World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Lost In Darkness (Non-Beyblade Story) - Printable Version

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RE: Lost In Darkness (Non-Beyblade story. Make a Monster contest has started!) - SwiftShadow - Aug. 08, 2011

I just realized that I forgot to update the story while I was away. Sorry, my family has been going through some not so good times and I was also celebrating my Grandfathers 70th birthday, and I got a little carried away. Sorry for the wait Terra Blazer, Amber Rosario, and anyone else who reads this story. I'll try to get the next chapters up sooner. I'm almost done with Chapter 6 and it has been such a good time to write, mostly because it involves some of my favorite characters, but I should be done soon. Then again, I have camp all week... It should be done by Friday, I hope.

Anyway, here is Chapter 5. Please, Rate and Comment!

RE: Lost In Darkness (Non-Beyblade story. Make a Monster contest has started!) - Amber Rosario - Aug. 08, 2011

is Kiernan going to get an actually useful weapon soon? I'm surprised he survived this long with just two sticks

RE: Lost In Darkness (Non-Beyblade story. Make a Monster contest has started!) - SwiftShadow - Aug. 08, 2011

He will be getting weapons of his own soon, but I can't tell how he will get them. He'll also become stronger as he goes on missions and through training. The only reason that he isn't dead yet is because he's had help in the moments that would have killed him, and he hasn't faced the real threat yet.

RE: Lost In Darkness (Non-Beyblade Story) - SwiftShadow - Aug. 11, 2011

Chapter 6 may take a little longer than I thought it would. I'm busy with camp and my sister is doing these performances that I have to go to, and it is really taking away from my writing time. I also have Summer assignments which I haven't even started yet, I'm a big procrastinator. Anyway, until chapter 6 is finished, PLEASE GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK! I REALLY NEED IT!

RE: Lost In Darkness (Non-Beyblade Story) - SwiftShadow - Aug. 14, 2011

So I still haven't finished chapter six, due to camp, violin, and other things, and I'm really not sure if it will be done any time soon. I'm putting this story to the side for now while I work on another idea that I have been putting off for a while in order to write this, and I'm hoping that this new idea works out better than this. Sorry to XwailingX, since your monster was going to make its first appearance in chapter six, and to Terra Blazer and Amber Rosario, my two fans. I'll still be working on this, but I'm not sure when I'll update this again, but it's not like that many people were looking forward to the next chapter, or even read the story.

RE: Lost In Darkness (Non-Beyblade Story) - Septentrione - Aug. 14, 2011

Well... this is bad news.
Hah, I'll miss this story though... looking forward to your next idea!

RE: Lost In Darkness (Non-Beyblade Story) - RowDog - Aug. 20, 2011

Great story. There is something always happening and you have balance the description and movement of the story perfectly and there is a great balance there. Only read the first chapter right now because it's so long but I will continue reading, you can count on that. There are a few mistakes there though and did I see a 'Men in Black' reference?
Keep it up. Stupid

RE: Lost In Darkness (Non-Beyblade Story) - Ripple - Sep. 30, 2011

SwiftShadow. This is amazing. It covers 22 pages (right now) on a word document. The beginning does what every story should. It sucks you right in, and your stuck. It is truly amazing. Keep it up.

RE: Lost In Darkness (Non-Beyblade Story) - Kujikato - Oct. 01, 2011

Love it. Fan. But I can't put in the user bar cause I already have 2 pics in my sig

RE: Lost In Darkness (Non-Beyblade Story) - SwiftShadow - Oct. 05, 2011

Thanks guys! I've decided that I'm going to enter this in NaNoWriMo, and re-write what I've done so far so it won't be cheating. I'll try to post updates along the way and I will have the whole story finished by the end of November. Afterwards, I'll try to get it in the library. I sort of lost motivation for writing during late august up until last week, but after reading some other stories and entries for the writing tournament, I've gotten it back. I'm really determined to finish this!

RE: Lost In Darkness (Non-Beyblade Story) - Septentrione - Nov. 21, 2011

Haha! Go SwiftShadow! Great, now I'm gonna lose track of time if you continue the story!
Yeah, your one of my inspirations. (With Sparta)

P.S. Does that mean that Kalygura's is gonna be in it?!?!