru asked.
"My name is Void. We will battle now. If I win, your power is fed to the almighty Dusk Shadow!" Then he lifted his arms up and then there was a flash of black lightning.

Suddenly, Kazemaru and Sasuke found themselves in the middle of nowhere. They couldn't see anything other than blackness. "Where are we?" Sasuke trembled.
Suddenly Void appeared far away. Then between Void and the other two, a stadium appeared.

"Here we battle." Rasped Void.

"Okay, Kazemaru. I know what to do here. You go for the attack, I'll stay behind for the defense. Got it?" Sasuke suggested. Kazemaru nodded.

"3...2....1...Go Shoot!" They chanted. Their beyblades hit the floor. Void's beyblade (Dusk Shadow R125PS) had a rubber track at a 125 height and a Pyramid Sharp bottom.

Dusk Shadow took the centre position. Killer Beafowl and Sol Blaze circled on the outside.
"Alright let's go!" Sasuke and Kazemaru said in unison, breaking the silence.
Then Beafowl and Blaze were on either sides of the stadium. Then they went for the direct hit.


"You see," Void spoke more quietly. "...what Mizuchi Reiji did wrong was that he allowed his fear to interfere with his powers. I have no fear! It won't happen!"

Suddenly, Dusk Shadow turned into a big black orb and then Beafowl and Blaze where thrown right out the stadium. Then Kazemaru and Sasuke realised they were back in the real world - a huge relief - but also depressing when they saw a horrible sight.

Both Killer Beafowl and Sol Blaze were reduced to charred, black, scrap metal.

What will they do next? Find out in Episode 3!

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Sparx000 - Feb. 18, 2011

This is a realy good descriptive story.I want more!

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Light Yagami - Feb. 18, 2011

its awesome

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Tachimukai - Feb. 18, 2011

Oh dear - just noticed something!

The top choice on the poll is GIMME EPISODE 2 NOW! when it really should be:

Well, never mind.

Episode 3 is coming soon!
Here are some character bios! I really hate double posting....

Kazemaru Katashiko
Age: 11
Beyblade: Killer Beafowl
Description: He has blue floppy hair and wears a blue jacket zipped all the way. He has a case straped to his right arm with Killer Beafowl inside. He wears navy blue jeans and has a belt for his LightLauncher2 and BeyPointCard on 3-Segment Grip. He is a very skilled blader and is very friendly. He is usually a bit silly, but serious when it comes to battling.
One Special Thing: Aside Beyblading, he enjoys soccer a lot.

Sasuke Omoroshi
Beyblade: Sol Blaze (Eclipse Version)
Description: Sasuke has spiky black hair and a smiley expression. He is one of the best bladers around. He was known as the best until he was beaten by Kazemaru. He takes likings to people too quickly and sometimes can be a bit clueless. But he displays immense knowledge at different times. He has a belt with a Black BeyLauncher and BeyPointCard on a 3-Segment Grip.
One Special Thing: He used to own the regular Sol Blaze, but one night he left it outside and there was an eclipse that night. In the morning his Sol Blaze had gone from red to black and thus he had Sol Blaze Eclipse.

Void - (Real Name Unknown)
Age: Unknown
Beyblade: Dusk Shadow R125PS (Rubber125 and PyramidSharp)
Description: A very suspicious and mystical blader. He is known to completely annihilate bladers and - in battle - make them fear him immensely. Not much is known about this figure other than he is dangerously strong.
One Special Thing: He actually knows Kazemaru really well. But how, you ask? I will not reveal now...

