(Aug. 20, 2009 11:46 AM)bey_masta12345 Wrote: I know at the start of this thread someone asked about galux and it was a custom but my cousin sad that he bought a boxed beyblade and it had a pink cheater bit beast and the blade was pink. so is that possible? can someone show me a picture of what galux actually looks lke please?
Galux is just a pink Galeon.
Here are some pictures taken by Benyval.
(Aug. 15, 2009 2:59 AM)Beynval Wrote: [Image: img0703d.jpg]
[Image: img0704did.jpg]
But there is also an official Galux combo which is just:
AR: War Lion (Galeon)
WD: 8 Wide
BB: Metal Ball Base (Draciel MBD)