World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Strange Dreams you've had - Printable Version

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RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Jsc - May. 15, 2009

My mom told me that I went sleep walking last night and was playing with my xbox360 controller. I'm scared...what If I like drop the console or something Chocked_2

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - The Shredder - May. 15, 2009

man i had the randomest dream the other night, i dreamt about about a big black ferocious wolf staring at me, and the dream went weird and power rangers came out to fight the wolf............ THAT IS WHACKED XD

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - A' - May. 15, 2009

Nice! Anyway I had the best dream ever recently!! I was like on some forum site online and then beside the site i saw an advertisement saying "Jason Fu, the Party Person!!" And as i was watching the advertisement online and it said " Jason Fu and his mom host parties together!!" And so it continued showing a clip of one of he and his moms parties with a few people sitting and one kid running around saying duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck goose! And then in the dream i said i must go one of his parites!

Jason Fu is a kid in my school Chinese, 10 years old and yeah. It was the coolest dream...I wanna go to his party! It's the best dream ever even without a collection of Blades, because i dont know why!! Lol i'm predicting awful replies to this about a being bad post, or critisizing.
I told everyone in school about the dream....

Also i have the strangest dreams...Like the one i posted about with everyone like Bey brad turning into bouncing cherries. I also scream alote in dreams like recently when i was on my laptop and behind me was a talking plank. I,....Screamed.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Jsc - May. 16, 2009

I dreamed last night that this guy was chasing me around my house trying to kill me. Our door is messed up and If you slam it too hard it Wont open. So I Ran outside and slammed the door hard and when he finally opened it I hit him with a golf club and my uncle waas there for some reason and started laughing and slicing potatoes(yeah wierd...) Then this guy got my Ipod-Touch and tried to throw it, but it spun around and hit him in the eye.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Pikachao - May. 16, 2009

I dreamed about finding extra slots for memory sticks in my PSP but they only accepted those micro-SD card things. It was weird. D=

Also, apparently I was talking in my sleep at my friend's house last night. O.o

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Scorpio - May. 17, 2009

I had a dream once that I was running on a rooftop and fell.It took awhile before I made contact and then woke up on the floor.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Rustin - May. 19, 2009

i had a dream last night that i went to the beach (didnt put sunscreen on) surfed the biggest wave i had ever seen and had a one of those hawiian parties (dont know how to spell the name of the party), last nite i watched a bunch of surf movies to try and influence my dream and it worked

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Deikailo - May. 21, 2009

UUUGHH! I just had a nightmare about BWR.

So the convention center is now my yiayia's (grandmother) house. I get there on Friday and I pass out. I woke up and I was pissed that I missed meeting everyone. A few people weres sleeping on the bedroom foor except Anubis, Brad, Annie, and a few others. Anubis was preparing a Shakespeare play, Brad was beauitfying himself in the restroom, and I'll assume Annie was with him.

I inched around (like an inch worm) and started...chewing Brad's energizer batteries? while singing some stupid made up tune. I realized how retarded this looked and stopped. I then saw my yiayia's bookshelf. Behind some of the sappy Greek love novels, I saw unopened MFB. Orange Leone, beypointer, grip, and the newly released "Alligator". Of course, I took them.

I passed out again, and woke up Saturday afternoon. Everyone was gone. I called up Anubis to find out the tournament was almost over, and I wasn't going to make it in time. I quickly jumped into the refridgerator to take a shower.

Then I woke up to my spare cell phone beeping.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Roan - May. 21, 2009

I had a horrible dream two nights ago where the guy I'm sorta seeing right now got fatally beaten up in the parking lot where we work while I was gone to BWR and I didn't find out until after I got home that he was dead.

It actually turned out to be a planned hit -- whoever it was knew I was leaving and waited until I was gone to have him done in. It was horrible. I woke up crying. lol

I actually told him about it last night when I saw him. Kinda made him nervous. Whoops. lmao

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - josh-jf - May. 21, 2009

^^Lol i couldnt even begin to make a comment about that. Just wow. Lol

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - The Shredder - May. 21, 2009

A couple of months ago I learnt how to do lucid dreaming, if you don't know what it is it's basically being aware of your dreams, and the result is being able to control them completely, and i must say it is the coolest thing I've ever experienced, and it can also be the freakiest, but still amazing.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Deikailo - May. 21, 2009

Take him with you, Roan. xD Then one of you guys can make sure I don't fall asleep.

(May. 21, 2009  4:51 PM)josh-jf Wrote: ^^Lol i couldnt even begin to make a comment about that. Just wow. Lol
Which one?

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - josh-jf - May. 21, 2009

Lol i think it started with the centre being your grandmothers house, and ended with you taking a shower in the fridge lol.

Your dreams always fascinate me lol.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Deikailo - May. 21, 2009

(May. 21, 2009  4:52 PM)The Shredder Wrote: A couple of months ago I learnt how to do lucid dreaming, if you don't know what it is it's basically being aware of your dreams, and the result is being able to control them completely, and i must say it is the coolest thing I've ever experienced, and it can also be the freakiest, but still amazing.
I used to do this. I stopped when my dreams actually started getting worse to compensate for my control.

For example, I used to commit suicide to end a dream, because the [dream] world can't live without me if I'm dead. Then it was made so I can't die.
(May. 21, 2009  4:57 PM)josh-jf Wrote: Lol i think it started with the centre being your grandmothers house, and ended with you taking a shower in the fridge lol.