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - C-Dub - Feb. 19, 2011

Definition o' awesome!! character requests:
NameConfusedamuel Husima
Bey:Core Shark F145 CES
Bey Description:Core:Core is like lightning only it has little fangs and a huge fang like metal in a compartment behind on of the blades and instead of the three blades it's a fin kinda.Shark energy ring:it's like libra only with a shark on the top and bottom and an open jaw (like wolf) on the sides.F145:fangs(rubber) stick down on every little time it gets shorter in length.CES:just like CS but it's plastic is eternal sharp.
Special Move:Fang Ripper:the extra fang pops out and shark attacks invisibly and then does like pegasis starblast attack if the opponents bey still spinning.
Personality:confident in battle and always wants to battle,loyal,trustworthy,couragous too.Side:good
he wears, an layered tee (Red and Green) Black jeans and red skateboarding sneakers, and has black spikey hair like sora and is african american

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - 001 - Feb. 19, 2011

nice story. long and entertaining. i keep nipping at its heel (metaphorically) yearning for more. basically. ITS GOOD

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Tachimukai - Feb. 19, 2011

(Feb. 19, 2011  2:33 AM)C-Dub Wrote: Definition o' awesome!! character requests:
NameConfusedamuel Husima
Bey:Core Shark F145 CES
Bey Description:Core:Core is like lightning only it has little fangs and a huge fang like metal in a compartment behind on of the blades and instead of the three blades it's a fin kinda.Shark energy ring:it's like libra only with a shark on the top and bottom and an open jaw (like wolf) on the sides.F145:fangs(rubber) stick down on every little time it gets shorter in length.CES:just like CS but it's plastic is eternal sharp.
Special Move:Fang Ripper:the extra fang pops out and shark attacks invisibly and then does like pegasis starblast attack if the opponents bey still spinning.
Personality:confident in battle and always wants to battle,loyal,trustworthy,couragous too.Side:good
he wears, an layered tee (Red and Green) Black jeans and red skateboarding sneakers, and has black spikey hair like sora and is african american

Accepted. This person will appear at the Team Tournament coming up.
Episode 3: The Light of the Dragon

Last time on Katsu! :
Kazemaru and Sasuke are walking back home at the end of the blading day, when a mysterious figure steps in their path! He introduces himself as Void and - like Mizuchi Reiji - enjoys the opponents fear. He displays destructive and annihilistic powers against Blaze and Beafowl, leaving them in the dust.

"I can't believe it." Sasuke stated. He picked up what was left of his Sol Blaze. It was just a piece of scrap metal now. So was Beafowl. "At least we're not trapped in that alternate dimension of his." Sasuke said.

Kazemaru stood up without a word. He put his Beafowl in his strapped case. "We're going to find Void, Sasuke. We're going to finish him once and for all." He said boldly.

"Hey, wait! What are we in, a thriller hollywood movie or something? What's up with the dramatic lines? Before we even think about confronting Void, we've gotta repair our beyblades." Sasuke mentioned.

"Hey." said a deep voice coming from behind them.
"I'm Daiki. I'm here to help you." He wore a white cloak and had black trousers. He had a chain connected from his beyblade holster to his pocket on his trousers. On this chain was a small symbol - a symbol of a dragon.

Daiki took the two to a big field. By the side of this field was a big bench. Daiki sat down and opened a black briefcase no-one had noticed him carrying. He took Beafowl and Blaze and started to do some maintanance on them. He took out various tool and started cleaning up the beys.

"You're going to fix our beyblades?" Kazemaru said, excitedly.
"Yep." he spoke with one word.
"Thanks Daiki!" Sasuke said.

The two waited about five minutes before Kazemaru remarked this was boring watching Daiki fix the beyblades. So Kazemaru went wandering round the field.
Suddenly, Kazemaru spotted something round on the ground.
"What's this?" he asked, picking it up.

"YAY! A SOCCER BALL!" Kazemaru exclaimed.
"Come on, Sasuke! Let's play soccer!"
"Sheesh who are you, Inazuma Eleven or something?" Sasuke muttered.

"Funny little kids..." Daiki said under his breath.
To be continued in Episode 4!

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Tachimukai - Feb. 19, 2011

Here come some UPDATED character bios! WoopWoop Bios!
I reaaallllyy hate double posting! WAH.

Kazemaru Katashiko

Age: 11
Beyblade: Killer Beafowl
Description: He has blue floppy hair and wears a blue jacket zipped all the way. He has a case straped to his right arm with Killer Beafowl inside. He wears navy blue jeans and has a belt for his LightLauncher2 and BeyPointCard on 3-Segment Grip. He is a very skilled blader and is very friendly. He is usually a bit silly, but serious when it comes to battling.
One Special Thing: Aside Beyblading, he enjoys soccer a lot and is also a very good goalkeeper.

