World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Beyblade Online Text Role Playing Game - Printable Version

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Beyblade Online Text Role Playing Game - Dung - Oct. 23, 2010

"Bzzzzz","Bzzzzz" The sound of the alarm clock has woke you up. You softly hit it, as you stretch your muscles. "Breakfest is done!" Your Mom, making Blueberry Pancakes. You turn to the door, then you sunddenly, turn to the clock. "OH NO!" You shrieked. You Race down the hard wood steps down to the last one, grabing your shoes as you head out the door? "[Name] Come down and eat!" Your Mom said. As you race down the street, Vistors, Strangers, and Passers by see you Charging like a mad bull. "BANG" The noise of your entrance has distrubed the whole building. "ah, well, well, good morning!" You know that voice, soft, yet rough. It was Mr. Mink, One of the workers for TT. "Your here for THAT I suppose?" You nod your head gently, like a dog would do. Mr. Mink Reached down to his pocket, Under that fine lint and loose change was 3 beyblades. Go ahead, pick one! He brings his hands up to you. He shows 3 beyblades. Rock Orso, Burn Pheniox or Thermal Pieces. You point your finger to one, but which one?

Make a character profile and then choose Grin

RE: Beyblade Online Text Role Playing Game - galaxy epic - Oct. 23, 2010

Name:Lucas Harmony
Atitude:Kind hearted and a strong blader

burn pheonix."ahhhh.Wise choice." says Mr.Mink."So we have a deal?"i said out of breath.

(All i could get before my mom said "GET OFF THE COMPUTER!!!!")

RE: Beyblade Online Text Role Playing Game - Key blader - Oct. 23, 2010

i walk up to him and point to pisces "thanks" i say. i run out the door to my bey shop. i make modifications and now have lightning angeloAS115 FS ( one of my many made up beys) i smile and run to test it

RE: Beyblade Online Text Role Playing Game - Kai-V - Oct. 23, 2010

... There are other sites to do that "quality" of role playing. Here, we do not really focus on that.