Your dreams always fascinate me lol.
Have I ever posted the one where I have to invade an evil fortress with my kung-fu cows?

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - The Shredder - May. 21, 2009

(May. 21, 2009  4:58 PM)Deikailo Wrote: I used to do this. I stopped when my dreams actually started getting worse to compensate for my control.

For example, I used to commit suicide to end a dream, because the [dream] world can't live without me if I'm dead. Then it was made so I can't die.

well, it may not have been lucid dreaming, something else similar no doubt, but lucid dreaming you can chose when to wake up, because in your mind you are aware that it is a dream.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Deikailo - May. 21, 2009

(May. 21, 2009  5:01 PM)The Shredder Wrote: well, it may not have been lucid dreaming, something else similar no doubt, but lucid dreaming you can chose when to wake up, because in your mind you are aware that it is a dream.
Yes, i would do this. I knew it was a dream. If I "chose" to wake up, I'd just wake up in my bed, and it was be a consecutive dream that I was also aware of. I could spend a fair amount of time in my dream trying to wake myself up.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - josh-jf - May. 21, 2009

^^ somehow i think i would have remembered that one if you did lol, unless i happened to miss it. I get those dream's but i can't wake myself up whenever i want to. To be honest i actually have reasons as to why i make myself aware that im dreaming in my dream's, it has to do with how strict i am with myself and being as in control with myself as possible.

Lol im strict when it come's to the way i look at myself. (If that doesnt make sense then dont mind me lol)

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - The Shredder - May. 21, 2009

(May. 21, 2009  5:05 PM)Deikailo Wrote: Yes, i would do this. I knew it was a dream. If I "chose" to wake up, I'd just wake up in my bed, and it was be a consecutive dream that I was also aware of. I could spend a fair amount of time in my dream trying to wake myself up.

oh... thats strange, i think the difference is that your lucid dreaming occured randomly? (correct me if I'm wrong). Because theres a way you're meant to train yourself to do it properly.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Deikailo - May. 21, 2009

(May. 21, 2009  5:09 PM)The Shredder Wrote: oh... thats strange, i think the difference is that your lucid dreaming occured randomly? (correct me if I'm wrong). Because theres a way you're meant to train yourself to do it properly.
My dreams are pretty vulgar. I used to hate sleeping as a child (actually, I still do) because of the kinds of dreams I'd have. That's just the worst part of the nightmare.

My dreams would actually change depending on my thought. I knew I could never hide because my dream would just read my mind so whatever was hunting me would always find me.

I won hide and seek as a child because I'd over estimate the seeker due to these kinds of dreams.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - The Shredder - May. 21, 2009

wow, sorry to hear that, im the opposite; i love nightmares, the feeling of adrenaline and fear all mixed into one

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Rocky - May. 21, 2009

Same, I love pretty much all dreams, Nightmares are scary at the time but it's fine once you've woken up. Sometimes they make me sad but my dreams are normally happy or completely random. I don't have nightmares all that much. I used to have them more as a kid but I haven't had one in a while now.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - The Shredder - May. 21, 2009

Yeah, i just love how it lets you know that your mind has no boundaries since it can produce scenarios that could never be part of reality.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Deikailo - May. 21, 2009

My adrenaline count is too high so I'll feel really, really active and it can be literally two minutes later I'm passed out on the floor because I have too much rushin through me constantly.

My dreams are about stuff like cannibalism, rape, people murdering people close to me, people close to me murdering me, doctors, being chased by red sports cars, being imprisoned, freezing to death, guilt, etc.

It's all very personal or just gruesome.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - KaotikusNemesis - May. 27, 2009

This one time I dreamed that Goku, Jesus, The Incredible Hulk, and G1 Optimus Prime were judges in an interdimensional time-court and I was being charged with interdimensional treason because I killed the Jedi council and the one vampire from Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins and I was sentenced to death but Morpheus appeared and gave me the red pill and I got a Digivice and Candlemon digivolved into Meramon and killed Jesus and The Hulk but was taken out by Goku but then Beast Wars Megatron came in and said "Yesss..." then killed Goku, but was destroyed by Optimus Prime so I got my Zanpaku-tô and performed my Bankai which blew up the universe.

Then I woke up.

It was awesome.

RE: Strange Dreams you've had - Roan - May. 31, 2009

Last night I dreamed that I wrote this book and it had this really provocative plot that dealt with gay marriage and a couple who had been committed for 14 years yet had their marriage from california nullified by the recent supreme court decision to uphold Prop. 8 (I know that's not how the ruling worked, but it was a dream damn it lmao).

Anyway, the two of them make a big splash about it in the media and go to lots of protests and they sort of became the spokesmen for the fight against Prop 8, but they end up being assassinated during a rally by a crazy religious extremist. The novel was really controversial and I got really famous for it, and what made the dream strange is that because of the book, I became sort of the mascot/guy everyone looked to in the fight against Prop 8 IRL. I went to a lot of rallies and spoke in front of thousands of people, not only on the ruling of Prop. 8 but on various issues pertaining to gays and equality, but then I ended up getting assassinated myself in a pseudo-neo-Martin Luther King Jr. incident.

It was a really crazy dream.