Sasuke Omoroshi
Beyblade: Sol Blaze (Eclipse Version)
Description: Sasuke has spiky black hair and a smiley expression. He is one of the best bladers around. He was known as the best until he was beaten by Kazemaru. He takes likings to people too quickly and sometimes can be a bit clueless. But he displays immense knowledge at different times. He has a belt with a Black BeyLauncher and BeyPointCard on a 3-Segment Grip.
One Special Thing: He used to own the regular Sol Blaze, but one night he left it outside and there was an eclipse that night. In the morning his Sol Blaze had gone from red to black and thus he had Sol Blaze Eclipse.

Void - (Real Name Unknown)
Age: Unknown
Beyblade: Dusk Shadow R125PS (Rubber125 and PyramidSharp)
Description: A very suspicious and mystical blader. He is known to completely annihilate bladers and - in battle - make them fear him immensely. Not much is known about this figure other than he is dangerously strong.
One Special Thing: He actually knows Kazemaru really well. But how, you ask? I will not reveal now...

Daiki The Dragon
Age: 15
Beyblade: Meteo L Drago
Description: A very strong blader. He has a very short temper but likes to help people by fixing beyblades. Daiki has a white shirt with black trousers. He has a chain with a dragon on it. He carries a black briefcase with everything he needs for maintanance.
One Special Thing: He is not who you think he is...all will be revealed soon.

EXCLUSIVE! A new character who will come at a later date!

Kidou Fisherboy
Beyblade: Flop Magikarp F230TT (Fail230 and TooTall)
Description: He thinks he is the best blader ever. This is wrong. His beyblade Flop Magikarp is absolutely useless and gets destroyed easily. But he has a very devious mind. Can he make Flop Magikarp an epic bey? No, probably not.
One Special Thing: He is obsessed with Pokemon.

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Sparx000 - Feb. 19, 2011

May I make a request?
Name:Tutt Kuman
Looks:Golden eyes, golden shirt, blue and yellow pants and sandles.
Personality:Funny, wise, loyal, stands up for himself and his friends, an EPIC blader, will do anything to protect his little brother.
Bey:Ancient Pharaoh R(a)145 R(ock)
Ancient:A better version of poison, and painted in non chipping gold paint.
PharaohGaspverlapping mummy bandages.
R(a)145:Like U145 only more wings.
R(ock):Well, a piece of rock.
Good guy!

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Tachimukai - Feb. 19, 2011

(Feb. 19, 2011  2:56 PM)Mizuchi Reiji Wrote: May I make a request?
Name:Tutt Kuman
Looks:Golden eyes, golden shirt, blue and yellow pants and sandles.
Personality:Funny, wise, loyal, stands up for himself and his friends, an EPIC blader, will do anything to protect his little brother.
Bey:Ancient Pharaoh R(a)145 R(ock)
Ancient:A better version of poison, and painted in non chipping gold paint.
PharaohGaspverlapping mummy bandages.
R(a)145:Like U145 only more wings.
R(ock):Well, a piece of rock.
Good guy!

Accepted. This guy will team up with C-Dub's character in the team tournment.

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Tachimukai - Feb. 19, 2011


Last time on Katsu!:
Kazemaru and Sasuke both are depressed at their beyblades being destroyed. Then, a person who introduces himself as Daiki comes and helps them fix their beyblades. Kazemaru and Sasuke find a soccer ball and start playing soccer together in the field. But is their friendly match going to get out of hand?

Daiki was almost done fixing up Sol Blaze. Next up was Killer Beafowl. As he worked on the beyblades, he occasionally watched Kazemaru and Sasuke play a bit of soccer with a ball they found.

"Oh, come on, Sasuke, that was clearly a save!" protested Kazemaru. He was goalkeeping and Sasuke took a shot against him. The ball hit the cross bar then went immediately downwards, hitting the goalline right on the middle before bouncing back into Kazemaru's hands. Sasuke reckoned that was a goal. Kazemaru said that was on the line, and not in the goal.

