World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Strange Dreams you've had - Printable Version

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RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Khel - May. 31, 2009

(May. 31, 2009  5:09 PM)Roan Wrote: Last night I dreamed that I wrote this book and it had this really provocative plot that dealt with gay marriage and a couple who had been committed for 14 years yet had their marriage from california nullified by the recent supreme court decision to uphold Prop. 8 (I know that's not how the ruling worked, but it was a dream damn it lmao).

Anyway, the two of them make a big splash about it in the media and go to lots of protests and they sort of became the spokesmen for the fight against Prop 8, but they end up being assassinated during a rally by a crazy religious extremist. The novel was really controversial and I got really famous for it, and what made the dream strange is that because of the book, I became sort of the mascot/guy everyone looked to in the fight against Prop 8 IRL. I went to a lot of rallies and spoke in front of thousands of people, not only on the ruling of Prop. 8 but on various issues pertaining to gays and equality, but then I ended up getting assassinated myself in a pseudo-neo-Martin Luther King Jr. incident.

It was a really crazy dream.

Seriously that could be made into a movie.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Aikemi - May. 31, 2009

(May. 31, 2009  5:21 PM)Khel Wrote: Seriously that could be made into a movie.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Jsc - May. 31, 2009

Last night i dreamed that I was Light Yagami and kept saving girls at my school from Vampires. There was something else but I cant remember well.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Gadget - Jun. 01, 2009

Oddest dream I've ever had was where the power rangers took alcohol away from me for a year and every time I'd try to get some alcohol they'd like..jump in and beat the carp outta me..

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Katashi - Jun. 02, 2009

This one was actually like a month ago. I'd been playing through Morrowind so much out of sheer boredom I actually dreamed in first person with a HUD.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Rocky - Jun. 03, 2009

Just had an afternoon nap.......I dreamt that I saw this kid crossing the road. There was also a truck coming down the road fast. The kid dropped something so I ran forward to get him out the way. I pushed him forward just in time but got hit myself and ended up in a coma. My mom made an account on here so she could inform you guys that I was in a bad way and the doctors weren't sure if I was gonna make it or not.

I think the general response was 'Well damn, that sucks'.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Zander Soulwind - Jun. 03, 2009

(Jun. 03, 2009  6:31 PM)Rocky Wrote: Just had an afternoon nap.......I dreamt that I saw this kid crossing the road. There was also a truck coming down the road fast. The kid dropped something so I ran forward to get him out the way. I pushed him forward just in time but got hit myself and ended up in a coma. My mom made an account on here so she could inform you guys that I was in a bad way and the doctors weren't sure if I was gonna make it or not.

I think the general response was 'Well damn, that sucks'.

Gasp Is that all people said, you have to be kidding, if anything I would get to the hospital as soon as I could.

Strangely though, I had a dream that I was talking to Brad in person and amazingly, he was as clear as day. Anyway, we were talking about the WBO and even had a laptop on with it on this website, I don't know what we said to each other though but damn, that was weird.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Jsc - Jun. 03, 2009

I dreamed that most people from here came to my house and we were making a rap song about the WBO. I was singing it in my dream and it rhymed and was awesome, but know I can't remember any of it.

Im starting to dream about the WBO more and more.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Neku2 - Jun. 04, 2009

I had a dream the other night that I had a talking cat that sat on my shoulder like a parrot, It was wierd. MFB's had just released and i went to target and bought every one on the shelf. Then Brad popped up out of no where and started talking about wierd nonsense. He jumped off a cliff and flew away. Then my cat was hit by a semi truck. I woke up and was just like, "what the heck". :p

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Jsc - Jun. 04, 2009

Quote:He jumped off a cliff and flew away.

lol that was funny...

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Nuno - Jun. 04, 2009

I don't know why but in the last days I've been dreaming every night about my best friends.
I'm afraid something might happen to them... :s

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Brandon - Jun. 04, 2009

Actually just last week i had a dream that i was in a beybattle but after launching my blade it turned into a hamster and i fell down a hole......then i woke up.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Bey Brad - Jun. 05, 2009

you creeps dream about me too much

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Neku2 - Jun. 05, 2009

(Jun. 05, 2009  12:06 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: you creeps dream about me too much

Cuz, your king of the WBO.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Zander Soulwind - Jun. 05, 2009

(Jun. 05, 2009  12:06 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: you creeps dream about me too much

Lmao, it was only a one off dream and if it was up to me, I would never have a dream with you in it. Tongue_out

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Roan - Jun. 05, 2009

(Jun. 05, 2009  5:51 PM)Zander Soulwind Wrote: Lmao, it was only a one off dream and if it was up to me, I would never have a dream with you in it. Tongue_out


RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Jsc - Jun. 05, 2009

Last night I had a nightmare that someone built a fence around the world and It went thtough our yard. There was a head with a personality and abunch of blades that spun around its head that constantly revolved aroung the world on that fence. LOL it was called "slicing sarah". Then one day it came to our yard and we started fighting it trying to not get cut. Then the head popped off and my buried it. I camt remember any more.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Assault - Jun. 05, 2009

Well if any of you have seen "the barnyard" you would know it's about talking animals, and yada yada.

well my dream was based off of that kind of.