"Nope, just because you're losing 6-2, Kazemaru!" Sasuke retorted.
"It's only 6-2 if you count the cheating on your part! Otherwise it's clearly 2-2!"
Then they started wrestling and getting all muddy.

"That's it!" Sasuke shouted. He pointed his finger right at Kazemaru and said:
"I challenge you to a beyblade battle!"

And then, both of the found themselves blading on a flat piece of slate. It was only about 3x3Foot big.

3...2...1...GO SHOOT! they chanted. Suddenly, they realised something. When they pulled their launchers no beyblade was launched.
"Oh, yeah. Our beyblades are being fixed by Daiki." Sasuke realised.
"So, let's get people to battle for us!"

So Sasuke ran to Daiki and begged him to fight. Kazemaru - noticing Sasuke took his choice of blader - started to look around for any people. Most people around the area were bladers, so he was almost 100% sure he'd find one.
Eventually, Kazemaru noticed a figure in the distance.
"HEY KID!" he shouted across the field.

The kid introduced himself as Kidou Fisherboy. With his fish beyblade.
So the battle would commence.

"3...2...1...GO SHOOT!" Daiki called as he launched his Meteo L Drago.
"3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" Kidou called as he launched his Flop Magikarp F230TT.
Kazemaru, Sasuke and Daiki sent a confused look at Kidou with his chant.
"Oh, I'm American. Over there we say 'Let It Rip'."

Flop Magikarp was already tilting precariously and it hadn't even been attacked yet.
"Are you sure that's a great beyblade?" Kazemaru asked.
"Sure! My Magikarp is the best! It's a poke'mon name. My track is Fail 230, the highest track ever! It had big metal pieces welded into it. My bottom is TooTall, the highest bottom ever! My Metal Wheel is Flop, the heaviest ever!"

Anime Teardrop on Kazemaru's face. ""

"Alright, Magikarp! Let's go! SELF DESTRUCTION!" The only noise before this move was executed was:
"WHAT!?" coming from Kazemaru. Suddenly there was a massive explosion and there was a spray of plastic and metal in the air.
After the smoke cleared, there was only one beyblade in the dish. L Drago.

"Oh, darn." said Kidou, before turning on his heel and leaving.

This will be continued in Episode 5: Sting like a Wasp! Part 1!

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - C-Dub - Feb. 19, 2011

wow that was a FAIL for magikarps in the pokemon world

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Sparta - Feb. 19, 2011

(Feb. 19, 2011  4:46 PM)Kazemaru Wrote: Katsu!

Last time on Katsu!:
Kazemaru and Sasuke both are depressed at their beyblades being destroyed. Then, a person who introduces himself as Daiki comes and helps them fix their beyblades. Kazemaru and Sasuke find a soccer ball and start playing soccer together in the field. But is their friendly match going to get out of hand?

Daiki was almost done fixing up Sol Blaze. Next up was Killer Beafowl. As he worked on the beyblades, he occasionally watched Kazemaru and Sasuke play a bit of soccer with a ball they found.

"Oh, come on, Sasuke, that was clearly a save!" protested Kazemaru. He was goalkeeping and Sasuke took a shot against him. The ball hit the cross bar then went immediately downwards, hitting the goalline right on the middle before bouncing back into Kazemaru's hands. Sasuke reckoned that was a goal. Kazemaru said that was on the line, and not in the goal.

"Nope, just because you're losing 6-2, Kazemaru!" Sasuke retorted.
"It's only 6-2 if you count the cheating on your part! Otherwise it's clearly 2-2!"
Then they started wrestling and getting all muddy.

"That's it!" Sasuke shouted. He pointed his finger right at Kazemaru and said:
"I challenge you to a beyblade battle!"

And then, both of the found themselves blading on a flat piece of slate. It was only about 3x3Foot big.

3...2...1...GO SHOOT! they chanted. Suddenly, they realised something. When they pulled their launchers no beyblade was launched.
"Oh, yeah. Our beyblades are being fixed by Daiki." Sasuke realised.
"So, let's get people to battle for us!"

So Sasuke ran to Daiki and begged him to fight. Kazemaru - noticing Sasuke took his choice of blader - started to look around for any people. Most people around the area were bladers, so he was almost 100% sure he'd find one.
Eventually, Kazemaru noticed a figure in the distance.
"HEY KID!" he shouted across the field.

The kid introduced himself as Kidou Fisherboy. With his fish beyblade.
So the battle would commence.

"3...2...1...GO SHOOT!" Daiki called as he launched his Meteo L Drago.
"3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" Kidou called as he launched his Flop Magikarp F230TT.
Kazemaru, Sasuke and Daiki sent a confused look at Kidou with his chant.
"Oh, I'm American. Over there we say 'Let It Rip'."

Flop Magikarp was already tilting precariously and it hadn't even been attacked yet.
"Are you sure that's a great beyblade?" Kazemaru asked.
"Sure! My Magikarp is the best! It's a poke'mon name. My track is Fail 230, the highest track ever! It had big metal pieces welded into it. My bottom is TooTall, the highest bottom ever! My Metal Wheel is Flop, the heaviest ever!"

Anime Teardrop on Kazemaru's face. ""

"Alright, Magikarp! Let's go! SELF DESTRUCTION!" The only noise before this move was executed was:
"WHAT!?" coming from Kazemaru. Suddenly there was a massive explosion and there was a spray of plastic and metal in the air.
After the smoke cleared, there was only one beyblade in the dish. L Drago.

"Oh, darn." said Kidou, before turning on his heel and leaving.

This will be continued in Episode 5: Edward's Challenge!
Poor magikarp.....if only it had the chance to evolve into a red gyarados. then it would have WRECKED!!!!!

Yes, I do play pokemon. And yes, I have an action replay. So yes, I can wreck.

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Light Yagami - Feb. 19, 2011

me too

RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Tachimukai - Feb. 19, 2011

Episode 5: Sting like a Wasp! Part 1!

Last time on Katsu! :
Kazemaru and Sasuke get into a mean cat-fight and then find bladers to fight for them. Sasuke picks Daiki and Kazemaru finds a blader off the street named Kidou. Kidou has the beyblade Flop Magikarp and ultimately fails against Daiki and L Drago. What will happen next?

"I can't believe that actually happened." Daiki remarked.

Daiki gave Beafowl and Blaze back to Kazemaru and Sasuke. "YAY!" they cheered.
Suddenly, an ominous dark cloud appeared in the usually blue sky.
"I...gotta go." Daiki mumbled and then ran off away.
"Why does Daiki have to go?" Sasuke wondered.

Daiki ran all the way up the hill. He passed many houses until he came to the entrance for Storm Towers. Storm Towers was a very tall building with a beyblade stadium at the top. The stadium was only used by the tower's owner: Edward Storm. He loved beyblading, but it was a Sunday. And Storm Towers was always closed on Sunday.

"Argh, it's closed."

Suddenly Daiki felt dizzy and there was a flash!

"No, Daiki! Don't touch that plant. That's where I keep my spare Keycard."

"What was that?" Daiki asked himself. "Was that a flashback? I do remember my father telling me that years ago. But why now?" Suddenly Daiki remembered when his father had said that. It was at the opening of his grand hotel: Hotel Stromos Rewst named after a great explorer of ancient Greece. His father had told him when he was only six that he should not touch the plant by the door, because it concealed his spare keycard.

"That's it!" Daiki muttered. He reached down to the plant next to the locked door and dug around. He felt something rectangular. "The keycard!" he exclaimed. He unlocked the door and made his way up to the stadium.

When he got there, he saw two men talking to each other. Suddenly, Daiki felt dizzy again. "What, another dizzy spell?" he though.

"Daiki!Remember the big stadium on the top of the hotel Stromos Rewst is very fragile. In fact, never climb down into it. That is because it is actually a vault. This vault leads to a cellar filled with petrol. Falling onto the floor will trigger the match and it will start to burn. But the amazing thing is, it will never hurt the hotel."

"Stromos Rewst? Weird name or what?" Daiki thought.


RE: Katsu! - A BeyStory! - Kujikato - Mar. 04, 2011

epic story, keep up tje good work characther request coming soon