I was a cow in my dream, and was walking when some guy came out of no where and said that i stole something of his. This other dude came out of no where and said, "No that just a stupid fat cow" so i threw a chair at him.

that's my latest strange dream.

The strangest one i had was about a virtual pokemon game, and there was a gliche so me and Erik (no idea who he is) got stuck in the game. We eventually ended up on a pirate ship with other people who had been stuck. These weird pirate guys started to kill us off one at a time, and my "twin brother" KC was one of them. he got sucked down into this hole with blades at the bottom, and blood just flew everywhere.

Actually im alot better at writting this in a story format, because i suck at explaining stuff with so little detail.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Rustin - Jun. 20, 2009

i had a long nite and i only got 5 hours of sleep, i had a very strange dream, i was running and jumping from building to building and there was an earthquake that was following me, buildings wer falling as i landed on top of them, the earthquake eventually stopped and i got in to a bus, when i was in the bus there was no 1 in it and there wasnt even a driver, when the bus stopped i stepped out on to a metal pole that was connected to the side of a cliff, i tried to get the cliff but a bird landed on the pole and it broke, while i was fallling i knew i was about to wake up, when i hit the ground i woke up(of course)

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Assault - Jun. 22, 2009

another weird one i had was after my best friend died, from a car accident last year

in my dream i was on this bus with my co-worker Brandon, and little brother Jarren. We were all really tired and i eventually passed on against Brandon. When I woke up (in my dream) we got off the bus, and i saw Nick (he's the one that died) sitting on a rock. His black hair spiked, he was wearing his tan shorts, and his green polo shirt. I remember the place we were at was so peaceful, and it seemed like there wasn't a care in the world. Like there was world peace or something.
So i ran up to nick and hugged. While i was hugging him i heard him say to brandon, "thanks for watching over her and Jarren"

Soon after i was done hugging him he looked me in the eyes and said, "so are you going to wait with me for the others?" I looked at him confused when it suddenly hit me and I asked, " i dead" He nodded his head...and i woke up crying.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Gadget - Jun. 22, 2009

Yesterday me and my friend had an amusing discussion about cross-breeding after watching a video of a monkey trying to kiss a cat. And last night I had a dream about owning a cat-monkey.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Rustin - Jun. 22, 2009

(Jun. 22, 2009  1:14 AM)Gadget Wrote: Yesterday me and my friend had an amusing discussion about cross-breeding after watching a video of a monkey trying to kiss a cat. And last night I had a dream about owning a cat-monkey.

what did it look like and when did u see a monkey kiss a cat?

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Cailany - Jul. 07, 2009

to make it short... I and friends are in a high speed chase crash into Kmart. 1 car turns into 3 transformers with each friend in one. i landed on a cell phone stand who then yells are normal me had to buy 6 cell phones. walked out of Kmart. Saw other friends who also were also in the car that crashed.... went back into Kmart for coffee (threw the Exit sign) Kyouya said this was to crazy and was out... and so obviously that meant i was (news to me) we walked out. ask why i had to leave? said he was the lion (psychotic laugh) and i was the den so we had to stick together....
Then I woke up to someone knocking on the door and i thought of that last line and was just "wtf...."

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Hyuuga Neji - Jul. 07, 2009

I had a REALLY weird dream that suddenly, in my city of 200,000 people, all students from K-12 were now to attend one school with a schedule from 10:00 AM-6:30 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and from 7:00 AM-11:30 AM on Wednesday. Not to mention, I dreamed that me and my classmates were doing really weird stuff during school.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - To - Jul. 07, 2009

(Jul. 07, 2009  9:26 PM)Hyuuga Neji Wrote: I had a REALLY weird dream that suddenly, in my city of 200,000 people, all students from K-12 were now to attend one school with a schedule from 10:00 AM-6:30 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and from 7:00 AM-11:30 AM on Wednesday. Not to mention, I dreamed that me and my classmates

Epic Cliffhanger